
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Genes, Recessive [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
DFNB63 [NCBI] 0.00035672
DFNB13 [NCBI] 0.000237657
SCAR5 [NCBI] 0.000237657
DFNB15 [NCBI] 0.000237657
GJB2 [NCBI] 0.000173594
RMRP [NCBI] 0.000123588
DFNB48 [NCBI] 0.00011875
FTX [NCBI] 0.00011875
HDLC2 [NCBI] 0.00011875
LI5 [NCBI] 0.00011875
CMT2H [NCBI] 0.00011875
OPA6 [NCBI] 0.00011875
OA15 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB38 [NCBI] 0.00011875
LCS1 [NCBI] 0.00011875
FHASD [NCBI] 0.00011875
OA12 [NCBI] 0.00011875
AITD4 [NCBI] 0.00011875
COPD13 [NCBI] 0.00011875
AASTH6 [NCBI] 0.00011875
NS2 [NCBI] 0.00011875
LGMD2L [NCBI] 0.00011875
COPD8 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB46 [NCBI] 0.00011875
RLS [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFN8 [NCBI] 0.00011875
EIM [NCBI] 0.00011875
OA14 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB62 [NCBI] 0.00011875
OA3 [NCBI] 0.00011875
RP28 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB68 [NCBI] 0.00011875
PRD [NCBI] 0.00011875
SPG24 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB55 [NCBI] 0.00011875
MCPH2 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB26 [NCBI] 0.00011875
MRXS11 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB72 [NCBI] 0.00011875
OADIP [NCBI] 0.00011875
USH1A [NCBI] 0.00011875
NMSR [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB45 [NCBI] 0.00011875
CLAM [NCBI] 0.00011875
OB4 [NCBI] 0.00011875
COPD11 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB39 [NCBI] 0.00011875
AREI [NCBI] 0.00011875
AITD1 [NCBI] 0.00011875
AASTH5 [NCBI] 0.00011875
MCPH4 [NCBI] 0.00011875
CMDR [NCBI] 0.00011875
SLSN3 [NCBI] 0.00011875
OA13 [NCBI] 0.00011875
OA11 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB47 [NCBI] 0.00011875
COPD16 [NCBI] 0.00011875
ESPNP [NCBI] 0.00011875
BW1 [NCBI] 0.00011875
SPG26 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB5 [NCBI] 0.00011875
CMT2B2 [NCBI] 0.00011875
INLNE [NCBI] 0.00011875
MMEDF [NCBI] 0.00011875
ANON [NCBI] 0.00011875
SCAX4 [NCBI] 0.00011875
AASTH4 [NCBI] 0.00011875
OA10 [NCBI] 0.00011875
MSSD [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNA49 [NCBI] 0.00011875
MHAC [NCBI] 0.00011875
CTPL1 [NCBI] 0.00011875
SPG30 [NCBI] 0.00011875
SPG14 [NCBI] 0.00011875
CLA3 [NCBI] 0.00011875
AMCN [NCBI] 0.00011875
RP22 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB44 [NCBI] 0.00011875
COPD6 [NCBI] 0.00011875
RP6 [NCBI] 0.00011875
SCKL2 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB66 [NCBI] 0.00011875
EIG3 [NCBI] 0.00011875
LOC619511 [NCBI] 0.00011875
LOC619404 [NCBI] 0.00011875
COHEN1 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB40 [NCBI] 0.00011875
SMAX3 [NCBI] 0.00011875
DFNB20 [NCBI] 0.00011875
LOC619531 [NCBI] 0.00011875
RNR1 [NCBI] 0.000100906
COPD7 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
SPG27 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
IPS [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
COPD14 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
HPC3 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
ALS5 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
JBTS1 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
COPD10 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
HLN2 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
COPD9 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
AGS2 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
COPD15 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
AXPC1 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
SCASI [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
COPD12 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
TGFBRE [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
DFNM2 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
DFNM1 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
AUNX1 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
DYT2 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
CNA1 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
EEF1AL11 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
DFNB33 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
PSORS6 [NCBI] 9.34984e-05
PARK2 [NCBI] 9.23874e-05
SPG16 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
HSCRM1 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
SCAR2 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
ABCC6P2 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
DYT3 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
SCZD7 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
CATSPER2P1 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
SNORD50A [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
CELIAC2 [NCBI] 8.3984e-05
SCZD2 [NCBI] 7.78148e-05
UFS [NCBI] 7.32343e-05
NYS2 [NCBI] 7.32343e-05
SCZD6 [NCBI] 7.32343e-05
PMS2L1 [NCBI] 6.65632e-05
ABCA4 [NCBI] 6.63402e-05
MS [NCBI] 6.58425e-05
HPT [NCBI] 5.97146e-05
HT [NCBI] 5.2134e-05
SACS [NCBI] 4.78011e-05
DAG1 [NCBI] 4.1481e-05
COL7A1 [NCBI] 4.08357e-05
NA [NCBI] 3.84426e-05
PARK7 [NCBI] 2.88792e-05
NCF1C [NCBI] 2.87619e-05
LDLRAP1 [NCBI] 2.82378e-05
POLG [NCBI] 2.69724e-05
DYSF [NCBI] 2.69724e-05
AQP2 [NCBI] 2.66134e-05
PINK1 [NCBI] 2.58334e-05
GJB6 [NCBI] 2.55352e-05
MYO7A [NCBI] 2.51248e-05
TMPRSS3 [NCBI] 2.4956e-05
TERC [NCBI] 2.48046e-05
GDAP1 [NCBI] 2.28704e-05
OTOF [NCBI] 2.22692e-05
CLCN1 [NCBI] 2.15969e-05
SPG11 [NCBI] 2.09326e-05
TMC1 [NCBI] 2.07077e-05
SLC26A2 [NCBI] 2.05683e-05
SLC4A11 [NCBI] 2.02964e-05
KCNQ1 [NCBI] 1.99249e-05
ASPM [NCBI] 1.93781e-05
HFE [NCBI] 1.81046e-05
MCPH1 [NCBI] 1.69841e-05
FXN [NCBI] 1.6957e-05
TMIE [NCBI] 1.68418e-05
TYR [NCBI] 1.67244e-05
VWF [NCBI] 1.66854e-05
COL4A4 [NCBI] 1.64795e-05
CFTR [NCBI] 1.62591e-05
ABCC6 [NCBI] 1.61383e-05
APTX [NCBI] 1.6037e-05
KERA [NCBI] 1.60291e-05
SLC26A4 [NCBI] 1.54864e-05
MEFV [NCBI] 1.53593e-05
TCIRG1 [NCBI] 1.5154e-05
MFRP [NCBI] 1.5079e-05
GNE [NCBI] 1.4402e-05
NPHP1 [NCBI] 1.42709e-05
SLC4A1 [NCBI] 1.41323e-05
TULP1 [NCBI] 1.3787e-05
SETX [NCBI] 1.35679e-05
RPE65 [NCBI] 1.34406e-05
MTMR2 [NCBI] 1.30006e-05
SPG7 [NCBI] 1.26792e-05
TGM1 [NCBI] 1.24187e-05
SNCA [NCBI] 1.19209e-05
ROR2 [NCBI] 1.18956e-05
ATP6V0A4 [NCBI] 1.17935e-05
AAAS [NCBI] 1.17846e-05
USH2A [NCBI] 1.16779e-05
PDE6A [NCBI] 1.16665e-05
FANCA [NCBI] 1.15877e-05
SGCA [NCBI] 1.15463e-05
CDK5RAP2 [NCBI] 1.15463e-05
FBLN5 [NCBI] 1.15254e-05
NPHS2 [NCBI] 1.14765e-05
DFNB59 [NCBI] 1.13508e-05
SMARCAL1 [NCBI] 1.13236e-05
SLC7A9 [NCBI] 1.13008e-05
NCF2 [NCBI] 1.12441e-05
ATP6V1B1 [NCBI] 1.0682e-05
NDP [NCBI] 1.05426e-05
CERKL [NCBI] 1.04644e-05
EYS [NCBI] 1.04644e-05
KRT14 [NCBI] 1.03617e-05
PDE6B [NCBI] 1.02813e-05
STRC [NCBI] 1.02461e-05
SMN1 [NCBI] 1.0195e-05
PCDH15 [NCBI] 1.01832e-05
LMNA [NCBI] 1.00485e-05
DKC1 [NCBI] 9.90441e-06
GDF5 [NCBI] 9.79838e-06
ADAMTS13 [NCBI] 9.68225e-06
CDH23 [NCBI] 9.67081e-06
CAPN3 [NCBI] 9.62237e-06
NEWENTRY [NCBI] 9.58477e-06
USH1C [NCBI] 9.57123e-06
CYP4V2 [NCBI] 9.56993e-06
EVC [NCBI] 9.3082e-06
CTSC [NCBI] 9.2965e-06
NBN [NCBI] 9.21853e-06
SH3TC2 [NCBI] 9.19035e-06
LPAR4 [NCBI] 9.19035e-06
MYO15A [NCBI] 9.19035e-06
NAIP [NCBI] 9.17536e-06
DSG4 [NCBI] 9.07972e-06
IKBKAP [NCBI] 9.01343e-06
PMP22 [NCBI] 8.95964e-06
RLBP1 [NCBI] 8.95816e-06
SBF2 [NCBI] 8.87698e-06
CENPJ [NCBI] 8.78356e-06
COL4A3 [NCBI] 8.76212e-06
FAH [NCBI] 8.72247e-06
MCFD2 [NCBI] 8.52924e-06
SGCD [NCBI] 8.45186e-06
TBCE [NCBI] 8.45186e-06
ABCG5 [NCBI] 8.41667e-06
SGCB [NCBI] 8.3064e-06
SLURP1 [NCBI] 8.10809e-06
CYBA [NCBI] 8.04488e-06
ALMS1 [NCBI] 7.98707e-06
OCA2 [NCBI] 7.92279e-06
SLC6A19 [NCBI] 7.7366e-06
CYBB [NCBI] 7.43881e-06
CASQ2 [NCBI] 7.39413e-06
DFNB31 [NCBI] 7.36577e-06
TCAP [NCBI] 7.31186e-06
CYB5R3 [NCBI] 7.2721e-06
CTNS [NCBI] 7.2332e-06
ALS2 [NCBI] 7.19513e-06
SBDS [NCBI] 7.19513e-06
FANCC [NCBI] 7.16092e-06
ASPA [NCBI] 7.12133e-06
C10orf2 [NCBI] 7.05044e-06
MCOLN1 [NCBI] 7.01603e-06
IFNGR1 [NCBI] 6.92462e-06
HR [NCBI] 6.91657e-06
FKRP [NCBI] 6.85322e-06
CRB1 [NCBI] 6.82236e-06
AGXT2L1 [NCBI] 6.81037e-06
PKHD1 [NCBI] 6.79203e-06
EPM2A [NCBI] 6.7622e-06
CNGA1 [NCBI] 6.73127e-06
P2RY5 [NCBI] 6.63361e-06
CAV3 [NCBI] 6.43847e-06
TOR1A [NCBI] 6.41228e-06
PRX [NCBI] 6.37694e-06
ABCG8 [NCBI] 6.36596e-06
GLRA1 [NCBI] 6.31921e-06
CC2D1A [NCBI] 6.30118e-06
FANCG [NCBI] 6.29628e-06
LRP5 [NCBI] 6.16464e-06
SGCG [NCBI] 6.16131e-06
TNXB [NCBI] 6.1023e-06
CYP27A1 [NCBI] 6.04597e-06
HSF4 [NCBI] 6.03456e-06
SLC5A2 [NCBI] 6.03456e-06
BBS4 [NCBI] 6.03456e-06
GJB3 [NCBI] 6.00305e-06
WAS [NCBI] 5.95051e-06
SLC39A4 [NCBI] 5.9187e-06
ERCC2 [NCBI] 5.71831e-06
EDA [NCBI] 5.70203e-06
FANCE [NCBI] 5.66626e-06
ESD [NCBI] 5.60009e-06
RAB27A [NCBI] 5.59161e-06
TECTA [NCBI] 5.57718e-06
BBS1 [NCBI] 5.57718e-06
NPHS1 [NCBI] 5.56813e-06
TBX19 [NCBI] 5.53476e-06
VPS13A [NCBI] 5.53476e-06
RYR1 [NCBI] 5.5315e-06
LMAN1 [NCBI] 5.51678e-06
RDH5 [NCBI] 5.49363e-06
COL6A2 [NCBI] 5.45372e-06
RPGR [NCBI] 5.43101e-06
NR2E3 [NCBI] 5.41496e-06
NEB [NCBI] 5.37728e-06
MMP20 [NCBI] 5.34064e-06
COL11A2 [NCBI] 5.33598e-06
SPAST [NCBI] 5.33598e-06
LYST [NCBI] 5.17105e-06
EDAR [NCBI] 5.17105e-06
COL6A1 [NCBI] 5.13956e-06
TIMM8A [NCBI] 5.07871e-06
ATL1 [NCBI] 5.04929e-06
ALDH5A1 [NCBI] 4.99232e-06
RHO [NCBI] 4.98959e-06
BSCL2 [NCBI] 4.96473e-06
BTK [NCBI] 4.89116e-06
RP1 [NCBI] 4.88519e-06
HPS1 [NCBI] 4.88519e-06
HYLS1 [NCBI] 4.85783e-06
GRM6 [NCBI] 4.85783e-06
MERTK [NCBI] 4.83468e-06
MYO5A [NCBI] 4.81012e-06
DIAPH1 [NCBI] 4.73905e-06
AGA [NCBI] 4.69369e-06
ANK1 [NCBI] 4.67158e-06
ENPP1 [NCBI] 4.6205e-06
ALDH3A2 [NCBI] 4.60736e-06
FGD4 [NCBI] 4.59469e-06
ST14 [NCBI] 4.58662e-06
PMS2 [NCBI] 4.56038e-06
SPINK5 [NCBI] 4.50677e-06
TMC2 [NCBI] 4.48727e-06
PAH [NCBI] 4.47912e-06
SLC37A4 [NCBI] 4.41327e-06
CRBN [NCBI] 4.3913e-06
FAM126A [NCBI] 4.3913e-06
SMS [NCBI] 4.3913e-06
GCH1 [NCBI] 4.34294e-06
LIPH [NCBI] 4.30456e-06
MARVELD2 [NCBI] 4.30456e-06
BBS7 [NCBI] 4.30456e-06
ESPN [NCBI] 4.22545e-06
CYP1B1 [NCBI] 4.16998e-06
CNGB1 [NCBI] 4.15272e-06
SLC3A1 [NCBI] 4.12267e-06
ABCC8 [NCBI] 4.12267e-06
PDE6C [NCBI] 4.08542e-06
SUCLA2 [NCBI] 4.08542e-06
RGR [NCBI] 4.08542e-06
SLC12A3 [NCBI] 4.06595e-06
MUTYH [NCBI] 4.03849e-06
CHM [NCBI] 4.03849e-06
KISS1R [NCBI] 4.02497e-06
MPV17 [NCBI] 4.0228e-06
DYM [NCBI] 4.0228e-06
LIM2 [NCBI] 4.0228e-06
RS1 [NCBI] 3.99834e-06
CLDN16 [NCBI] 3.96426e-06
AUH [NCBI] 3.90929e-06
CPS1 [NCBI] 3.85748e-06
GNRHR [NCBI] 3.81421e-06
ALDH7A1 [NCBI] 3.8085e-06
POMT1 [NCBI] 3.8085e-06
OSTM1 [NCBI] 3.8085e-06
CUBN [NCBI] 3.79152e-06
ARSE [NCBI] 3.76205e-06
RDH12 [NCBI] 3.76205e-06
GJA8 [NCBI] 3.76205e-06
MPZ [NCBI] 3.75819e-06
FBLN1 [NCBI] 3.74727e-06
BLM [NCBI] 3.73645e-06
ELA2 [NCBI] 3.72571e-06
CLRN1 [NCBI] 3.71788e-06
MOCS1 [NCBI] 3.67578e-06
SLC17A5 [NCBI] 3.67578e-06
DLL3 [NCBI] 3.67578e-06
POMGNT1 [NCBI] 3.67578e-06
TFR2 [NCBI] 3.66307e-06
POU3F4 [NCBI] 3.63557e-06
SAG [NCBI] 3.63557e-06
CNGB3 [NCBI] 3.59709e-06
ATP7B [NCBI] 3.584e-06
CNGA3 [NCBI] 3.56019e-06
BBS2 [NCBI] 3.52474e-06
LRAT [NCBI] 3.52474e-06
ESRRB [NCBI] 3.49065e-06
DSP [NCBI] 3.47381e-06
SYNE1 [NCBI] 3.45781e-06
KCNJ11 [NCBI] 3.43054e-06
ABCA12 [NCBI] 3.42613e-06
PDC [NCBI] 3.39554e-06
OTOP2 [NCBI] 3.38092e-06
OTOP3 [NCBI] 3.38092e-06
TPO [NCBI] 3.35917e-06
INVS [NCBI] 3.33732e-06
MKKS [NCBI] 3.33732e-06
TAZ [NCBI] 3.33732e-06
SLC45A2 [NCBI] 3.30958e-06
LAMA2 [NCBI] 3.25656e-06
CLCN7 [NCBI] 3.20651e-06
RPGRIP1 [NCBI] 3.20651e-06
EIF2AK3 [NCBI] 3.20651e-06
IGHMBP2 [NCBI] 3.20651e-06
CLCN5 [NCBI] 3.11415e-06
MVK [NCBI] 3.11415e-06
ROM1 [NCBI] 3.09248e-06
NRL [NCBI] 3.09248e-06
MC2R [NCBI] 3.09248e-06
FANCF [NCBI] 3.07133e-06
HAX1 [NCBI] 3.05068e-06
DUOX2 [NCBI] 3.03049e-06
MLC1 [NCBI] 3.03049e-06
ATP8B1 [NCBI] 3.03049e-06
RELN [NCBI] 3.02441e-06
G6PC [NCBI] 2.95406e-06
CYP11B1 [NCBI] 2.95406e-06
INSIG2 [NCBI] 2.95406e-06
ATP2A1 [NCBI] 2.95406e-06
ANKH [NCBI] 2.93594e-06
RAG1 [NCBI] 2.92509e-06
SLC26A3 [NCBI] 2.91819e-06
ALOX12 [NCBI] 2.90079e-06
AMH [NCBI] 2.8966e-06
DHCR7 [NCBI] 2.85054e-06
APRT [NCBI] 2.83142e-06
ACAN [NCBI] 2.81857e-06
CFH [NCBI] 2.81565e-06
GALNS [NCBI] 2.78773e-06
MRE11A [NCBI] 2.7847e-06
SOX3 [NCBI] 2.75793e-06
OTOP1 [NCBI] 2.75039e-06
FOXL2 [NCBI] 2.7434e-06
WFS1 [NCBI] 2.66094e-06
FECH [NCBI] 2.61e-06
VLDLR [NCBI] 2.59772e-06
CRYAA [NCBI] 2.5856e-06
CTSK [NCBI] 2.5856e-06
STOM [NCBI] 2.5856e-06
AICDA [NCBI] 2.57366e-06
TYMP [NCBI] 2.53877e-06
UGT1A9 [NCBI] 2.53877e-06
AVPR2 [NCBI] 2.52745e-06
LBX2 [NCBI] 2.51257e-06
TCTE3 [NCBI] 2.51257e-06
CACNA2D4 [NCBI] 2.51257e-06
