
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Failure to Thrive [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
GER [NCBI] 0.00047621
SPINK5 [NCBI] 1.94221e-05
COG7 [NCBI] 1.32935e-05
PHGDH [NCBI] 1.32935e-05
PRSS7 [NCBI] 1.2514e-05
PMM1 [NCBI] 1.22266e-05
HEY2 [NCBI] 1.17653e-05
PHF6 [NCBI] 1.15742e-05
CFTR [NCBI] 1.09322e-05
LEMD3 [NCBI] 1.08481e-05
NTF3 [NCBI] 1.07336e-05
LAMA2 [NCBI] 1.0172e-05
CHD7 [NCBI] 9.94791e-06
TAZ [NCBI] 9.87928e-06
GALC [NCBI] 9.6885e-06
DRD1 [NCBI] 9.04417e-06
SBDS [NCBI] 8.92454e-06
FOXL2 [NCBI] 8.60894e-06
ARX [NCBI] 8.34264e-06
ATRX [NCBI] 8.34264e-06
SRF [NCBI] 7.93082e-06
SLC4A1 [NCBI] 7.84683e-06
ESD [NCBI] 7.33718e-06
PRSS1 [NCBI] 7.2775e-06
PREPL [NCBI] 7.2629e-06
MAP2K2 [NCBI] 7.21984e-06
MTRR [NCBI] 6.80676e-06
NBN [NCBI] 5.47317e-06
RAG1 [NCBI] 5.2218e-06
LEP [NCBI] 5.10909e-06
BCR [NCBI] 4.6877e-06
TNFRSF11A [NCBI] 4.34534e-06
BRAF [NCBI] 4.21187e-06
TNFSF11 [NCBI] 4.11253e-06
TNFRSF11B [NCBI] 4.07147e-06
ADA [NCBI] 3.97421e-06
TRH [NCBI] 3.61482e-06
HRAS [NCBI] 3.42969e-06
BDNF [NCBI] 3.35898e-06
IL6 [NCBI] 3.22915e-06
NPY [NCBI] 2.92678e-06
NGF [NCBI] 2.32105e-06


OMIM Link Information
BWCNS [NCBI] 0.00190762
progeroid syndrome, neonatal [NCBI] 0.000644945
marshall-smith syndrome [NCBI] 0.000516894
apnea, obstructive sleep [NCBI] 0.000210327
SDS [NCBI] 0.000202323
cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome [NCBI] 0.000176584
mevalonic aciduria [NCBI] 0.000171302
HRD [NCBI] 0.000148725
JBS [NCBI] 0.000121833
hypotonia, congenital nystagmus, ataxia, and abnormal auditory brainstem responses [NCBI] 0.000116461
fallot complex with severe mental and growth retardation [NCBI] 0.000116461
transcobalamin ii deficiency [NCBI] 0.000107333
CDG1A [NCBI] 9.82735e-05
costello syndrome [NCBI] 9.51206e-05
edinburgh malformation syndrome [NCBI] 9.40003e-05
majeed syndrome [NCBI] 8.00342e-05
hawkinsinuria [NCBI] 7.59505e-05
PHGDH [NCBI] 7.34201e-05
CDLS1 [NCBI] 7.0482e-05
enterokinase deficiency [NCBI] 6.99964e-05
homocystinuria-megaloblastic anemia due to defect in cobalamin metabolism, cble complementation type [NCBI] 6.99964e-05
MCCC1 [NCBI] 6.82202e-05
PRSS7 [NCBI] 6.82202e-05
HEY2 [NCBI] 6.48439e-05
AHCY [NCBI] 6.23336e-05
PCK2 [NCBI] 6.23336e-05
hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness, and renal disease [NCBI] 6.22612e-05
complement component 5 deficiency [NCBI] 6.22612e-05
corticosterone methyloxidase type ii deficiency [NCBI] 6.07977e-05
NTF3 [NCBI] 6.03335e-05
3-@methylcrotonyl-coa carboxylase 1 deficiency [NCBI] 5.94574e-05
HPD [NCBI] 5.86705e-05
HHS [NCBI] 5.82214e-05
LPIN2 [NCBI] 5.7247e-05
COFS1 [NCBI] 5.60054e-05
neuropathy, congenital hypomyelinating [NCBI] 5.50038e-05
VIL2 [NCBI] 5.48974e-05
BFLS [NCBI] 5.23317e-05
SURF1 [NCBI] 5.1408e-05
LAMA2 [NCBI] 5.1408e-05
SLOS [NCBI] 5.0984e-05
LTC4S [NCBI] 5.06988e-05
CSID [NCBI] 5.00482e-05
MDC1A [NCBI] 5.00482e-05
RIPK1 [NCBI] 4.94169e-05
acyl-coa dehydrogenase, medium-chain, deficiency of [NCBI] 4.93553e-05
MRXHF1 [NCBI] 4.80555e-05
MVK [NCBI] 4.72646e-05
hyperglycerolemia [NCBI] 4.68558e-05
GALC [NCBI] 4.59113e-05
glycogen storage disease iv [NCBI] 4.5742e-05
glycogen storage disease ib [NCBI] 4.5742e-05
megaloblastic anemia 1 [NCBI] 4.42085e-05
mitochondrial complex iv deficiency [NCBI] 4.28138e-05
charge syndrome [NCBI] 4.19497e-05
ATRX [NCBI] 4.07727e-05
BTHS [NCBI] 3.96169e-05
hypertrophic neuropathy of dejerine-sottas [NCBI] 3.79141e-05
SRF [NCBI] 3.45179e-05
CRMO [NCBI] 3.34878e-05
ALGS1 [NCBI] 3.23386e-05
LS [NCBI] 2.79852e-05
NS1 [NCBI] 2.71929e-05
MAS [NCBI] 2.40407e-05
DBA [NCBI] 2.3919e-05
krabbe disease [NCBI] 2.37983e-05
KSS [NCBI] 2.06141e-05
WBS [NCBI] 1.69033e-05
ADA [NCBI] 1.18926e-05
BWS [NCBI] 1.08635e-05
BDNF [NCBI] 9.00861e-06
NPY [NCBI] 6.53554e-06
MDD [NCBI] 4.61522e-06
NGFB [NCBI] 3.81111e-06
CD [NCBI] 2.95006e-06
PWS [NCBI] 2.83345e-06
CF [NCBI] 3.51808e-08

Database Center for Life Science