
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Polyhydramnios [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
GER [NCBI] 0.000158688
AFP [NCBI] 5.2479e-05
PIH [NCBI] 2.31094e-05
PRL [NCBI] 2.02558e-05
TAOK3 [NCBI] 1.3501e-05
ALPI [NCBI] 1.1744e-05
ACHE [NCBI] 1.00928e-05
HSD17B4 [NCBI] 1.00015e-05
SLC26A3 [NCBI] 9.95245e-06
AQP1 [NCBI] 9.28143e-06
NPPA [NCBI] 7.88697e-06
MAP2K2 [NCBI] 7.85834e-06
NPPB [NCBI] 7.58359e-06
EDN1 [NCBI] 6.97977e-06
MMP13 [NCBI] 6.2213e-06
PKD1 [NCBI] 5.58532e-06
BRAF [NCBI] 4.83581e-06
PTGS1 [NCBI] 4.74205e-06
HRAS [NCBI] 4.04297e-06
PTGS2 [NCBI] 2.05586e-06


OMIM Link Information
pena-shokeir syndrome, type i [NCBI] 0.00196034
pyloric atresia [NCBI] 0.00145014
ACG1A [NCBI] 0.00105589
NLS [NCBI] 0.000876407
EPV [NCBI] 0.000684933
dysgnathia complex [NCBI] 0.000592366
auriculocondylar syndrome [NCBI] 0.000592366
renal hamartomas, nephroblastomatosis, and fetal gigantism [NCBI] 0.000476092
hydrolethalus syndrome 1 [NCBI] 0.00037287
FRNS [NCBI] 0.00030372
ATD1 [NCBI] 0.000276364
DWS [NCBI] 0.000257109
bartter syndrome, antenatal, type 2 [NCBI] 0.000246821
urogenital adysplasia, hereditary [NCBI] 0.000243472
AFP [NCBI] 0.000207299
chylothorax, congenital [NCBI] 0.000202614
bartter syndrome, antenatal, type 1 [NCBI] 0.000185665
klippel-trenaunay-weber syndrome [NCBI] 0.000171254
kniest-like dysplasia, lethal [NCBI] 0.000123583
polyhydramnios, chronic idiopathic [NCBI] 0.000123583
lethal short-limb skeletal dysplasia, al gazali type [NCBI] 0.000123583
PMSE [NCBI] 0.000123583
polysyndactyly with cardiac malformation [NCBI] 0.000101119
encephalopathy, fatal infantile, with olivopontocerebellar hypoplasia [NCBI] 0.000101119
TD1 [NCBI] 9.69357e-05
hydrops fetalis, idiopathic [NCBI] 9.26442e-05
fetal akinesia syndrome, x-linked [NCBI] 9.26442e-05
lissencephaly type iii and bone dysplasia [NCBI] 9.26442e-05
yellow nail syndrome [NCBI] 8.30556e-05
pancreas, annular [NCBI] 7.70927e-05
schneckenbecken dysplasia [NCBI] 7.70927e-05
ste20-related adaptor protein [NCBI] 7.59186e-05
MAP3K3 [NCBI] 7.59186e-05
TD2 [NCBI] 7.47768e-05
hydrops-ectopic calcification-moth-eaten skeletal dysplasia [NCBI] 7.0956e-05
pseudotrisomy 13 syndrome [NCBI] 6.934e-05
AOI [NCBI] 6.78721e-05
lymphedema, hereditary, i [NCBI] 6.65275e-05
PRL [NCBI] 6.61772e-05
ACG2 [NCBI] 6.52872e-05
multiple pterygium syndrome, escobar variant [NCBI] 6.41361e-05
d-bifunctional protein deficiency [NCBI] 6.41361e-05
marshall syndrome [NCBI] 6.30624e-05
tight skin contracture syndrome, lethal [NCBI] 6.20564e-05
abdominal muscles, absence of, with urinary tract abnormality and cryptorchidism [NCBI] 6.0217e-05
diarrhea 1, secretory chloride, congenital [NCBI] 5.93712e-05
RTD [NCBI] 5.85682e-05
HSD17B4 [NCBI] 5.84987e-05
epidermolysis bullosa with pyloric atresia [NCBI] 5.4453e-05
BWS [NCBI] 5.35922e-05
pfeiffer syndrome [NCBI] 5.11911e-05
PKS [NCBI] 5.11911e-05
SGBS1 [NCBI] 5.07077e-05
walker-warburg syndrome [NCBI] 4.76863e-05
AQP1 [NCBI] 4.45978e-05
costello syndrome [NCBI] 4.32753e-05
AVSD [NCBI] 3.61088e-05
NS1 [NCBI] 3.3891e-05
ACHE [NCBI] 3.29584e-05
PKD1 [NCBI] 3.26803e-05
CDLS1 [NCBI] 3.11539e-05
FRAP1 [NCBI] 2.08918e-05
dystrophia myotonica 1 [NCBI] 2.07398e-05
NPPA [NCBI] 1.34536e-05
PWS [NCBI] 6.9657e-06
VEGF [NCBI] 1.2688e-08

Database Center for Life Science