ZNF469 [NCBI] 2.51257e-06
T [NCBI] 2.50785e-06
ALPL [NCBI] 2.49434e-06
BIN1 [NCBI] 2.48357e-06
MYOC [NCBI] 2.47978e-06
NAGA [NCBI] 2.47294e-06
CA2 [NCBI] 2.44182e-06
APBA1 [NCBI] 2.43168e-06
RAG2 [NCBI] 2.41423e-06
EGR2 [NCBI] 2.41177e-06
WRN [NCBI] 2.36644e-06
AFP [NCBI] 2.3592e-06
SLC39A13 [NCBI] 2.35822e-06
SRMS [NCBI] 2.35822e-06
KBTBD11 [NCBI] 2.35822e-06
SOD1 [NCBI] 2.35616e-06
DNMT3B [NCBI] 2.34549e-06
KRT10 [NCBI] 2.3098e-06
KAL1 [NCBI] 2.29249e-06
COL4A5 [NCBI] 2.27553e-06
DUOXA2 [NCBI] 2.24351e-06
SHPK [NCBI] 2.24351e-06
MESP2 [NCBI] 2.24351e-06
NFU1 [NCBI] 2.24351e-06
PLEC1 [NCBI] 2.22657e-06
FSHR [NCBI] 2.17281e-06
FMR1 [NCBI] 2.17034e-06
DRD5 [NCBI] 2.16539e-06
ATP6V0D2 [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
C9orf61 [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
OTOG [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
CYP4F22 [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
ZNF200 [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
LGSN [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
PRSS12 [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
RGS9BP [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
ZFAND5 [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
LHFPL5 [NCBI] 2.15216e-06
JAK3 [NCBI] 2.14398e-06
FANCD2 [NCBI] 2.13639e-06
PANK2 [NCBI] 2.12929e-06
SLC19A2 [NCBI] 2.12225e-06
LPL [NCBI] 2.11507e-06
NSF [NCBI] 2.10834e-06
PREPL [NCBI] 2.10018e-06
CABP4 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
PLEKHG5 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
FAM13A1 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
OR1F1 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
TMEM2 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
CBX2 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
PCDH21 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
ARHGEF10 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
ATP6V1C2 [NCBI] 2.07624e-06
OMP [NCBI] 2.0614e-06
GBA [NCBI] 2.0549e-06
NTRK1 [NCBI] 2.04206e-06
LAMB3 [NCBI] 2.01467e-06
NOMO2 [NCBI] 2.01128e-06
USP31 [NCBI] 2.01128e-06
FGD2 [NCBI] 2.01128e-06
PTPLA [NCBI] 2.01128e-06
HISPPD2A [NCBI] 2.01128e-06
PANK3 [NCBI] 2.01128e-06
CNO [NCBI] 2.01128e-06
TIMP3 [NCBI] 2.00467e-06
REN [NCBI] 1.98658e-06
ADA [NCBI] 1.97809e-06
UGT1A1 [NCBI] 1.97551e-06
DDC [NCBI] 1.97474e-06
SLC11A1 [NCBI] 1.9653e-06
WDR6 [NCBI] 1.95452e-06
BBS9 [NCBI] 1.95452e-06
PANK1 [NCBI] 1.95452e-06
BBS10 [NCBI] 1.95452e-06
EVC2 [NCBI] 1.95452e-06
WNT10A [NCBI] 1.95452e-06
MALL [NCBI] 1.95452e-06
NPC1 [NCBI] 1.94585e-06
MYO6 [NCBI] 1.93457e-06
SPG21 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
RAB8B [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
CRLF1 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
CABC1 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
PIGM [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
ADAMTS10 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
GJC2 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
USP12 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
NOMO3 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
PANK4 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
FGD3 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
AOX1 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
CATSPER2 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
ALOXE3 [NCBI] 1.90413e-06
CYP21A2 [NCBI] 1.89093e-06
CSTB [NCBI] 1.86995e-06
PAX2 [NCBI] 1.86995e-06
LDLR [NCBI] 1.86568e-06
LFNG [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
ATP13A2 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
ANKFY1 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
ELOVL5 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
ECM2 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
NT5C [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
NOP10 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
SLC9A9 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
PUS1 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
RGS9 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
USP48 [NCBI] 1.85882e-06
WNT4 [NCBI] 1.82952e-06
TGM5 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
HMGCS2 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
GJD2 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
CLCF1 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
NOMO1 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
GIF [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
ESCO2 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
CIRH1A [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
OGDH [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
CDRT1 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
CRTAP [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
ALDH18A1 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
ATP6V1G3 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
PIK3AP1 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
TUSC3 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
FAM46A [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
BFSP1 [NCBI] 1.81767e-06
RAD50 [NCBI] 1.80046e-06
SLC22A5 [NCBI] 1.79572e-06
CBS [NCBI] 1.791e-06
NPHP3 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
GLE1 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
PRICKLE1 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
CHST3 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
PCDH10 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
EIF4A2 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
EDARADD [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
TMEM67 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
OXCT1 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
MBNL3 [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
IDH3B [NCBI] 1.77997e-06
ERCC5 [NCBI] 1.74973e-06
MAGT1 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
ATP6V1G2 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
VPS13B [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
KHDRBS2 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
NEIL3 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
LEPRE1 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
PRB4 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
ROBO3 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
HSN2 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
AASS [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
PAPSS2 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
ATP6V1G1 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
USH1G [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
SMAP1 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
DOK7 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
PPM1B [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
SLC44A2 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
SYT11 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
MPDU1 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
NDUFV3 [NCBI] 1.74521e-06
MTRR [NCBI] 1.72769e-06
RAB23 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
DLGAP2 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
CLDN14 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
ST3GAL5 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
SBF1 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
ALOX12B [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
MRAP [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
FANCB [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
IMPG1 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
FKBP6 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
GPR126 [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
MMACHC [NCBI] 1.71295e-06
EFEMP2 [NCBI] 1.68286e-06
AGGF1 [NCBI] 1.68286e-06
MFN1 [NCBI] 1.68286e-06
ETFA [NCBI] 1.68286e-06
PLLP [NCBI] 1.68286e-06
MAT1A [NCBI] 1.68286e-06
NBEA [NCBI] 1.68286e-06
BSG [NCBI] 1.67304e-06
SMN2 [NCBI] 1.65694e-06
CUL7 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
AGPAT2 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
PHF6 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
MYOF [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
SCYL1 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
NHP2 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
FTCD [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
GALNT3 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
SLC25A19 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
CRYBB3 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
PXMP3 [NCBI] 1.65467e-06
FANCI [NCBI] 1.62816e-06
PROKR2 [NCBI] 1.62816e-06
XYLT1 [NCBI] 1.62816e-06
PPP1R3C [NCBI] 1.62816e-06
HSD17B3 [NCBI] 1.62816e-06
PRCD [NCBI] 1.62816e-06
CHRND [NCBI] 1.60314e-06
WNT6 [NCBI] 1.60314e-06
GCNT2 [NCBI] 1.60314e-06
AMN [NCBI] 1.60314e-06
LIFR [NCBI] 1.58466e-06
FBXO7 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
BCKDHB [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
SLC17A2 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
DNAJB2 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
SIL1 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
SLC25A20 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
FRMD7 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
DHCR24 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
AMHR2 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
MAD2L1BP [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
SPG20 [NCBI] 1.57945e-06
RAB7A [NCBI] 1.57382e-06
FGF23 [NCBI] 1.57025e-06
ME2 [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
VPS26A [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
AIM1 [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
GAK [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
PEX7 [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
EMP3 [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
GCM2 [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
CKMT1A [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
GOT1 [NCBI] 1.55696e-06
SP110 [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
FBLN2 [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
GAN [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
TRIOBP [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
HLCS [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
NPR3 [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
NDE1 [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
NOX3 [NCBI] 1.53555e-06
TRIM37 [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
PLOD2 [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
ACOX1 [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
HMGCL [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
IGFALS [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
GLDC [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
RFXAP [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
FRG1 [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
GPR56 [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
GAR1 [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
SLC25A12 [NCBI] 1.51513e-06
ADH4 [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
CA4 [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
GSS [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
NRG2 [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
SLC27A4 [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
SLC19A3 [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
CLASP1 [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
PCNT [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
VIL1 [NCBI] 1.49561e-06
ATP6 [NCBI] 1.47691e-06
GCDH [NCBI] 1.47691e-06
MYL3 [NCBI] 1.47691e-06
OFD1 [NCBI] 1.47691e-06
LMX1B [NCBI] 1.47691e-06
TRIM32 [NCBI] 1.47691e-06
EGF [NCBI] 1.46538e-06
CRYBB1 [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
EIF2B1 [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
LARGE [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
NT5C3 [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
TREX1 [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
DNASE2 [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
BCOR [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
TSHB [NCBI] 1.45898e-06
VKORC1 [NCBI] 1.44516e-06
SOX18 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
EIF2B4 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
