
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Cerebrosides [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
MS [NCBI] 0.00039132
MBP [NCBI] 2.86536e-05
GAL3ST1 [NCBI] 1.32797e-05
PSAP [NCBI] 9.05484e-06
GALC [NCBI] 4.25098e-06
FAAH [NCBI] 3.15776e-06
TF [NCBI] 2.39481e-06
GLTP [NCBI] 1.94984e-06
HTR1B [NCBI] 1.40001e-06
CD1D [NCBI] 1.32958e-06
PAM [NCBI] 1.24932e-06
CRP [NCBI] 1.22388e-06
PTPN6 [NCBI] 1.12799e-06
UMOD [NCBI] 1.10972e-06
ALB [NCBI] 1.09726e-06
G6PD [NCBI] 9.69262e-07
BACE1 [NCBI] 9.67286e-07
CHAT [NCBI] 8.05968e-07
AFP [NCBI] 7.42393e-07
GFAP [NCBI] 6.82451e-07
EGF [NCBI] 3.90537e-07


OMIM Link Information
krabbe disease [NCBI] 0.00155678
metachromatic leukodystrophy [NCBI] 0.000410425
gaucher disease, type i [NCBI] 0.000313945
MBP [NCBI] 0.000309809
fabry disease [NCBI] 0.000265673
gaucher disease, type ii [NCBI] 0.00019318
niemann-pick disease, type a [NCBI] 0.000173649
gaucher disease, type iii [NCBI] 0.00016733
wolman disease with hypolipoproteinemia and acanthocytosis [NCBI] 0.000161681
TSD [NCBI] 0.000141133
corpus callosum, partial agenesis of, x-linked [NCBI] 0.000130109
NPC1 [NCBI] 0.000122839
ceroid storage disease [NCBI] 0.000118204
OKS [NCBI] 0.00010474
GAL3ST1 [NCBI] 9.54122e-05
PMD [NCBI] 9.45366e-05
metachromatic leukodystrophy due to saposin b deficiency [NCBI] 8.34499e-05
gm1-gangliosidosis, type ii [NCBI] 7.98314e-05
niemann-pick disease, type b [NCBI] 6.83559e-05
ALD [NCBI] 5.78505e-05
hypertrophic neuropathy of dejerine-sottas [NCBI] 5.47601e-05
mucolipidosis ii [NCBI] 5.08928e-05
PSAP [NCBI] 4.86988e-05
ZS [NCBI] 3.63447e-05
FAAH [NCBI] 3.39737e-05
CHS [NCBI] 2.89696e-05
farber lipogranulomatosis [NCBI] 2.82688e-05
CNP [NCBI] 2.75302e-05
MAG [NCBI] 2.60953e-05
GALC [NCBI] 2.46658e-05
SLOS [NCBI] 2.46375e-05
TF [NCBI] 1.93776e-05
PAM [NCBI] 1.6205e-05
phenylketonuria [NCBI] 1.363e-05
ALB [NCBI] 8.02362e-06
G6PD [NCBI] 4.666e-06
CHAT [NCBI] 2.5908e-06
AFP [NCBI] 1.77669e-06
GFAP [NCBI] 1.05618e-06
EGF [NCBI] 6.8891e-07
CEACAM5 [NCBI] 5.50507e-07

Database Center for Life Science