
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Genetics [NCBI]


Gene Link Information


OMIM Link Information
ringed hair [NCBI] 0.00132272
IDDM17 [NCBI] 0.000957753
syndactyly, type i [NCBI] 0.000844761
beta-aminoisobutyric acid, urinary excretion of [NCBI] 0.00077456
acetabular dysplasia [NCBI] 0.00077456
maxillonasal dysplasia, binder type [NCBI] 0.00077456
IBD2 [NCBI] 0.000723515
SCZD3 [NCBI] 0.000576422
diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent, 2 [NCBI] 0.000502174
SHFM1 [NCBI] 0.000444617
atrioventricular conduction time [NCBI] 0.000400436
atrial tachyarrhythmia with short pr interval [NCBI] 0.000148038
dermatoglyphics--hypothenar radial arch [NCBI] 0.000148038
lentigines [NCBI] 0.000148038
toe, misshapen [NCBI] 0.000120276
CSNBAD3 [NCBI] 0.000120276
fibromatosis, gingival, with hypertrichosis [NCBI] 0.000120276
heart, malformation of [NCBI] 0.000109805
cyanide, inability to smell [NCBI] 0.00010301
tongue curling, folding, or rolling [NCBI] 0.00010301
hairy ears [NCBI] 9.79598e-05
thyroxine-binding globulin of serum [NCBI] 9.39379e-05
tobacco addiction, susceptibility to [NCBI] 8.52371e-05
polydactyly, postaxial, type a1 [NCBI] 8.52371e-05
PBT [NCBI] 8.30187e-05
PMDS [NCBI] 7.92125e-05
ACHM2 [NCBI] 7.60229e-05
disorganization, mouse, homolog of [NCBI] 7.60229e-05
CRS1 [NCBI] 7.46029e-05
HMS1 [NCBI] 7.46029e-05
DLB [NCBI] 7.32785e-05
mucopolysaccharidosis type iiia [NCBI] 7.20378e-05
SHEP2 [NCBI] 7.08708e-05
IDH1 [NCBI] 6.98637e-05
porphyria, congenital erythropoietic [NCBI] 6.87268e-05
histidinemia [NCBI] 6.77369e-05
LDHC [NCBI] 6.72066e-05
thiourea tasting [NCBI] 6.42141e-05
musical perfect pitch [NCBI] 6.19363e-05
neural tube defects [NCBI] 6.19363e-05
HSR [NCBI] 6.16178e-05
DKC [NCBI] 6.05542e-05
kartagener syndrome [NCBI] 5.69181e-05
ABO [NCBI] 5.58537e-05
porphyria, acute intermittent [NCBI] 5.3398e-05
CSA [NCBI] 5.16449e-05
NPS [NCBI] 5.16449e-05
ALS1 [NCBI] 4.44356e-05
severe combined immunodeficiency, autosomal recessive, t cell-negative, b cell-negative, nk cell-negative, due to adenosine deaminase deficiency [NCBI] 4.15457e-05
WHS [NCBI] 3.84295e-05
FIGN [NCBI] 3.80787e-05
krabbe disease [NCBI] 3.80254e-05
CHRNB4 [NCBI] 3.53796e-05
FUCA2 [NCBI] 3.53796e-05
BCNS [NCBI] 3.31695e-05
CHX10 [NCBI] 3.2788e-05
HSCR1 [NCBI] 3.22851e-05
LU [NCBI] 2.96145e-05
CHS [NCBI] 2.95102e-05
JARID1D [NCBI] 2.92186e-05
AMY2A [NCBI] 2.88476e-05
CACNA1S [NCBI] 2.756e-05
PGD [NCBI] 2.756e-05
CF [NCBI] 2.67826e-05
LDHA [NCBI] 2.65034e-05
glycogen storage disease ixa [NCBI] 2.48304e-05
fucosidosis [NCBI] 2.33852e-05
HD [NCBI] 2.32014e-05
mucopolysaccharidosis type iva [NCBI] 2.31072e-05
dystrophia myotonica 1 [NCBI] 2.30754e-05
L1CAM [NCBI] 2.24651e-05
TBG [NCBI] 2.21111e-05
isoniazid inactivation [NCBI] 2.19977e-05
AGT [NCBI] 2.17773e-05
PAX3 [NCBI] 2.01795e-05
WAS [NCBI] 1.92402e-05
ichthyosis, x-linked [NCBI] 1.86691e-05
LEPR [NCBI] 1.82423e-05
ESR1 [NCBI] 1.71247e-05
HPRT1 [NCBI] 1.70289e-05
polycystic kidneys [NCBI] 1.62827e-05
PON1 [NCBI] 1.59106e-05
LEP [NCBI] 1.54606e-05
HP [NCBI] 9.38188e-06
APOE [NCBI] 9.35175e-06
CYP1A1 [NCBI] 8.82227e-06
TLR4 [NCBI] 8.56951e-06
COMT [NCBI] 7.39558e-06
GAPDH [NCBI] 6.39781e-06
HBB [NCBI] 6.16383e-06
DHFR [NCBI] 3.9324e-06
EGF [NCBI] 1.31948e-06
TNF [NCBI] 8.97511e-07
AD [NCBI] 8.74973e-07

Database Center for Life Science