P2RY14 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
SLC4A2 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
COL6A3 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
UBR1 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
SLC25A6 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
ABHD5 [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
KIF21A [NCBI] 1.44174e-06
CLCN3 [NCBI] 1.42515e-06
CNTFR [NCBI] 1.42515e-06
LAMB2 [NCBI] 1.42515e-06
CTDP1 [NCBI] 1.42515e-06
GLTP [NCBI] 1.42515e-06
AR [NCBI] 1.42434e-06
GALE [NCBI] 1.40917e-06
SLC12A6 [NCBI] 1.40917e-06
FERMT1 [NCBI] 1.40917e-06
GAMT [NCBI] 1.40917e-06
SPTLC1 [NCBI] 1.40917e-06
NEIL2 [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
RFXANK [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
ADSL [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
KLK4 [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
ARG1 [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
NYX [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
SEC23A [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
GABRR2 [NCBI] 1.39375e-06
CRYBB2 [NCBI] 1.37885e-06
ALOX15B [NCBI] 1.37885e-06
RAPSN [NCBI] 1.37885e-06
NOS1AP [NCBI] 1.37885e-06
PLCE1 [NCBI] 1.37885e-06
DBT [NCBI] 1.37885e-06
ATRN [NCBI] 1.36443e-06
SEPN1 [NCBI] 1.36443e-06
ITPA [NCBI] 1.36443e-06
SIAH2 [NCBI] 1.36443e-06
RRP9 [NCBI] 1.36443e-06
RIMS1 [NCBI] 1.36443e-06
FUCA1 [NCBI] 1.35048e-06
PGP [NCBI] 1.35048e-06
EPHA4 [NCBI] 1.33696e-06
UROS [NCBI] 1.33696e-06
SLC6A8 [NCBI] 1.32385e-06
SSPN [NCBI] 1.32385e-06
HINT1 [NCBI] 1.32385e-06
ATP2B2 [NCBI] 1.32385e-06
CYP7B1 [NCBI] 1.32385e-06
CYP4F2 [NCBI] 1.32385e-06
DLD [NCBI] 1.32385e-06
MYT1 [NCBI] 1.31111e-06
CEP290 [NCBI] 1.31111e-06
PKP2 [NCBI] 1.31111e-06
ARSB [NCBI] 1.31111e-06
CFP [NCBI] 1.31111e-06
CHRNA1 [NCBI] 1.31111e-06
EIF2B5 [NCBI] 1.29874e-06
GUCA1B [NCBI] 1.29874e-06
MTM1 [NCBI] 1.29874e-06
ZMPSTE24 [NCBI] 1.28671e-06
PVRL1 [NCBI] 1.28671e-06
LDHB [NCBI] 1.28671e-06
PIK3C3 [NCBI] 1.28671e-06
COL10A1 [NCBI] 1.28671e-06
MMP1 [NCBI] 1.28174e-06
FXYD2 [NCBI] 1.27501e-06
SCN8A [NCBI] 1.27501e-06
TACSTD2 [NCBI] 1.26361e-06
IDUA [NCBI] 1.26361e-06
PROK2 [NCBI] 1.26361e-06
MATN1 [NCBI] 1.25295e-06
STS [NCBI] 1.2525e-06
ADK [NCBI] 1.2525e-06
ANTXR2 [NCBI] 1.2525e-06
SEPT5 [NCBI] 1.2525e-06
PKP1 [NCBI] 1.2525e-06
TG [NCBI] 1.24771e-06
PTP4A1 [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
XK [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
AGXT [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
GK [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
WISP3 [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
GP9 [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
RENBP [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
PHYH [NCBI] 1.24167e-06
CP [NCBI] 1.23896e-06
PEPD [NCBI] 1.23111e-06
ABCB4 [NCBI] 1.23111e-06
SOST [NCBI] 1.22079e-06
NUDT1 [NCBI] 1.22079e-06
MLPH [NCBI] 1.22079e-06
GRIK2 [NCBI] 1.21072e-06
TJP2 [NCBI] 1.21072e-06
FHL1 [NCBI] 1.21072e-06
INSR [NCBI] 1.20956e-06
SLC25A13 [NCBI] 1.20088e-06
SH3BP2 [NCBI] 1.20088e-06
CSNK1A1 [NCBI] 1.20088e-06
TDP1 [NCBI] 1.20088e-06
NEIL1 [NCBI] 1.20088e-06
PSMD7 [NCBI] 1.19126e-06
GUCA1A [NCBI] 1.19126e-06
GAD1 [NCBI] 1.19126e-06
IHH [NCBI] 1.19126e-06
ROCK2 [NCBI] 1.19126e-06
CACNA1F [NCBI] 1.18184e-06
LAMA3 [NCBI] 1.18184e-06
CCKAR [NCBI] 1.17263e-06
ELAC2 [NCBI] 1.17263e-06
KCNQ4 [NCBI] 1.17263e-06
GFI1 [NCBI] 1.17263e-06
SRY [NCBI] 1.16863e-06
ECM1 [NCBI] 1.16362e-06
GRPR [NCBI] 1.16362e-06
NTHL1 [NCBI] 1.16362e-06
SCARB2 [NCBI] 1.16362e-06
PRKRA [NCBI] 1.16362e-06
TCN2 [NCBI] 1.16362e-06
SLC25A4 [NCBI] 1.15478e-06
NUP62 [NCBI] 1.15478e-06
BCAM [NCBI] 1.14613e-06
SCNN1G [NCBI] 1.14613e-06
PRPF8 [NCBI] 1.14613e-06
GAS1 [NCBI] 1.13765e-06
SMPD1 [NCBI] 1.13765e-06
ESRRG [NCBI] 1.13765e-06
EDN3 [NCBI] 1.12933e-06
PRKCH [NCBI] 1.12933e-06
HBB [NCBI] 1.12203e-06
NDEL1 [NCBI] 1.12118e-06
PLAGL1 [NCBI] 1.12118e-06
UROD [NCBI] 1.11317e-06
FAT1 [NCBI] 1.11317e-06
GATM [NCBI] 1.10532e-06
COL17A1 [NCBI] 1.10532e-06
GRB10 [NCBI] 1.10532e-06
ADRA2B [NCBI] 1.0976e-06
ASAH1 [NCBI] 1.0976e-06
NONO [NCBI] 1.0976e-06
RFX5 [NCBI] 1.0976e-06
NCF1 [NCBI] 1.09003e-06
ERG [NCBI] 1.08387e-06
SNCAIP [NCBI] 1.08258e-06
RPL14 [NCBI] 1.08258e-06
GNRH1 [NCBI] 1.07527e-06
NR0B2 [NCBI] 1.07527e-06
OCRL [NCBI] 1.07527e-06
CSF3R [NCBI] 1.07527e-06
CYP27B1 [NCBI] 1.06808e-06
NP [NCBI] 1.06101e-06
CD8A [NCBI] 1.04049e-06
IL7R [NCBI] 1.04049e-06
SS18 [NCBI] 1.04049e-06
DMP1 [NCBI] 1.03386e-06
MSX1 [NCBI] 1.03386e-06
HTRA1 [NCBI] 1.02734e-06
ATR [NCBI] 1.02348e-06
CDH15 [NCBI] 1.02092e-06
HOXD13 [NCBI] 1.01459e-06
IFNGR2 [NCBI] 1.01459e-06
RBP1 [NCBI] 1.01459e-06
SCNN1A [NCBI] 1.01459e-06
EYA1 [NCBI] 1.01459e-06
GRK1 [NCBI] 1.00222e-06
HFE2 [NCBI] 1.00222e-06
IL12RB2 [NCBI] 9.9021e-07
INHA [NCBI] 9.9021e-07
FLG [NCBI] 9.9021e-07
IRF6 [NCBI] 9.9021e-07
TIRAP [NCBI] 9.9021e-07
NR2F2 [NCBI] 9.8433e-07
NR0B1 [NCBI] 9.78533e-07
KCNH6 [NCBI] 9.71162e-07
UCHL1 [NCBI] 9.56122e-07
CIITA [NCBI] 9.55622e-07
PKD1 [NCBI] 9.5103e-07
NPC2 [NCBI] 9.50704e-07
FOXN1 [NCBI] 9.50704e-07
RGS4 [NCBI] 9.50704e-07
MTTP [NCBI] 9.45356e-07
PSMD4 [NCBI] 9.45356e-07
UBE2L3 [NCBI] 9.45356e-07
TYRO3 [NCBI] 9.40076e-07
TNFSF4 [NCBI] 9.40076e-07
OXCT2 [NCBI] 9.34864e-07
APLP2 [NCBI] 9.19612e-07
IDS [NCBI] 9.14651e-07
LCN1 [NCBI] 9.0975e-07
TH [NCBI] 9.09614e-07
KCNJ1 [NCBI] 9.04908e-07
TNNI3 [NCBI] 9.04908e-07
IL12RB1 [NCBI] 9.00121e-07
GUCY2D [NCBI] 9.00121e-07
UPF1 [NCBI] 9.00121e-07
OPTN [NCBI] 9.00121e-07
SCNN1B [NCBI] 9.00121e-07
EEF1A1 [NCBI] 8.95391e-07
PPOX [NCBI] 8.90715e-07
SAA1 [NCBI] 8.90715e-07
ATRX [NCBI] 8.86092e-07
ACP1 [NCBI] 8.86092e-07
PLA2G6 [NCBI] 8.86092e-07
LAMC2 [NCBI] 8.77001e-07
ABCG1 [NCBI] 8.77001e-07
MAOB [NCBI] 8.77001e-07
TFF3 [NCBI] 8.6811e-07
EDNRB [NCBI] 8.6811e-07
MME [NCBI] 8.6811e-07
HLA-F [NCBI] 8.63736e-07
HTR1A [NCBI] 8.46703e-07
HPRT1 [NCBI] 8.42555e-07
BEST1 [NCBI] 8.38449e-07
KEAP1 [NCBI] 8.30363e-07
ITGB4 [NCBI] 8.30363e-07
SCN4A [NCBI] 8.22436e-07
DDB2 [NCBI] 8.18532e-07
OAT [NCBI] 8.14665e-07
EN2 [NCBI] 8.14665e-07
CTSA [NCBI] 8.10835e-07
TTN [NCBI] 8.10835e-07
FES [NCBI] 8.07043e-07
PPARD [NCBI] 8.07043e-07
HLA-DRA [NCBI] 8.03286e-07
APLP1 [NCBI] 7.99564e-07
RECQL [NCBI] 7.99564e-07
CCR2 [NCBI] 7.9126e-07
FGF10 [NCBI] 7.88605e-07
TYROBP [NCBI] 7.85019e-07
DSG1 [NCBI] 7.81465e-07
PDE4D [NCBI] 7.77943e-07
LBR [NCBI] 7.74452e-07
IL2RG [NCBI] 7.70992e-07
LTF [NCBI] 7.64163e-07
MAPT [NCBI] 7.57872e-07
TPP1 [NCBI] 7.54138e-07
GJB1 [NCBI] 7.51193e-07
FLNA [NCBI] 7.47595e-07
DISC1 [NCBI] 7.47595e-07
BRCA2 [NCBI] 7.40226e-07
HSPD1 [NCBI] 7.37984e-07
ELN [NCBI] 7.34833e-07
SHOX [NCBI] 7.28606e-07
F10 [NCBI] 7.19451e-07
HSD11B2 [NCBI] 7.19451e-07
BARD1 [NCBI] 7.16447e-07
MTHFR [NCBI] 7.15551e-07
CDKN2A [NCBI] 7.13681e-07
AGT [NCBI] 7.10576e-07
MSLN [NCBI] 7.1051e-07
TTPA [NCBI] 7.04663e-07
MUSK [NCBI] 6.90428e-07
DMRT1 [NCBI] 6.90428e-07
KISS1 [NCBI] 6.87644e-07
ATXN2 [NCBI] 6.8488e-07
WNT5A [NCBI] 6.8488e-07
ERCC4 [NCBI] 6.82137e-07
WNT1 [NCBI] 6.71358e-07
HLA-A [NCBI] 6.66893e-07
GCK [NCBI] 6.66083e-07
FGF3 [NCBI] 6.66083e-07
FBN1 [NCBI] 6.5575e-07
SH2D1A [NCBI] 6.53211e-07
TSHR [NCBI] 6.53211e-07
ADRB1 [NCBI] 6.5069e-07
LAMA1 [NCBI] 6.5069e-07
ABCD1 [NCBI] 6.43226e-07
IKBKG [NCBI] 6.38333e-07
TAF1 [NCBI] 6.38333e-07
COL1A2 [NCBI] 6.3591e-07
CDX2 [NCBI] 6.3591e-07
CAD [NCBI] 6.28736e-07
IL12B [NCBI] 6.21701e-07
IRF8 [NCBI] 6.19385e-07
TEC [NCBI] 6.19385e-07
TNFRSF11A [NCBI] 6.16743e-07
CD99 [NCBI] 6.01374e-07
GH1 [NCBI] 5.97007e-07
PROC [NCBI] 5.97007e-07
FGB [NCBI] 5.94844e-07
VASP [NCBI] 5.86318e-07
COMP [NCBI] 5.80055e-07
MC4R [NCBI] 5.77991e-07
HSPA1A [NCBI] 5.77991e-07
LCAT [NCBI] 5.7594e-07
TSG101 [NCBI] 5.739e-07
TNFRSF11B [NCBI] 5.63018e-07
PTPN22 [NCBI] 5.59941e-07
ITGB2 [NCBI] 5.56052e-07
ATP7A [NCBI] 5.56052e-07
DNASE2B [NCBI] 5.48402e-07
OGG1 [NCBI] 5.42772e-07
TYRP1 [NCBI] 5.40916e-07
TJP1 [NCBI] 5.34797e-07
HLA-B [NCBI] 5.33317e-07
TNFSF11 [NCBI] 5.21632e-07
KDR [NCBI] 5.14208e-07
PSAP [NCBI] 5.02425e-07
ATXN3 [NCBI] 5.00775e-07
COL2A1 [NCBI] 5.00775e-07
MIP [NCBI] 4.97499e-07
FGFR1 [NCBI] 4.94255e-07
CD40 [NCBI] 4.92645e-07
XPC [NCBI] 4.80035e-07
ACP5 [NCBI] 4.71695e-07
ABCA1 [NCBI] 4.57621e-07
ATF2 [NCBI] 4.57621e-07
RAD9A [NCBI] 4.5618e-07
APOB [NCBI] 4.55142e-07
POU1F1 [NCBI] 4.54746e-07
MMP3 [NCBI] 4.51897e-07
COMT [NCBI] 4.47705e-07
SPN [NCBI] 4.46272e-07
TFF2 [NCBI] 4.35313e-07
XPA [NCBI] 4.33969e-07
MITF [NCBI] 4.32631e-07
PAX3 [NCBI] 4.32631e-07
KCNJ8 [NCBI] 4.31299e-07
SERPINA1 [NCBI] 4.27335e-07
TGFBI [NCBI] 4.09479e-07
IRS1 [NCBI] 4.067e-07
BUB1 [NCBI] 4.02132e-07
NR1I3 [NCBI] 3.97331e-07
CYP2E1 [NCBI] 3.97331e-07
MLX [NCBI] 3.96142e-07
COL1A1 [NCBI] 3.96142e-07
AREG [NCBI] 3.81105e-07
IRS2 [NCBI] 3.78858e-07
HNF4A [NCBI] 3.70035e-07
GHR [NCBI] 3.67871e-07
MYOD1 [NCBI] 3.67871e-07
SERPINF1 [NCBI] 3.61472e-07
CBX4 [NCBI] 3.5937e-07
STAR [NCBI] 3.53155e-07
PLG [NCBI] 3.42103e-07
CDKN1A [NCBI] 3.3646e-07
ERCC1 [NCBI] 3.33373e-07
MYD88 [NCBI] 3.15805e-07
XRCC1 [NCBI] 3.01852e-07
F8 [NCBI] 2.97638e-07
PIH [NCBI] 2.91853e-07
EPB41L1 [NCBI] 2.91853e-07
ICAM1 [NCBI] 2.846e-07
AGTR1 [NCBI] 2.77549e-07
CXCL12 [NCBI] 2.76886e-07
SLC5A5 [NCBI] 2.74478e-07
NKX2-1 [NCBI] 2.722e-07
ALDH2 [NCBI] 2.69194e-07
MEN1 [NCBI] 2.69194e-07
EPB41L2 [NCBI] 2.62562e-07
TFF1 [NCBI] 2.58955e-07
ENG [NCBI] 2.5824e-07
NOS1 [NCBI] 2.49136e-07
UMOD [NCBI] 2.49136e-07
ADRB2 [NCBI] 2.4845e-07
BID [NCBI] 2.45726e-07
MMP2 [NCBI] 2.39052e-07
MECP2 [NCBI] 2.36436e-07
RB1 [NCBI] 2.36436e-07
TNF [NCBI] 2.35943e-07
PTGS2 [NCBI] 2.27217e-07
STAT1 [NCBI] 2.21252e-07
ADAM17 [NCBI] 2.18933e-07
ERBB4 [NCBI] 2.14767e-07
NPY [NCBI] 2.08758e-07
RAD51 [NCBI] 2.07809e-07
IL6ST [NCBI] 2.04414e-07
ZAP70 [NCBI] 1.98877e-07
CCND1 [NCBI] 1.97788e-07
ALB [NCBI] 1.94554e-07
INS [NCBI] 1.87721e-07
ATM [NCBI] 1.84646e-07
BMP4 [NCBI] 1.83631e-07
MMP9 [NCBI] 1.72337e-07
SMAD3 [NCBI] 1.6903e-07
SLC6A3 [NCBI] 1.62592e-07
PRKDC [NCBI] 1.55508e-07
FAS [NCBI] 1.41364e-07
CTSG [NCBI] 1.35877e-07
DRD4 [NCBI] 1.34725e-07
PTH [NCBI] 1.32795e-07
PCNA [NCBI] 1.24654e-07
NGF [NCBI] 1.22539e-07
ACHE [NCBI] 1.19585e-07
FOXP3 [NCBI] 1.15708e-07
VHL [NCBI] 1.01359e-07
IKBKE [NCBI] 1.00156e-07
POMC [NCBI] 9.31771e-08
EPO [NCBI] 9.28667e-08
BAX [NCBI] 9.19199e-08
GSTT1 [NCBI] 9.09377e-08
HTT [NCBI] 9.06608e-08
CCK [NCBI] 8.59616e-08
AVP [NCBI] 8.35477e-08
TF [NCBI] 8.29087e-08
CD68 [NCBI] 8.29087e-08
CHUK [NCBI] 8.13704e-08
IKBKB [NCBI] 7.83588e-08
HLA-DQB1 [NCBI] 7.54319e-08
MBP [NCBI] 7.06459e-08
PRL [NCBI] 6.62115e-08
CYP2C19 [NCBI] 6.28292e-08
PAX6 [NCBI] 6.03422e-08
MPO [NCBI] 5.23302e-08
GSTM1 [NCBI] 5.21869e-08
GSTP1 [NCBI] 4.17517e-08
BRCA1 [NCBI] 3.92703e-08
IL10 [NCBI] 3.07046e-08
GFAP [NCBI] 2.62852e-08
ACE [NCBI] 1.79114e-08
STAT3 [NCBI] 9.6155e-09
HLA-DRB1 [NCBI] 9.20686e-09
BMP2 [NCBI] 6.63549e-09
CAT [NCBI] 5.99472e-09
NOS2 [NCBI] 2.43749e-09
TRH [NCBI] 2.38549e-09
SLC6A4 [NCBI] 1.93353e-09
TLR4 [NCBI] 5.027e-10
LIF [NCBI] 4.1074e-10
TP53 [NCBI] 2.05857e-10
PTEN [NCBI] 4.88673e-11


OMIM Link Information
RA [NCBI] 0.00651031
SLE [NCBI] 0.00415441
hennekam lymphangiectasia-lymphedema syndrome [NCBI] 0.00240121
CF [NCBI] 0.00216928
dubowitz syndrome [NCBI] 0.00210207
DSMA3 [NCBI] 0.00192039
SEMDJL [NCBI] 0.00190017
FRNS [NCBI] 0.00167748
microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism, type i [NCBI] 0.00165926
omodysplasia, generalized form [NCBI] 0.00163231
SPG5A [NCBI] 0.00163231
popliteal pterygium syndrome, lethal type [NCBI] 0.00163231
cataract, autosomal recessive, early-onset, pulverulent [NCBI] 0.00143986
OFD9 [NCBI] 0.00143986
DYT2 [NCBI] 0.00138779
SRS [NCBI] 0.0013082
AD [NCBI] 0.0012633
geleophysic dysplasia [NCBI] 0.0012221
aniridia, cerebellar ataxia, and mental deficiency [NCBI] 0.0012221
OFD4 [NCBI] 0.0012221
NLS [NCBI] 0.00116484
achalasia, familial esophageal [NCBI] 0.00105438
neuropathy, hereditary motor and sensory, russe type [NCBI] 0.00105438
deafness, congenital, and onychodystrophy, recessive form [NCBI] 0.00105438
gonadal dysgenesis, xx type, with deafness [NCBI] 0.00105438
facial ectodermal dysplasia [NCBI] 0.00104815
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, distal, x-linked [NCBI] 0.00102573
camptodactyly with muscular hypoplasia, skeletal dysplasia, and abnormal palmar creases [NCBI] 0.00102573
CNA1 [NCBI] 0.00102573
spondyloenchondrodysplasia [NCBI] 0.00102573
campomelia, cumming type [NCBI] 0.00102573
CMT2B2 [NCBI] 0.00102573
