
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Porphyrias [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
PORC [NCBI] 0.000499621
PPOX [NCBI] 0.000416009
UROD [NCBI] 0.000242996
HMBS [NCBI] 0.000121545
FECH [NCBI] 8.83324e-05
UROS [NCBI] 3.14902e-05
ALAD [NCBI] 2.99807e-05
CPOX [NCBI] 2.0135e-05
ALAS1 [NCBI] 1.14308e-05
RBP2 [NCBI] 1.10852e-05
TST [NCBI] 1.05519e-05
AHR [NCBI] 1.04208e-05
ERAF [NCBI] 9.42017e-06
HEBP1 [NCBI] 9.19857e-06
ALAS2 [NCBI] 7.93502e-06
HFE [NCBI] 6.11007e-06
PPARGC1A [NCBI] 5.57922e-06
FAH [NCBI] 5.47197e-06
CYP2D6 [NCBI] 5.02891e-06
ABCG2 [NCBI] 3.96421e-06
CYP3A4 [NCBI] 3.69125e-06
SHBG [NCBI] 3.06052e-06
ACHE [NCBI] 1.94984e-06
NGF [NCBI] 1.12774e-06


OMIM Link Information
porphyria, acute intermittent [NCBI] 0.00427201
porphyria variegata [NCBI] 0.00332128
porphyria cutanea tarda [NCBI] 0.00288407
porphyria, congenital erythropoietic [NCBI] 0.00181313
protoporphyria, erythropoietic [NCBI] 0.00180429
ALAD [NCBI] 0.00108747
coproporphyria [NCBI] 0.000839996
porphyria cutanea tarda, type i [NCBI] 0.000752337
HMBS [NCBI] 0.000678616
PPOX [NCBI] 0.00032092
RA [NCBI] 0.000225683
UROS [NCBI] 0.000123101
spinal muscular atrophy with mental retardation [NCBI] 0.000107066
SLE [NCBI] 9.56003e-05
craniofacial dysmorphism with ocular coloboma, absent corpus callosum, and aortic dilatation [NCBI] 8.46155e-05
CYP1A1 [NCBI] 8.09407e-05
syringomas, multiple [NCBI] 7.61552e-05
hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase ii deficiency [NCBI] 6.06599e-05
CMD3B [NCBI] 5.01789e-05
GVM [NCBI] 4.67559e-05
lipoid proteinosis of urbach and wiethe [NCBI] 3.95294e-05
FCAS [NCBI] 3.37576e-05
DJS [NCBI] 2.92995e-05
AHR [NCBI] 2.01813e-05
tyrosinemia, type i [NCBI] 1.73834e-05
DMD [NCBI] 8.14666e-06
HFE [NCBI] 7.55038e-06
NGFB [NCBI] 5.13806e-06
AVP [NCBI] 3.30627e-06
SHBG [NCBI] 8.47069e-07
HD [NCBI] 6.71233e-07
ACHE [NCBI] 4.50081e-07

Database Center for Life Science