
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Hand Dermatoses [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
CANDN1 [NCBI] 0.000378131
DUH [NCBI] 0.000329245
KRT9 [NCBI] 1.28474e-05
AQP5 [NCBI] 1.20042e-05
SPINK5 [NCBI] 1.10768e-05
FLG [NCBI] 1.10472e-05
PPOX [NCBI] 1.03761e-05
IL1A [NCBI] 8.01221e-06
IL8 [NCBI] 7.30144e-06
TROVE2 [NCBI] 7.24972e-06
GJB2 [NCBI] 6.92861e-06
IL1B [NCBI] 6.63419e-06
IL10 [NCBI] 6.28879e-06
CFTR [NCBI] 4.28099e-06
TNF [NCBI] 2.66906e-06


OMIM Link Information
AKE [NCBI] 0.00202899
collagenosis, familial reactive perforating [NCBI] 0.00141524
keratosis, focal palmoplantar and gingival [NCBI] 0.00141524
PPPP [NCBI] 0.00134416
sclerotylosis [NCBI] 0.00128649
porokeratosis of mibelli [NCBI] 0.00112615
pityriasis rubra pilaris [NCBI] 0.000749926
CANDN1 [NCBI] 0.000749926
candidiasis, familial chronic mucocutaneous, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000614885
keratolytic winter erythema [NCBI] 0.000614885
keratosis palmoplantaris papulosa [NCBI] 0.000544153
candidiasis, familial chronic mucocutaneous, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 0.000518153
peeling skin syndrome [NCBI] 0.000495941
dupuytren contracture [NCBI] 0.000459383
TOC [NCBI] 0.00039449
knuckle pads, leukonychia, and sensorineural deafness [NCBI] 0.000198775
DPR [NCBI] 0.000191421
HMS [NCBI] 0.000180417
PALS [NCBI] 0.000146366
dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria 1 [NCBI] 0.000136675
tyrosine transaminase deficiency [NCBI] 0.000135268
porokeratosis plantaris, palmaris, et disseminata [NCBI] 0.000126428
acrokeratoderma, hereditary papulotranslucent [NCBI] 0.000126428
peeling skin syndrome, acral type [NCBI] 9.54859e-05
pachydermodactyly, familial [NCBI] 8.99842e-05
AKV [NCBI] 8.99842e-05
CD [NCBI] 8.9974e-05
whim syndrome [NCBI] 7.99294e-05
ichthyosis, bullous type [NCBI] 7.76122e-05
TGM5 [NCBI] 7.57683e-05
epidermolysis bullosa herpetiformis, dowling-meara type [NCBI] 7.55871e-05
DSAP1 [NCBI] 7.37888e-05
deafness, congenital, with keratopachydermia and constrictions of fingers and toes [NCBI] 6.93565e-05
ichthyosis vulgaris [NCBI] 6.69625e-05
EPPK [NCBI] 6.48803e-05
ED2 [NCBI] 6.39328e-05
KRT9 [NCBI] 6.09492e-05
DDD [NCBI] 6.06213e-05
KRT14 [NCBI] 5.60041e-05
ICAM1 [NCBI] 5.56221e-05
ichthyosis, x-linked [NCBI] 4.424e-05
bullous erythroderma ichthyosiformis congenita of brocq [NCBI] 4.33397e-05
CRMO [NCBI] 4.3093e-05
APS1 [NCBI] 3.56828e-05
CYP1A1 [NCBI] 3.56376e-05
EV [NCBI] 2.96221e-05
RA [NCBI] 1.55885e-05
SLE [NCBI] 4.30996e-07
CRC [NCBI] 3.44659e-07

Database Center for Life Science