VDEGS [NCBI] 0.00102573
AXPC1 [NCBI] 0.00102573
cenani syndactylism [NCBI] 0.00102573
CRC [NCBI] 0.000987057
DFNB13 [NCBI] 0.000959622
SCAR5 [NCBI] 0.000959622
humeroradial synostosis [NCBI] 0.000959622
cone-rod dystrophy and amelogenesis imperfecta [NCBI] 0.000959622
focal facial dermal dysplasia [NCBI] 0.000959622
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda, toledo type [NCBI] 0.000959622
HDL3 [NCBI] 0.000959622
MRT12 [NCBI] 0.000959622
hypomandibular faciocranial dysostosis [NCBI] 0.000959622
NNCI [NCBI] 0.000959622
CMTX2 [NCBI] 0.000959622
spondylodysplasia with pure brachyolmia [NCBI] 0.000959622
deafness, high-frequency sensorineural, x-linked [NCBI] 0.000959622
MF4 [NCBI] 0.000959622
epiphyseal dysplasia, microcephaly, and nystagmus [NCBI] 0.000959622
marden-walker syndrome [NCBI] 0.000955036
GO [NCBI] 0.000924237
RP [NCBI] 0.000919541
ATD1 [NCBI] 0.000884023
FSHMD1A [NCBI] 0.000855213
CTAA1 [NCBI] 0.000828485
chorioretinal dystrophy, spinocerebellar ataxia, and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [NCBI] 0.000828485
gapo syndrome [NCBI] 0.000828485
cerebellar ataxia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [NCBI] 0.000828485
AMCN [NCBI] 0.000729913
spatial visualization, aptitude for [NCBI] 0.000729913
HYPX [NCBI] 0.000729913
varadi-papp syndrome [NCBI] 0.000729913
MDD [NCBI] 0.000708199
megalocornea-mental retardation syndrome [NCBI] 0.000692821
visceral myopathy, familial, with external ophthalmoplegia [NCBI] 0.000692821
LGMD2C [NCBI] 0.00069044
diaphragmatic hernia, congenital [NCBI] 0.000674354
mental retardation, congenital heart disease, blepharophimosis, blepharoptosis, and hypoplastic teeth [NCBI] 0.000610527
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, sedaghatian type [NCBI] 0.000610527
pyle disease [NCBI] 0.000610527
cerebellar hypoplasia, mental retardation, and quadrupedal locomotion [NCBI] 0.000610527
wieacker syndrome [NCBI] 0.000610527
MHAC [NCBI] 0.000610527
cerebellar atrophy with progressive microcephaly [NCBI] 0.000610527
faciodigitogenital syndrome, recessive [NCBI] 0.000610527
prostate cancer, hereditary, 3 [NCBI] 0.000610527
CMTX3 [NCBI] 0.000610527
DFNB5 [NCBI] 0.000610527
SPG15 [NCBI] 0.000610527
candidiasis, familial chronic mucocutaneous, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000610527
SCAR6 [NCBI] 0.000610527
cataract, central saccular, with sutural opacities [NCBI] 0.000610527
frontofacionasal dysostosis [NCBI] 0.000610527
microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism, type iii [NCBI] 0.000610527
LI5 [NCBI] 0.000610527
omodysplasia [NCBI] 0.000610527
alopecia-mental retardation syndrome 1 [NCBI] 0.000610527
cerebellar hypoplasia [NCBI] 0.000610527
macrocephaly with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia and distinctive facies [NCBI] 0.000610527
anodontia of permanent dentition [NCBI] 0.000610527
CVD1 [NCBI] 0.000610527
intestinal atresia, multiple [NCBI] 0.000590131
beta-aminoisobutyric acid, urinary excretion of [NCBI] 0.000590131
kohlschutter-tonz syndrome [NCBI] 0.000590131
basal ganglia calcification, idiopathic, childhood-onset [NCBI] 0.000590131
anencephaly [NCBI] 0.000588569
AOS [NCBI] 0.00055333
JBTS1 [NCBI] 0.000492041
pena-shokeir syndrome, type i [NCBI] 0.000491867
SACS [NCBI] 0.000491439
ARPKD [NCBI] 0.000490879
CORD3 [NCBI] 0.000485838
MRT5 [NCBI] 0.000479668
OFD8 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB44 [NCBI] 0.000479668
MRT10 [NCBI] 0.000479668
EIG3 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB66 [NCBI] 0.000479668
OPA6 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB35 [NCBI] 0.000479668
MRT4 [NCBI] 0.000479668
myoclonic epilepsy, infantile [NCBI] 0.000479668
ventriculomegaly with defects of the radius and kidney [NCBI] 0.000479668
foveal hypoplasia and anterior segment dysgenesis [NCBI] 0.000479668
bulbar palsy, progressive, of childhood [NCBI] 0.000479668
microcephaly-micromelia syndrome [NCBI] 0.000479668
MRXS11 [NCBI] 0.000479668
polyneuropathy, lethal neonatal, axonal sensorimotor, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000479668
cardiomyopathy associated with myopathy and sudden death [NCBI] 0.000479668
SPG24 [NCBI] 0.000479668
blepharophimosis with ptosis, syndactyly, and short stature [NCBI] 0.000479668
SPG30 [NCBI] 0.000479668
spinal muscular atrophy, distal, x-linked recessive [NCBI] 0.000479668
onychotrichodysplasia and neutropenia [NCBI] 0.000479668
DYTCA [NCBI] 0.000479668
metaphyseal acroscyphodysplasia [NCBI] 0.000479668
adducted thumbs syndrome [NCBI] 0.000479668
ectopia lentis, spontaneous filtering blebs, and craniofacial dysmorphism [NCBI] 0.000479668
lelis syndrome [NCBI] 0.000479668
arteriosclerosis, severe juvenile [NCBI] 0.000479668
MRT9 [NCBI] 0.000479668
deafness, neurosensory, autosomal recessive 47 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB40 [NCBI] 0.000479668
OFD5 [NCBI] 0.000479668
RP25 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB26 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNA49 [NCBI] 0.000479668
exfoliative ichthyosis, autosomal recessive, ichthyosis bullosa of siemens-like [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB32 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB39 [NCBI] 0.000479668
hodgkin disease, y-linked pseudoautosomal [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB62 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB48 [NCBI] 0.000479668
deafness, congenital neurosensory, autosomal recessive 38 [NCBI] 0.000479668
SPG27 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB55 [NCBI] 0.000479668
RP22 [NCBI] 0.000479668
atypical mycobacteriosis, familial, x-linked 2 [NCBI] 0.000479668
high density lipoprotein cholesterol level quantitative trait locus 2 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB63 [NCBI] 0.000479668
SCKL2 [NCBI] 0.000479668
RP28 [NCBI] 0.000479668
MCPH2 [NCBI] 0.000479668
chudley-mccullough syndrome [NCBI] 0.000479668
SLSN3 [NCBI] 0.000479668
MRT8 [NCBI] 0.000479668
neuropathy, hereditary motor and sensory, with excessive myelin folding complex, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000479668
SPG26 [NCBI] 0.000479668
SPAX2 [NCBI] 0.000479668
LAH3 [NCBI] 0.000479668
oculorenocerebellar syndrome [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNM1 [NCBI] 0.000479668
autoimmune thyroid disease, susceptibility to, 4 [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB20 [NCBI] 0.000479668
MRT11 [NCBI] 0.000479668
CATCN1 [NCBI] 0.000479668
trichoscyphodysplasia [NCBI] 0.000479668
red skin pigment anomaly of new guinea [NCBI] 0.000479668
SPAX3 [NCBI] 0.000479668
MRT7 [NCBI] 0.000479668
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, juvenile, with dementia [NCBI] 0.000479668
MCPH4 [NCBI] 0.000479668
xanthomatosis, susceptibility to [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB68 [NCBI] 0.000479668
mental retardation, truncal obesity, retinal dystrophy, and micropenis [NCBI] 0.000479668
DFNB1 [NCBI] 0.000471043
BWCNS [NCBI] 0.000461642
cholestasis-lymphedema syndrome [NCBI] 0.000461642
opsismodysplasia [NCBI] 0.000461642
ectopia lentis with ectopia of pupil [NCBI] 0.000461642
SCAR2 [NCBI] 0.000461642
CORD8 [NCBI] 0.000461642
fibrochondrogenesis [NCBI] 0.000461642
DFNB15 [NCBI] 0.000461642
CTAA2 [NCBI] 0.000461642
POADS [NCBI] 0.000461642
microphthalmia with limb anomalies [NCBI] 0.000461642
short rib-polydactyly syndrome, type iv [NCBI] 0.000441136
mohr syndrome [NCBI] 0.000441136
SCDO1 [NCBI] 0.000440289
ACLS [NCBI] 0.000436577
HFM [NCBI] 0.000430104
MCPH1 [NCBI] 0.000426287
robinow syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000409495
CMT4A [NCBI] 0.000404793
GJB2 [NCBI] 0.000399573
DWS [NCBI] 0.0003979
STGD1 [NCBI] 0.000389452
ARH [NCBI] 0.000384925
SHFLD1 [NCBI] 0.000384647
PCA [NCBI] 0.000384647
OFC1 [NCBI] 0.000378662
ABCA4 [NCBI] 0.000366437
CMM [NCBI] 0.000365975
tongue, pigmented fungiform papillae of [NCBI] 0.000364525
AUTS5 [NCBI] 0.000364525
letterer-siwe disease [NCBI] 0.000364525
CMDR [NCBI] 0.000364525
CTPP1 [NCBI] 0.000364525
hydrolethalus syndrome 1 [NCBI] 0.000343927
LI1 [NCBI] 0.000342738
BBS [NCBI] 0.000341874
usher syndrome, type i [NCBI] 0.000340003
PWS [NCBI] 0.000331093
OPPG [NCBI] 0.000309896
CMT4B2 [NCBI] 0.000303545
APC [NCBI] 0.000303399
IBM2 [NCBI] 0.000303185
short rib-polydactyly syndrome, type ii [NCBI] 0.00029476
jejunal atresia [NCBI] 0.000293896
RNANC [NCBI] 0.000293896
microcephaly, hiatus hernia, and nephrotic syndrome [NCBI] 0.000293896
kyphomelic dysplasia [NCBI] 0.000293896
hypertrichotic osteochondrodysplasia [NCBI] 0.000293896
SCAX1 [NCBI] 0.000293896
CCA1 [NCBI] 0.000293896
STHAG4 [NCBI] 0.000293896
UFS [NCBI] 0.000293896
schinzel-giedion midface-retraction syndrome [NCBI] 0.000293896
DFNB8 [NCBI] 0.00029346
CNA2 [NCBI] 0.00029346
acrofacial dysostosis syndrome of rodriguez [NCBI] 0.00029346
MCPH5 [NCBI] 0.000284117
situs inversus viscerum [NCBI] 0.000284117
EBR1 [NCBI] 0.000283959
RP19 [NCBI] 0.00027757
DFNB59 [NCBI] 0.00027757
MKS1 [NCBI] 0.000273972
EGF [NCBI] 0.00026941
thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome [NCBI] 0.000264787
ulna and fibula, absence of, with severe limb deficiency [NCBI] 0.000264355
megacystis-microcolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome [NCBI] 0.00025844
tight skin contracture syndrome, lethal [NCBI] 0.000253582
acheiropody [NCBI] 0.000253582
SMA1 [NCBI] 0.000249059
COL7A1 [NCBI] 0.000243622
GLYS1 [NCBI] 0.000242861
VEGF [NCBI] 0.00024133
BRCD1 [NCBI] 0.000239574
MCOP1 [NCBI] 0.000239574
hodgkin disease, x-linked pseudoautosomal [NCBI] 0.000239574
HMN1 [NCBI] 0.000239574
EVC [NCBI] 0.000238637
COH1 [NCBI] 0.000231269
nijmegen breakage syndrome [NCBI] 0.000231269
deafness, conductive, with malformed external ear [NCBI] 0.000230702
aplasia cutis congenita of limbs, recessive [NCBI] 0.000230702
hyperbilirubinemia, rotor type [NCBI] 0.000230702
saccharopinuria [NCBI] 0.000230702
microcephaly with chorioretinopathy, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000230702
brooks-wisniewski-brown syndrome [NCBI] 0.000230702
DFNB33 [NCBI] 0.000230702
psoriasis susceptibility 6 [NCBI] 0.000230702
CACD [NCBI] 0.000230702
rosselli-gulienetti syndrome [NCBI] 0.000230702
SPG14 [NCBI] 0.000230702
cryptophthalmos, unilateral or bilateral, isolated [NCBI] 0.000230702
LGMD2L [NCBI] 0.000230702
myopathy, hyaline body, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000230702
OFD3 [NCBI] 0.000230702
EC1 [NCBI] 0.000230702
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000230702
sabinas brittle hair syndrome [NCBI] 0.000230702
spastic diplegia, infantile type [NCBI] 0.000230702
kaufman oculocerebrofacial syndrome [NCBI] 0.000230702
histiocytosis with joint contractures and sensorineural deafness [NCBI] 0.000230702
obesity, susceptibility to, on chromosome 4 [NCBI] 0.000230702
CPL [NCBI] 0.000230702
volvulus of midgut [NCBI] 0.000230702
epidermolysis bullosa inversa dystrophica [NCBI] 0.000230702
immunodeficiency with cleft lip/palate, cataract, hypopigmentation, and absent corpus callosum [NCBI] 0.000230702
cdags syndrome [NCBI] 0.000230702
pontocerebellar hypoplasia, type 2 [NCBI] 0.000230702
hypogonadism, alopecia, diabetes mellitus, mental retardation, and extrapyramidal syndrome [NCBI] 0.000230702
amelogenesis imperfecta, hypoplastic type [NCBI] 0.000230702
GLC1I [NCBI] 0.000230702
SLI3 [NCBI] 0.000230702
ichthyosis prematurity syndrome [NCBI] 0.000230702
restless legs syndrome, susceptibility to, 2 [NCBI] 0.000230702
dermatoglyphics--fingerprint pattern [NCBI] 0.000230702
mullerian derivatives, persistence of, with lymphangiectasia and postaxial polydactyly [NCBI] 0.000230702
AUTS8 [NCBI] 0.000230702
diarrhea 3, secretory sodium, congenital [NCBI] 0.000230702
fibromatosis, gingival, with progressive deafness [NCBI] 0.000230702
parkinsonism, early-onset, with mental retardation [NCBI] 0.000230702
SCAR4 [NCBI] 0.000230702
femur, unilateral bifid, with monodactylous ectrodactyly [NCBI] 0.000230702
PD [NCBI] 0.000228632
peters-plus syndrome [NCBI] 0.00022808
RTADR [NCBI] 0.00022808
microcephaly with spastic quadriplegia [NCBI] 0.00022808
osteogenesis imperfecta, type viii [NCBI] 0.00022808
GLC3A [NCBI] 0.000226945
granulomatous disease, chronic, autosomal recessive, cytochrome b-positive, type i [NCBI] 0.000226418
c syndrome [NCBI] 0.000225663
EDM4 [NCBI] 0.000225663
RP12 [NCBI] 0.000225663
TNF [NCBI] 0.000222006
HHF1 [NCBI] 0.000221706
