
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Ophthalmoplegia [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
IBM3 [NCBI] 0.000709956
SCAX1 [NCBI] 0.000352784
FEOM3 [NCBI] 0.000352784
OPEM [NCBI] 0.000292051
KIF21A [NCBI] 0.000213575
RNR1 [NCBI] 0.000156849
PHOX2A [NCBI] 0.000106059
POLG [NCBI] 8.56733e-05
OPA1 [NCBI] 2.71015e-05
MS [NCBI] 2.56455e-05
SLC25A4 [NCBI] 2.09766e-05
C10orf2 [NCBI] 1.99892e-05
ATXN2 [NCBI] 1.5485e-05
NPC1 [NCBI] 1.5485e-05
ATXN3 [NCBI] 1.40993e-05
SLC9A6 [NCBI] 1.33774e-05
ROBO3 [NCBI] 1.14811e-05
NDUFV1 [NCBI] 1.07468e-05
SIL1 [NCBI] 1.06036e-05
PAK3 [NCBI] 1.02344e-05
DNM2 [NCBI] 9.52043e-06
MAG [NCBI] 8.50489e-06
MYOM2 [NCBI] 8.11076e-06
NTN1 [NCBI] 7.90034e-06
TYMP [NCBI] 7.79082e-06
RYR1 [NCBI] 7.49907e-06
PHOX2B [NCBI] 7.06732e-06
DCC [NCBI] 6.44977e-06
CACNA1A [NCBI] 5.51445e-06
MAGEA3 [NCBI] 5.35679e-06
DMPK [NCBI] 5.0077e-06
TTR [NCBI] 4.22419e-06


OMIM Link Information
MBS [NCBI] 0.00438177
KSS [NCBI] 0.00322456
CFEOM3 [NCBI] 0.00270912
ophthalmoplegia, familial static [NCBI] 0.00232341
DURS1 [NCBI] 0.00217033
visceral myopathy, familial, with external ophthalmoplegia [NCBI] 0.00202422
DA5 [NCBI] 0.000996868
ocular myopathy with curare sensitivity [NCBI] 0.000887234
CFEOM3B [NCBI] 0.000887234
CFEOM3A [NCBI] 0.000887234
CFEOM1 [NCBI] 0.000762923
OPEM [NCBI] 0.000669824
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal dominant, 1 [NCBI] 0.000613723
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal dominant, 3 [NCBI] 0.000523885
MNGIE [NCBI] 0.000497154
PSNP2 [NCBI] 0.000496053
SCAX1 [NCBI] 0.000439168
ocular motor apraxia [NCBI] 0.00041718
visceral neuropathy, familial, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000398025
gordon syndrome [NCBI] 0.000381069
RA [NCBI] 0.000373833
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000373445
fibrosis of extraocular muscles, congenital, with synergistic divergence [NCBI] 0.000307869
wildervanck syndrome [NCBI] 0.000287105
DRRS [NCBI] 0.000256532
HGPPS [NCBI] 0.000230491
optic atrophy 1 and deafness [NCBI] 0.000230491
POLG [NCBI] 0.00021982
NPC1 [NCBI] 0.000217823
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal dominant, 2 [NCBI] 0.000215176
minicore myopathy with external ophthalmoplegia [NCBI] 0.000209044
ophthalmoplegic neuromuscular disorder with abnormal mitochondria [NCBI] 0.000205144
C10ORF2 [NCBI] 0.000199605
SCA7 [NCBI] 0.000177422
OPA1 [NCBI] 0.00017324
OPMD [NCBI] 0.00017122
RYR1 [NCBI] 0.000139099
SLE [NCBI] 0.000133095
IBM3 [NCBI] 0.00013239
SCCMS [NCBI] 0.000103818
motor neuron disease with dementia and ophthalmoplegia [NCBI] 0.000102521
oculopharyngodistal myopathy [NCBI] 0.000102521
ophthalmoplegia, familial total, with iris transillumination [NCBI] 0.000102521
ophthalmoplegia, progressive, with scrotal tongue and mental deficiency [NCBI] 0.000102521
cranial nerves, recurrent paresis of [NCBI] 0.000102521
schimke x-linked mental retardation syndrome [NCBI] 0.000102521
KIF21A [NCBI] 8.63527e-05
mental retardation, x-linked, south african type [NCBI] 8.63527e-05
MJD [NCBI] 8.27475e-05
MTTL1 [NCBI] 8.00232e-05
PEOA4 [NCBI] 7.1624e-05
ROBO3 [NCBI] 6.73738e-05
spastic ataxia [NCBI] 6.61447e-05
paroxysmal tonic upgaze, benign childhood, with ataxia [NCBI] 6.61447e-05
CFEOM2 [NCBI] 6.61447e-05
ivic syndrome [NCBI] 6.61447e-05
FSHMD1A [NCBI] 6.56598e-05
MTTW [NCBI] 6.14875e-05
MTND2 [NCBI] 5.94876e-05
SCA2 [NCBI] 5.61651e-05
SANDO [NCBI] 5.61572e-05
mitochondrial complex ii deficiency [NCBI] 5.61572e-05
myopathy, centronuclear, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 5.61572e-05
mitochondrial myopathy with diabetes [NCBI] 5.38624e-05
myopathy, centronuclear, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 5.38624e-05
MG [NCBI] 5.37063e-05
GLUD1 [NCBI] 5.05631e-05
ATXN2 [NCBI] 5.05631e-05
SALL4 [NCBI] 4.91925e-05
SCA1 [NCBI] 4.90407e-05
spinocerebellar ataxia, 16q22-linked [NCBI] 4.84891e-05
mitochondrial dna depletion syndrome, myopathic form [NCBI] 4.44997e-05
NPC1 [NCBI] 4.28169e-05
mitochondrial dna depletion syndrome, hepatocerebral form [NCBI] 4.23173e-05
pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome [NCBI] 4.13324e-05
myasthenic syndrome, congenital, associated with episodic apnea [NCBI] 4.13324e-05
DLB [NCBI] 3.79288e-05
EAOH [NCBI] 3.64775e-05
niemann-pick disease, type b [NCBI] 3.51548e-05
PSNP1 [NCBI] 3.45352e-05
MELAS [NCBI] 3.39405e-05
LCA1 [NCBI] 3.17774e-05
MSS [NCBI] 3.12834e-05
OPA1 [NCBI] 3.12834e-05
RSMD1 [NCBI] 2.98955e-05
maple syrup urine disease [NCBI] 2.06222e-05
AMC [NCBI] 1.97628e-05
TTR [NCBI] 1.41059e-05
HD [NCBI] 1.30354e-05
temporal arteritis [NCBI] 9.50438e-06
TSD [NCBI] 6.61262e-06
CJD [NCBI] 4.92296e-06

Database Center for Life Science