
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Amenorrhea [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
PRL [NCBI] 0.000918944
MS [NCBI] 0.000105673
SHBG [NCBI] 7.93832e-05
TRH [NCBI] 6.85026e-05
FSHR [NCBI] 3.26488e-05
BMP15 [NCBI] 2.70392e-05
GDF9 [NCBI] 2.59519e-05
WNT4 [NCBI] 2.38411e-05
LEP [NCBI] 1.90125e-05
AMH [NCBI] 1.83629e-05
LHCGR [NCBI] 1.51725e-05
INHA [NCBI] 1.40605e-05
KISS1 [NCBI] 1.22454e-05
CRH [NCBI] 1.04568e-05
NPY [NCBI] 1.03522e-05
SRY [NCBI] 9.70566e-06
DIAPH2 [NCBI] 9.46472e-06
GHRL [NCBI] 9.39377e-06
FSHB [NCBI] 8.81334e-06
TGFBR3 [NCBI] 7.33721e-06
SACS [NCBI] 7.05776e-06
FOXL2 [NCBI] 5.8619e-06
GALT [NCBI] 5.62574e-06
GNRHR [NCBI] 5.62574e-06
CAPN10 [NCBI] 5.21331e-06
AR [NCBI] 4.93938e-06
FOXO3 [NCBI] 4.63873e-06
SHOX [NCBI] 4.43938e-06
PAEP [NCBI] 4.31064e-06
CYP21A2 [NCBI] 4.20295e-06
NOG [NCBI] 4.20295e-06
IGFBP1 [NCBI] 4.10203e-06
POMC [NCBI] 2.76888e-06
TF [NCBI] 2.45452e-06
COMT [NCBI] 1.99277e-06
AFP [NCBI] 1.95941e-06
TNFSF11 [NCBI] 1.58722e-06
TNFRSF11B [NCBI] 1.55214e-06
FMR1 [NCBI] 1.48674e-06
BDNF [NCBI] 9.72653e-07
HFE [NCBI] 9.04616e-07
AVP [NCBI] 8.6235e-07
PTH [NCBI] 6.80317e-09


OMIM Link Information
PRL [NCBI] 0.00329798
pseudohermaphroditism, female, with skeletal anomalies [NCBI] 0.00123814
gonadal dysgenesis, xx type, with deafness [NCBI] 0.000744944
gonadal dysgenesis, xy type [NCBI] 0.000711792
follicle-stimulating hormone deficiency, isolated [NCBI] 0.000675806
PCOS1 [NCBI] 0.000501042
POF1 [NCBI] 0.000391651
ODG1 [NCBI] 0.000266985
GNRH1 [NCBI] 0.000254491
SHBG [NCBI] 0.000246803
amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome [NCBI] 0.000239563
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [NCBI] 0.000220396
FSHB [NCBI] 0.000204491
adrenal hyperplasia, congenital, due to 17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency [NCBI] 0.000134344
deafness, sensorineural, with pituitary dwarfism [NCBI] 0.000119634
hypersecretion of adrenal androgens, familial [NCBI] 0.000119634
FSHR [NCBI] 0.000100722
BPES [NCBI] 0.000100225
sjogren-larsson-like ichthyosis without cns or eye involvement [NCBI] 9.71713e-05
prolactinoma, familial [NCBI] 9.71713e-05
LHCGR [NCBI] 9.46424e-05
gonadal agenesis [NCBI] 8.32009e-05
POF2A [NCBI] 7.91149e-05
MAS [NCBI] 7.55697e-05
rokitansky-kuster-hauser syndrome [NCBI] 7.08428e-05
ODG2 [NCBI] 7.08428e-05
murcs association [NCBI] 7.08428e-05
eunuchoidism, familial hypogonadotropic [NCBI] 7.08428e-05
atransferrinemia [NCBI] 6.88211e-05
VEGF [NCBI] 6.58509e-05
ulna and fibula, absence of, with severe limb deficiency [NCBI] 6.54125e-05
17-@beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase iii deficiency [NCBI] 6.02173e-05
GDXY [NCBI] 5.76191e-05
AMH [NCBI] 5.57276e-05
alexander disease [NCBI] 5.54634e-05
KAL2 [NCBI] 5.05604e-05
GDF9 [NCBI] 4.74331e-05
nijmegen breakage syndrome [NCBI] 4.59104e-05
VMD [NCBI] 4.23376e-05
DIAPH2 [NCBI] 4.15685e-05
WNT4 [NCBI] 4.15685e-05
INHA [NCBI] 3.65148e-05
BMP15 [NCBI] 3.65148e-05
LEP [NCBI] 3.17034e-05
LHB [NCBI] 3.14944e-05
NS1 [NCBI] 3.01539e-05
CF [NCBI] 2.75734e-05
CAPN10 [NCBI] 2.53545e-05
PTH [NCBI] 2.3074e-05
GNRHR [NCBI] 2.25415e-05
AIS [NCBI] 2.12447e-05
CRH [NCBI] 1.88751e-05
GAL [NCBI] 1.08978e-05
BGLAP [NCBI] 1.01761e-05
SLE [NCBI] 6.44653e-06
adrenal hyperplasia, congenital, due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency [NCBI] 6.25232e-06
GHRH [NCBI] 5.49219e-06
AR [NCBI] 4.48703e-06
AVP [NCBI] 4.16427e-06
POMC [NCBI] 3.01573e-06
NPY [NCBI] 2.35171e-06
COMT [NCBI] 2.2588e-06
TF [NCBI] 2.17457e-06
AFP [NCBI] 1.71669e-06
BDNF [NCBI] 7.51361e-07
thrombocytopenic purpura, autoimmune [NCBI] 5.43912e-07
TNFRSF11B [NCBI] 2.90313e-07
MG [NCBI] 4.60318e-09

Database Center for Life Science