PEE1 [NCBI] 0.00021232
pseudotrisomy 13 syndrome [NCBI] 0.000211298
CMT4C [NCBI] 0.000211298
MCPH6 [NCBI] 0.000208165
fundus dystrophy, pseudoinflammatory, recessive form [NCBI] 0.000208165
DFNB31 [NCBI] 0.000208165
fibular hypoplasia and complex brachydactyly [NCBI] 0.000208165
rhizomelic syndrome [NCBI] 0.000208165
retinitis pigmentosa, late-adult onset [NCBI] 0.000208165
tetra-amelia, x-linked [NCBI] 0.000208165
DFNB7 [NCBI] 0.00020233
DFNB10 [NCBI] 0.00020233
DFNB18 [NCBI] 0.00020233
RP14 [NCBI] 0.00020233
whistling face syndrome, recessive form [NCBI] 0.00020233
POLG [NCBI] 0.000199893
SHFM1 [NCBI] 0.000197774
microtia with meatal atresia and conductive deafness [NCBI] 0.000196352
ear, patella, short stature syndrome [NCBI] 0.000196352
carnitine deficiency, myopathic [NCBI] 0.000196352
DFN2 [NCBI] 0.000196352
EAOH [NCBI] 0.000194501
PXE [NCBI] 0.000191153
ALUNC [NCBI] 0.000188152
myotonia congenita, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000188152
NPHP1 [NCBI] 0.000187281
PCOS1 [NCBI] 0.000186613
NEM2 [NCBI] 0.000183708
CSNB1B [NCBI] 0.000183708
ectodermal dysplasia, anhidrotic [NCBI] 0.000183708
HOMG3 [NCBI] 0.000183708
vacterl association with hydrocephalus [NCBI] 0.000183708
NM [NCBI] 0.000178545
USH1C [NCBI] 0.000169906
AGS1 [NCBI] 0.000169906
KCS [NCBI] 0.000169022
SANDO [NCBI] 0.000169022
chondrodysplasia, grebe type [NCBI] 0.000169022
CMT4B1 [NCBI] 0.000169022
deafness, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000169022
fraser syndrome [NCBI] 0.000168324
epidermolysis bullosa with pyloric atresia [NCBI] 0.000168324
LDLRAP1 [NCBI] 0.000164764
MAFD2 [NCBI] 0.000164736
TMPRSS3 [NCBI] 0.000163818
LAH [NCBI] 0.000163737
charcot-marie-tooth disease, recessive intermediate a [NCBI] 0.000163737
OPTB2 [NCBI] 0.000163737
PRD [NCBI] 0.000163737
duodenal atresia [NCBI] 0.000163737
SCZD7 [NCBI] 0.000161191
PARK2 [NCBI] 0.00016073
SPG11 [NCBI] 0.000156887
EVA [NCBI] 0.00015667
pseudoxanthoma elasticum, forme fruste [NCBI] 0.000154896
hartnup disorder [NCBI] 0.000154896
OCA2 [NCBI] 0.000152763
walker-warburg syndrome [NCBI] 0.000152763
CPX [NCBI] 0.000152481
cataract, congenital or juvenile [NCBI] 0.000146851
SPG16 [NCBI] 0.000146851
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000146851
cleidocranial dysplasia with micrognathia, absent thumbs, and distal aphalangia [NCBI] 0.000146851
oculodentoosseous dysplasia, recessive [NCBI] 0.000146851
thyroid hormonogenesis, genetic defect in, 4 [NCBI] 0.000146851
metatropic dwarfism [NCBI] 0.000146851
EPV [NCBI] 0.000146851
neuropathy, hereditary motor and sensory, with deafness, mental retardation, and absent sensory large myelinated fibers [NCBI] 0.000146851
cowchock syndrome [NCBI] 0.000146851
schopf-schulz-passarge syndrome [NCBI] 0.000146851
kenny-caffey syndrome, type 2 [NCBI] 0.000146851
osteogenesis imperfecta, type v [NCBI] 0.000146851
klippel-feil syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000146851
renal-hepatic-pancreatic dysplasia with dandy-walker cyst [NCBI] 0.000146851
pyloric atresia [NCBI] 0.000146851
bulbar palsy, progressive, with sensorineural deafness [NCBI] 0.000146851
astigmatism [NCBI] 0.000146851
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia, kozlowski type [NCBI] 0.000146851
CND [NCBI] 0.000146851
musk, inability to smell [NCBI] 0.000146851
auditory neuropathy, x-linked, 1, with peripheral sensory neuropathy [NCBI] 0.000146851
acromelic frontonasal dysostosis [NCBI] 0.000146851
hypoadrenocorticism, familial [NCBI] 0.000146851
cranioectodermal dysplasia [NCBI] 0.000146851
myasthenia, limb-girdle, with tubular aggregates [NCBI] 0.000146851
leukonychia totalis [NCBI] 0.000146851
osteogenesis imperfecta, type vi [NCBI] 0.000146851
SEMDIT [NCBI] 0.000146851
adducted thumb-clubfoot syndrome [NCBI] 0.000146851
patent ductus arteriosus [NCBI] 0.000146851
renal tubular acidosis, distal, with progressive nerve deafness [NCBI] 0.000146556
DFNB9 [NCBI] 0.000146556
CHH [NCBI] 0.000143894
ODG1 [NCBI] 0.000142021
GCS1 [NCBI] 0.000142021
DFNB2 [NCBI] 0.000142021
STL3 [NCBI] 0.000142021
schneckenbecken dysplasia [NCBI] 0.000142021
DFNB6 [NCBI] 0.000142021
renal tubular acidosis, distal, with hemolytic anemia [NCBI] 0.000142021
alopecia-contractures-dwarfism mental retardation syndrome [NCBI] 0.000138768
MRT6 [NCBI] 0.000138768
kniest-like dysplasia with pursed lips and ectopia lentis [NCBI] 0.000138768
enterocolitis [NCBI] 0.000138768
asplenia with cystic liver, kidney, and pancreas [NCBI] 0.000138768
contractures, congenital, torticollis, and malignant hyperthermia [NCBI] 0.000138768
retinitis pigmentosa, deafness, mental retardation, and hypogonadism [NCBI] 0.000138768
multiple pterygium syndrome, aslan type [NCBI] 0.000138768
DSMA4 [NCBI] 0.000138768
eyebrows, duplication of, with stretchable skin and syndactyly [NCBI] 0.000138768
amelogenesis imperfecta, pigmented hypomaturation type [NCBI] 0.000138768
mental retardation, buenos aires type [NCBI] 0.000138768
spinocerebellar degeneration with macular corneal dystrophy, congenital cataracts, and myopia [NCBI] 0.000138768
pseudopapilledema, ocular hypotelorism, blepharophimosis, and hand anomalies [NCBI] 0.000138768
LGMD2G [NCBI] 0.000138768
arthrogryposis, distal, with mental retardation and characteristic facies [NCBI] 0.000138768
epidermolysis bullosa, late-onset localized junctional, with mental retardation [NCBI] 0.000138768
achalasia-microcephaly syndrome [NCBI] 0.000138768
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, shohat type [NCBI] 0.000138768
acrofrontofacionasal dysostosis syndrome [NCBI] 0.000138768
hypomyelination and congenital cataract [NCBI] 0.000138768
chands [NCBI] 0.000138768
MCPH3 [NCBI] 0.000138768
camptodactyly, myopia, and fibrosis of the medial rectus muscle of eye [NCBI] 0.000138768
MYO7A [NCBI] 0.00013858
cirrhosis, familial [NCBI] 0.000137573
SLSN1 [NCBI] 0.000137573
OSMED [NCBI] 0.000137573
NGFB [NCBI] 0.000135073
CDH23 [NCBI] 0.000134619
MTM1 [NCBI] 0.000133315
GTS [NCBI] 0.000133084
von willebrand disease, recessive form [NCBI] 0.000129638
HHS [NCBI] 0.000129638
LGMD2D [NCBI] 0.000129638
GDAP1 [NCBI] 0.000127837
TMC1 [NCBI] 0.000127357
pejvakin [NCBI] 0.000126997
sarcosinemia [NCBI] 0.000126755
charcot-marie-tooth disease, axonal, type 2b1 [NCBI] 0.000126755
oguchi disease [NCBI] 0.000126755
EVR4 [NCBI] 0.000126755
azoospermia due to perturbations of meiosis [NCBI] 0.000126755
MNGIE [NCBI] 0.000126245
UCMD [NCBI] 0.000126245
SGCA [NCBI] 0.000125175
ACCPN [NCBI] 0.000122542
ALS2 [NCBI] 0.000122542
epidermolysis bullosa simplex and limb-girdle muscular dystrophy [NCBI] 0.000122542
SACS [NCBI] 0.00012209
PARK2 [NCBI] 0.000121868
mucolipidosis iv [NCBI] 0.000121577
RTD [NCBI] 0.000121577
MADA [NCBI] 0.000117178
COFS1 [NCBI] 0.000116134
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000116134
CMT1B [NCBI] 0.000114994
anonychia congenita [NCBI] 0.000114941
acromesomelic dysplasia, hunter-thompson type [NCBI] 0.000114941
polymicrogyria, bilateral frontoparietal [NCBI] 0.000114941
XRN [NCBI] 0.000114941
SLC26A4 [NCBI] 0.000114017
SJS1 [NCBI] 0.000113608
ichthyosis, x-linked [NCBI] 0.000112341
SMN1 [NCBI] 0.000111768
BWS [NCBI] 0.000111357
WFS1 [NCBI] 0.000110535
LGMD2B [NCBI] 0.000110301
SOST [NCBI] 0.000110301
ACG1A [NCBI] 0.000107934
TYR [NCBI] 0.00010587
atypical mycobacteriosis, familial [NCBI] 0.000105347
ALMS [NCBI] 0.000105347
TRMA [NCBI] 0.000105317
CHED2 [NCBI] 0.000105317
HRD [NCBI] 0.000105317
DFNB3 [NCBI] 0.000105317
seckel syndrome 1 [NCBI] 0.000104954
PPAC [NCBI] 0.000104954
SBF2 [NCBI] 0.000104333
HFE [NCBI] 0.000104243
CD [NCBI] 0.000101657
crisponi syndrome [NCBI] 0.000101148
osteogenesis imperfecta, type iib [NCBI] 0.000101148
MRT3 [NCBI] 0.000101148
malpuech facial clefting syndrome [NCBI] 0.000101148
fetal akinesia syndrome, x-linked [NCBI] 0.000101148
genitopalatocardiac syndrome [NCBI] 0.000101148
ehlers-danlos-like syndrome due to tenascin-x deficiency [NCBI] 0.000101148
AI1G [NCBI] 0.000101148
SRN1 [NCBI] 0.000101148
OODD [NCBI] 0.000101148
moved to 310600 [NCBI] 0.000101148
ACFD [NCBI] 0.000101148
EDMD3 [NCBI] 0.000101148
polydactyly, postaxial [NCBI] 0.000101148
ectrodactyly [NCBI] 0.000101148
hypotonia-cystinuria syndrome [NCBI] 0.000101148
agonadism with multiple internal malformations [NCBI] 0.000101148
mandibulofacial dysostosis, treacher collins type, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000101148
hydrocephalus due to congenital stenosis of aqueduct of sylvius [NCBI] 0.000101148
RP26 [NCBI] 0.000101148
PRL [NCBI] 0.000101077
NPHS1 [NCBI] 0.000100027
OTOF [NCBI] 9.99521e-05
AS [NCBI] 9.96572e-05
NPY [NCBI] 9.96438e-05
cutis laxa, corneal clouding, and mental retardation [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
cholesterol level quantitative trait locus 1 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
DYT6 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
RP6 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
syndactyly, type i, with microcephaly and mental retardation [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
stature quantitative trait locus 3 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
MYP3 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
costovertebral segmentation anomalies [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
autoimmune thyroid disease, susceptibility to, 1 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
ichthyosis follicularis, atrichia, and photophobia syndrome [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
candidiasis, familial chronic mucocutaneous, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
methylmalonic aciduria and homocystinuria, cbld type [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
obesity quantitative trait locus on chromosome 20 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
dandy-walker malformation with mental retardation, basal ganglia disease, and seizures [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
charcot-marie-tooth disease, dominant intermediate a [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
ALS5 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
RP24 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
peeling skin syndrome [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
PN [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
oligosynaptic infertility [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
CORD5 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
fatty metamorphosis of viscera [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
MYP1 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
noonan syndrome 2 [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
CARASIL [NCBI] 9.80992e-05
VLDLRCH [NCBI] 9.72168e-05
BOCD [NCBI] 9.72168e-05
granulomatous disease, chronic, autosomal recessive, cytochrome b-negative [NCBI] 9.72168e-05
CLPED1 [NCBI] 9.72168e-05
hydrops-ectopic calcification-moth-eaten skeletal dysplasia [NCBI] 9.72168e-05
BGS [NCBI] 9.54629e-05
ATP6V0A4 [NCBI] 9.524e-05
HSAN3 [NCBI] 9.4226e-05
FRDA [NCBI] 9.2992e-05
udp-n-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/n-acetylmannosamine kinase [NCBI] 9.06417e-05
TBCE [NCBI] 9.03569e-05
NETH [NCBI] 9.02406e-05
hyperostosis corticalis generalisata [NCBI] 9.02406e-05
hydrocephalus [NCBI] 9.02406e-05
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, strudwick type [NCBI] 9.02406e-05
AAA [NCBI] 8.72538e-05
cystinuria [NCBI] 8.63201e-05
robin sequence with cleft mandible and limb anomalies [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
donnai-barrow syndrome [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
xanthinuria, type i [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
leigh syndrome, x-linked [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
CMT4H [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
hypophosphatemic rickets, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
XS [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
bietti crystalline corneoretinal dystrophy [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
MRT2 [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
myasthenia, limb-girdle, familial [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
vitamin k-dependent clotting factors, combined deficiency of, 2 [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
weyers ulnar ray/oligodactyly syndrome [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
