
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Renal Tubular Transport, Inborn Errors [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
SLC12A3 [NCBI] 8.54804e-05
KCNJ1 [NCBI] 6.5761e-05
OCRL [NCBI] 6.14769e-05
SLC22A12 [NCBI] 4.74281e-05
SLC12A1 [NCBI] 4.47287e-05
CLCN5 [NCBI] 3.72683e-05
TRPM6 [NCBI] 2.34397e-05
CLCN6 [NCBI] 1.46531e-05
CLDN16 [NCBI] 1.27565e-05
SLC22A16 [NCBI] 1.25413e-05
FXYD2 [NCBI] 1.25413e-05
CLCNKB [NCBI] 9.55188e-06
SLC22A4 [NCBI] 8.83922e-06
SLC22A5 [NCBI] 8.25292e-06
AQP2 [NCBI] 7.18289e-06
EGFR [NCBI] 6.56691e-06
PTH [NCBI] 2.17774e-06


OMIM Link Information
iminoglycinuria [NCBI] 0.0040438
histidinuria due to a renal tubular defect [NCBI] 0.000844965
OCRL [NCBI] 0.000709347
hypouricemia, renal [NCBI] 0.000505045
PHA1 [NCBI] 0.000351173
PHA2 [NCBI] 0.000339312
bartter syndrome, infantile, with sensorineural deafness [NCBI] 0.000172657
liddle syndrome [NCBI] 0.000162313
bartter syndrome, antenatal, type 2 [NCBI] 0.000152266
hartnup disorder [NCBI] 0.000144621
dent disease 2 [NCBI] 0.000124742
biliary malformation with renal tubular insufficiency [NCBI] 0.000102276
HOMG4 [NCBI] 9.38016e-05
hypouricemia, familial renal, due to tubular hypersecretion [NCBI] 9.38016e-05
hypomagnesemia, renal, with ocular involvement [NCBI] 9.38016e-05
glycinuria with or without oxalate urolithiasis [NCBI] 8.83005e-05
hydroxyprolinemia [NCBI] 8.42118e-05
bartter syndrome, antenatal, type 1 [NCBI] 8.0955e-05
fumarase deficiency [NCBI] 8.0955e-05
SLC12A1 [NCBI] 7.45227e-05
SLC22A12 [NCBI] 7.45227e-05
gitelman syndrome [NCBI] 7.0493e-05
proteinuria, low molecular weight, with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis [NCBI] 6.90246e-05
CLDN16 [NCBI] 6.6922e-05
HOMG3 [NCBI] 6.64385e-05
dent disease 1 [NCBI] 6.42127e-05
pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome [NCBI] 6.32061e-05
OCRL [NCBI] 6.26709e-05
CLCN5 [NCBI] 5.74238e-05
HFTC [NCBI] 5.33472e-05
bartter syndrome, type 3 [NCBI] 5.28315e-05
tyrosinemia, type i [NCBI] 4.52535e-05
SLE [NCBI] 4.1215e-05
NPPA [NCBI] 2.00967e-05
PTH [NCBI] 7.00447e-06
EGF [NCBI] 6.21438e-06

Database Center for Life Science