cardiomyopathy, dilated, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
fibromatosis, juvenile hyaline [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
endocardial fibroelastosis [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
osteogenesis imperfecta, type vii [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
LI3 [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
achondroplasia, so-called, and severe combined immunodeficiency [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
oculopalatoskeletal syndrome [NCBI] 8.4495e-05
corpus callosum, agenesis of [NCBI] 8.41294e-05
uridine 5-prime monophosphate hydrolase deficiency, hemolytic anemia due to [NCBI] 8.41294e-05
gracile syndrome [NCBI] 8.41294e-05
ichthyosis vulgaris [NCBI] 8.41294e-05
LGMD2A [NCBI] 8.36097e-05
TD1 [NCBI] 8.29245e-05
PCNA [NCBI] 8.10694e-05
hypertrophic neuropathy of dejerine-sottas [NCBI] 8.08146e-05
F13A1 [NCBI] 7.98302e-05
ND [NCBI] 7.94776e-05
MODY [NCBI] 7.90171e-05
THC1 [NCBI] 7.87053e-05
SFD [NCBI] 7.87053e-05
SMA4 [NCBI] 7.87053e-05
SEDT [NCBI] 7.87053e-05
SNDI [NCBI] 7.87053e-05
pycnodysostosis [NCBI] 7.87053e-05
TCIRG1 [NCBI] 7.74524e-05
NCF2 [NCBI] 7.74524e-05
FCMD [NCBI] 7.68534e-05
AVP [NCBI] 7.68411e-05
diastrophic dysplasia [NCBI] 7.67674e-05
GNRHR [NCBI] 7.66311e-05
lipomatosis, multiple [NCBI] 7.57212e-05
PRX [NCBI] 7.55597e-05
KCNQ1 [NCBI] 7.48524e-05
CLCN1 [NCBI] 7.42194e-05
multiple pterygium syndrome, lethal type [NCBI] 7.38404e-05
mulibrey nanism [NCBI] 7.38404e-05
cutis laxa, autosomal recessive, type i [NCBI] 7.38404e-05
NCIE1 [NCBI] 7.38404e-05
TULP1 [NCBI] 7.38117e-05
CCZS [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
OPTB5 [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
osteolysis, hereditary multicentric [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
myopathy, centronuclear, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
CTPP3 [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
AH [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
pseudodiastrophic dysplasia [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
cerebrocostomandibular syndrome [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
anemia, microcytic [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
RCDP3 [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
granulomatous disease, chronic, autosomal recessive, cytochrome b-positive, type ii [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
TTDN1 [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
spinal muscular atrophy, type i, with congenital bone fractures [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
cd4/cd8 t-cell ratio [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
DFNB12 [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
LI2 [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
premature chromosome condensation with microcephaly and mental retardation [NCBI] 7.32625e-05
GDF5 [NCBI] 7.24968e-05
MRXHF1 [NCBI] 7.07309e-05
AHC [NCBI] 7.07309e-05
central core disease of muscle [NCBI] 7.07309e-05
USH2A [NCBI] 7.06721e-05
SLOS [NCBI] 7.05119e-05
MCKD1 [NCBI] 7.04714e-05
CDS [NCBI] 6.94397e-05
JBS [NCBI] 6.94397e-05
HFTC [NCBI] 6.94397e-05
JLNS1 [NCBI] 6.94397e-05
ACHM2 [NCBI] 6.94397e-05
asplenia with cardiovascular anomalies [NCBI] 6.94397e-05
BTHS [NCBI] 6.94074e-05
anonychia, total, with microcephaly [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
EDVX [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hirschsprung disease with hypoplastic nails and dysmorphic facial features [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hypogonadism, male [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, spahr type [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
facial dysmorphism with multiple malformations [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
dysgenesis mesodermalis corneae et sclerae [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
DFNB37 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with abnormal dentition [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spastic paresis, glaucoma, and mental retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, kaitila type [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cystic fibrosis with helicobacter pylori gastritis, megaloblastic anemia, and subnormal mentality [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
glycoprotein storage disease [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
basal ganglia disease, biotin-responsive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
gastrointestinal abnormalities, multiple [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
fryns microphthalmia syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
OTD [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cortical blindness, retardation, and postaxial polydactyly [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
NNO2 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
digitorenocerebral syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
otofacioosseous-gonadal syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
ARB [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
aganglionosis, total intestinal [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
fryns macrocephaly [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
aphalangy with hemivertebrae [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
adrenal hypoplasia, congenital, with absent pituitary luteinizing hormone [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
CATCN3 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
marfanoid mental retardation syndrome, autosomal [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
amelogenesis imperfecta, local hypoplastic type, recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
opticoacoustic nerve atrophy with dementia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spinocerebellar ataxia, x-linked 4 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
light fixation seizure syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
odontomicronychial dysplasia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
testes, rudimentary [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
kapur-toriello syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
nephropathy, deafness, and hyperparathyroidism [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
NPHS3 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
dermatoglyphics--hypothenar radial arch [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
platyspondyly with amelogenesis imperfecta [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
faciothoracogenital syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
muscular hypoplasia, congenital universal, of krabbe [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
dohle bodies and leukemia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
oral and digital anomalies with ichthyosis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cerebrorenodigital syndrome with limb malformations and triradiate acetabula [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
beemer lethal malformation syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
coloboma of macula and skeletal anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hydrocephalus with associated malformations [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
macrosomia with microphthalmia, lethal [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
mesomelic limb shortening and bowing [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cardiac septal defects with coarctation of the aorta [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
aplasia of extensor muscles of fingers, unilateral, with generalized polyneuropathy [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
tetra-amelia with ectodermal dysplasia and lacrimal duct abnormalities [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
acrorenal syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hutterite cerebroosteonephrodysplasia syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
iridogoniodysgenesis and skeletal anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiency [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
male infertility from defect in meiosis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
deafness, neural, congenital moderate [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
deafness, progressive, with stapes fixation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
lymphedema-hypoparathyroidism syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spinocerebellar ataxia with dysmorphism [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
osteogenesis imperfecta, sillence type ii/iii, without abnormality of type i collagen [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
deafness-oligodontia syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
lambotte syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
KPC [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
incisors, shovel-shaped [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
RP36 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
microcephaly, congenital heart disease, unilateral renal agenesis, and hyposegmented lungs [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
ichthyosis, mental retardation, dwarfism, and renal impairment [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
amaurosis congenita, cone-rod type, with congenital hypertrichosis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
CATCN2 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
scarf syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
DFNB23 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
microphthalmia, posterior, with retinitis pigmentosa, foveoschisis, and optic disc drusen [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
osteoarthritis of distal interphalangeal joints [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
dermatoosteolysis, kirghizian type [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
osteolysis syndrome, recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
epidermolysis bullosa simplex, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
fallot complex with severe mental and growth retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
porencephaly, cerebellar hypoplasia, and internal malformations [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spinal muscular atrophy with mental retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cardioauditory syndrome of sanchez cascos [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cerebellar vermis aplasia with associated features suggesting smith-lemli-opitz syndrome and meckel syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
chondrodysplasia, lethal, with long bone angulation and mixed bone density [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
coloboma, ocular [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
fraser-like syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
nail-patella-like renal disease [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
ichthyosis with hypotrichosis, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
acrocraniofacial dysostosis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
wolff mental retardation syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cerebellar ataxia and neurosensory deafness [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
craniosynostosis, calcification of basal ganglia, and facial dysmorphism [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
arthrogryposis with hyperkeratosis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
osteopenia and sparse hair [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
polyneuropathy, mixed, of early onset [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
dyggve-melchior-clausen syndrome, x-linked [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
PERRS [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
bifid nose, renal agenesis, and anorectal malformations [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
rod-cone dystrophy, sensorineural deafness, and fanconi-type renal dysfunction [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
ectrodactyly-polydactyly [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
pierre robin sequence with facial and digital anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
renal dysplasia-limb defects syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hirschsprung disease with polydactyly, renal agenesis, and deafness [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia with retinitis pigmentosa [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
retinitis pigmentosa inversa with deafness [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
microcephalic primordial dwarfism, toriello type [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
calvarial hyperostosis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
muscular hypertonia, lethal [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
elliptocytosis, atypical [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
lymphedema, congenital recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
arthrogryposis, distal, with hypopituitarism, mental retardation, and facial anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
thoracomelic dysplasia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
thumb, hypoplastic, with choroid coloboma, poorly developed antihelix, and deafness [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
mesoaxial hexadactyly and cardiac malformation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
short stature, auditory canal atresia, mandibular hypoplasia, skeletal abnormalities [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
oculomaxillofacial dysplasia with oblique facial clefts [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
neurofaciodigitorenal syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
subaortic stenosis--short stature syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
amelia, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
nephropathy, progressive tubulointerstitial, with cholestatic liver disease [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
myotonia with skeletal abnormalities and mental retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
dandy-walker malformation with mental retardation, macrocephaly, myopia, and brachytelephalangy [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
DFNB36 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
microcephaly with digital anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
ulnar hypoplasia with mental retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
CSNB2B [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cardiomyopathy, congestive, with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
SAPX [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spinal muscular atrophy, scapuloperoneal [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
DFNB53 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
skeletal dysplasia and progressive central nervous system degeneration, lethal [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
CASS [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with characteristic facies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
white forelock with malformations [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hypogonadism-cataract syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
dopamine beta-hydroxylase, plasma, thermolability of [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
teebi-shaltout syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
homozygous 11p15-p14 deletion syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
craniofacial abnormalities, cataracts, congenital heart disease, sacral neural tube defects, and growth and developmental retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
tibia, absence or hypoplasia of, with polydactyly, retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst, and other anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
epilepsy, benign neonatal, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
temtamy preaxial brachydactyly syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
tinea imbricata, susceptibility to [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
nose, anomalous shape of [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cataract, cortical, juvenile-onset [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
trichoodontoonychial dysplasia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
aplasia cutis congenita, high myopia, and cone-rod dysfunction [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
pelviscapular dysplasia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
RCD4 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
neuropathy, hereditary sensory, x-linked [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
mental retardation, obesity, mandibular prognathism, and eye and skin anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
CORD9 [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
intrauterine growth retardation, metaphyseal dysplasia, adrenal hypoplasia congenita, and genital anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
ehlers-danlos syndrome, beasley-cohen type [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cleidocranial dysplasia, recessive form [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
microcephaly-cardiomyopathy [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
radioulnar synostosis, unilateral, with developmental retardation and hypotonia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
aredyld [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cd8 deficiency, familial [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
macroepiphyseal dysplasia with osteoporosis, wrinkled skin, and aged appearance [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
uruguay faciocardiomusculoskeletal syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
mental retardation, microcephaly, growth retardation, joint contractures, and facial dysmorphism [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
pachyonychia congenita, recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
microcephaly, severe, with skeletal anomalies including posterior rib-gap defects [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cerebellar hypoplasia with endosteal sclerosis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with mental retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
faciocardiorenal syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, x-linked [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
charcot-marie-tooth disease, axonal, type 2h [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
lymphedema, atrial septal defect, and facial changes [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
adrenal hypoplasia, cytomegalic type [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
multiple congenital anomalies syndrome with cloverleaf skull [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spinocerebellar degeneration and corneal dystrophy [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
mental retardation, microcephaly, epilepsy, and coarse face [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
deafness, neural, with atypical atopic dermatitis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
alopecia universalis congenita, xy gonadal dysgenesis, and laryngomalacia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
camptodactyly-ichthyosis syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
hearing loss, sensorineural, with enamel hypoplasia and nail defects [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
tetralogy of fallot syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
lutheran null [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
polydactyly, postaxial, with dental and vertebral anomalies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
sener syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
phaver syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cleft palate, cardiac defect, genital anomalies, and ectrodactyly [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
keratoconus and congenital hip dysplasia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
pelvic hypoplasia with lower-limb arthrogryposis [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
cerebral malformation, seizures, hypertrichosis, and overlapping fingers [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
ascites, chylous [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
limb deficiencies, distal, with micrognathia [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
fibromatosis, gingival, with distinctive facies [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
aural atresia, multiple congenital anomalies, and mental retardation [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
myasthenia, congenital, refractory to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
spastic paraplegia, optic atrophy, microcephaly, and xy sex reversal [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
liver fibrocystic disease and polydactyly [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
chondrodysplasia-pseudohermaphroditism syndrome [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
growth retardation, small and puffy hands and feet, and eczema [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
myopia, infantile severe [NCBI] 6.93796e-05
USH1C [NCBI] 6.92508e-05
PTH [NCBI] 6.87342e-05
LCA1 [NCBI] 6.79491e-05
COL11A2 [NCBI] 6.79133e-05
PCDH15 [NCBI] 6.79133e-05
migraine with or without aura, susceptibility to, 1 [NCBI] 6.70704e-05
EPO [NCBI] 6.69893e-05
spinal muscular atrophy, childhood, proximal, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
plasmodium falciparum blood infection level [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
graves disease, susceptibility to, 2 [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
lethal congenital contracture syndrome 1 [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
larsen syndrome, recessive [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
EFMR [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
CORD7 [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
acromegaloid facial appearance syndrome [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
JBTS2 [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, sponastrime type [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
pelizaeus-merzbacher-like disease, autosomal recessive, 2 [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
HTC2 [NCBI] 6.60177e-05
CVID [NCBI] 6.56743e-05
GJB6 [NCBI] 6.54539e-05
vitamin d-dependent rickets, type i [NCBI] 6.54305e-05
dent disease 1 [NCBI] 6.54305e-05
CTHM [NCBI] 6.54305e-05
MTS [NCBI] 6.54305e-05
BMD [NCBI] 6.53294e-05
tibial hemimelia [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
LGMD2F [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
ATCAY [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal, 8, northern epilepsy variant [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
arthrogryposis, renal dysfunction, and cholestasis [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
MRT1 [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
cataract, lamellar [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
goldberg-shprintzen megacolon syndrome [NCBI] 6.48037e-05
CCK [NCBI] 6.47916e-05
methemoglobinemia due to deficiency of methemoglobin reductase [NCBI] 6.39494e-05
RB1 [NCBI] 6.3915e-05
CENPJ [NCBI] 6.38961e-05
HYLS1 [NCBI] 6.34882e-05
cytochrome p450, family 4, subfamily v, polypeptide 2 [NCBI] 6.34882e-05
HSAS [NCBI] 6.2795e-05
RP2 [NCBI] 6.21738e-05
severe combined immunodeficiency with sensitivity to ionizing radiation [NCBI] 6.17563e-05
AFD1 [NCBI] 6.17563e-05
MYO5A [NCBI] 6.12175e-05
SLC3A1 [NCBI] 6.12175e-05
TGM1 [NCBI] 6.12175e-05
LRP5 [NCBI] 6.12175e-05
RTT [NCBI] 5.99455e-05
EDMD [NCBI] 5.97139e-05
COL4A3 [NCBI] 5.93659e-05
ALMS1 [NCBI] 5.90979e-05
OPTB3 [NCBI] 5.83716e-05
periodontitis, aggressive, 1 [NCBI] 5.83716e-05
molybdenum cofactor deficiency [NCBI] 5.83716e-05
SPG2 [NCBI] 5.83716e-05
NRCLP1 [NCBI] 5.81193e-05
KNO [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
TD2 [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
three m syndrome [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
wolfram syndrome, mitochondrial form [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
weill-marchesani syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
CCA2 [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
AOII [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
HGPPS [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
CZP3 [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
LSFC [NCBI] 5.80524e-05
DYT1 [NCBI] 5.79629e-05
SGCG [NCBI] 5.71226e-05
MYP2 [NCBI] 5.60298e-05
RBS [NCBI] 5.59397e-05
MYO15A [NCBI] 5.53514e-05
COL4A4 [NCBI] 5.53514e-05
GFAP [NCBI] 5.49625e-05
oca2 gene [NCBI] 5.45885e-05
SPINK5 [NCBI] 5.37461e-05
GALNT3 [NCBI] 5.37461e-05
PAPSS2 [NCBI] 5.37461e-05
ACHE [NCBI] 5.33309e-05
GDXY [NCBI] 5.25394e-05
NPHP2 [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
AOI [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
vitiligo [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
EPD [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
vacterl association with hydrocephalus, x-linked [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
mal de meleda [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
short syndrome [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
AMDM [NCBI] 5.24632e-05
ABCC8 [NCBI] 5.23393e-05
BFLS [NCBI] 5.23317e-05
HIDS [NCBI] 5.23317e-05
CBAVD [NCBI] 5.23317e-05
PLEKHG5 [NCBI] 5.21563e-05
CERKL [NCBI] 5.21563e-05
ABCC6 [NCBI] 5.18969e-05
costello syndrome [NCBI] 5.18614e-05
SPG3A [NCBI] 5.18614e-05
obesity [NCBI] 5.14909e-05
ASPA [NCBI] 5.12729e-05
SLC4A1 [NCBI] 5.10947e-05
MSS [NCBI] 4.96212e-05
SLC26A2 [NCBI] 4.85103e-05
CYBA [NCBI] 4.85103e-05
NCF1 [NCBI] 4.85103e-05
MM [NCBI] 4.81189e-05
osteogenic sarcoma [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
xx male syndrome [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
GGM [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
cutis laxa, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
immunoosseous dysplasia, schimke type [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
OCA3 [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
DMC [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
RNS [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
crigler-najjar syndrome, type ii [NCBI] 4.77179e-05
adrenal hyperplasia, congenital, due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency [NCBI] 4.76622e-05
dystrophia myotonica 1 [NCBI] 4.74406e-05
orotic aciduria i [NCBI] 4.74199e-05
MYO6 [NCBI] 4.74199e-05
ROR2 [NCBI] 4.74199e-05
CDPX1 [NCBI] 4.70878e-05
NHS [NCBI] 4.70878e-05
mismatch repair cancer syndrome [NCBI] 4.70878e-05
LRP4 [NCBI] 4.70504e-05
PREPL [NCBI] 4.70504e-05
GLRA1 [NCBI] 4.63956e-05
FIH [NCBI] 4.63608e-05
SMA3 [NCBI] 4.63608e-05
MEB [NCBI] 4.63608e-05
kartagener syndrome [NCBI] 4.63608e-05
CTSC [NCBI] 4.5862e-05
G6PT1 [NCBI] 4.54301e-05
XRCC9 [NCBI] 4.54301e-05
mucopolysaccharidosis type ii [NCBI] 4.53903e-05
faciogenital dysplasia [NCBI] 4.47137e-05
donohue syndrome [NCBI] 4.47137e-05
CHAC [NCBI] 4.47137e-05
megaloblastic anemia 1 [NCBI] 4.47137e-05
OCA1A [NCBI] 4.46724e-05
AIS [NCBI] 4.41454e-05
corpus callosum, agenesis of, with facial anomalies and robin sequence [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia with multiple dislocations [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
pierre robin sequence with pectus excavatum and rib and scapular anomalies [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
peho syndrome [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy v [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism, type ii [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
ACC [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
stature as a quantitative trait [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
blood group--lutheran inhibitor [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
myopathy with deficiency of succinate dehydrogenase and aconitase [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
dysgnathia complex [NCBI] 4.3756e-05
HR [NCBI] 4.36517e-05
sialuria [NCBI] 4.36138e-05
kindler syndrome [NCBI] 4.36138e-05
argininemia [NCBI] 4.36138e-05
WZS [NCBI] 4.36138e-05
alport syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 4.36138e-05
stuve-wiedemann syndrome [NCBI] 4.36138e-05
CDK5RAP2 [NCBI] 4.35543e-05
SLC5A2 [NCBI] 4.35543e-05
STRC [NCBI] 4.35543e-05
MMP20 [NCBI] 4.35543e-05
multiple coagulation factor deficiency protein 2 [NCBI] 4.35543e-05
SH3TC2 [NCBI] 4.35543e-05
BFSP1 [NCBI] 4.35543e-05
ST3 [NCBI] 4.31611e-05
CTNS [NCBI] 4.30496e-05
MC2R [NCBI] 4.28288e-05
MLC [NCBI] 4.24835e-05
myasthenic syndrome, congenital, associated with acetylcholine receptor deficiency [NCBI] 4.24835e-05
AGS2 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
cleft lip/palate with abnormal thumbs and microcephaly [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
NFTC [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
eem syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
spondyloocular syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
eiken skeletal dysplasia [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
tetra-amelia, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
gurrieri syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
ichthyosiform erythroderma, corneal involvement, and deafness [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
thanatophoric dysplasia, glasgow variant [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
mast syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
devriendt syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
deafness, congenital, with total albinism [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
hypoplastic left heart syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
testicular torsion [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
hypophosphatasia, childhood [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
cataract, lamellar 2 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
thalamic degeneration, symmetric infantile [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
ichthyosis hystrix gravior [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
craniomicromelic syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
achondrogenesis, type iii [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
SCAR8 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
MEN4 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
heterotopia, periventricular, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
craniosynostosis with fibular aplasia [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita with whistling face [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
retinopathy, pericentral pigmentary, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
gynecomastia, familial [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
infertile male syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
spondylometaepiphyseal dysplasia, short limb-hand type [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
dandy-walker malformation with postaxial polydactyly [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
albinism, ocular, with sensorineural deafness [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
radioulnar synostosis with microcephaly, short stature, scoliosis, and mental retardation [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
myoclonic epilepsy, progressive [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
chondrodysplasia punctata syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
CMT2K [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
spondylometaphyseal dysplasia with dentinogenesis imperfecta [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
ectodermal dysplasia, hypohidrotic, with hypothyroidism and agenesis of the corpus callosum [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
acrocephalopolysyndactyly type iv [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
deafness, cochlear, with myopia and intellectual impairment [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
torticollis [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
peeling skin syndrome, acral type [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
NFRCD [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
nephropathy with pretibial epidermolysis bullosa and deafness [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
cahmr syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
OFD7 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
cleft lip/palate with characteristic facies, intestinal malrotation, and lethal congenital heart disease [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
ataxia-deafness-retardation syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
paine syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
bronchiectasis [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
CMH8 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
ehlers-danlos syndrome, autosomal recessive, cardiac valvular form [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
thyroglossal duct cyst, familial [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
carnevale syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
CLSD [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
brachyrachia [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
thymic-renal-anal-lung dysplasia [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
SPG5B [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
3-@methylglutaconic aciduria, type iv [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
craniofacial dysmorphism with ocular coloboma, absent corpus callosum, and aortic dilatation [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
fibromatosis, gingival, with hypertrichosis [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
DHS [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
retinopathy, pericentral pigmentary, dominant [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
GS3 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
DFNB49 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
gombo syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
achondrogenesis, type iv [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
lambert syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
amish infantile epilepsy syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
SCDO3 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
c-like syndrome [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
XMPMA [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
acrofrontofacionasal dysostosis, severe [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
lissencephaly type iii and bone dysplasia [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
DFNB28 [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
prader-willi habitus, osteopenia, and camptodactyly [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
reticular dystrophy of retinal pigment epithelium [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
dextrocardia with unusual facies and microphthalmia [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
chorea, benign familial [NCBI] 4.22435e-05
APTX [NCBI] 4.20448e-05
RPE65 [NCBI] 4.20448e-05
AUH [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
MOCS1 [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
NPHS2 [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
GRM6 [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
MFRP [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
SLC4A11 [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
CRTAP [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
BBS1 [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
EEF1A2 [NCBI] 4.08818e-05
myeloperoxidase deficiency [NCBI] 4.00139e-05
PHA1 [NCBI] 4.00139e-05
BDC [NCBI] 4.00139e-05
SCAR1 [NCBI] 4.00139e-05
UGT1A1 [NCBI] 3.89987e-05
NHS [NCBI] 3.87163e-05
CRYM [NCBI] 3.87163e-05
SLURP1 [NCBI] 3.87163e-05
FGD4 [NCBI] 3.87163e-05
WHRN [NCBI] 3.87163e-05
NEM3 [NCBI] 3.84041e-05
BLM [NCBI] 3.75013e-05
prostate cancer [NCBI] 3.72116e-05
AQP2 [NCBI] 3.70374e-05
VKORC1 [NCBI] 3.6896e-05
CLDN14 [NCBI] 3.6896e-05
EVC2 [NCBI] 3.6896e-05
SLC39A4 [NCBI] 3.6896e-05
FANCE [NCBI] 3.6896e-05
KCNJ11 [NCBI] 3.68386e-05
HOMG [NCBI] 3.68207e-05
corticosterone methyloxidase type ii deficiency [NCBI] 3.68207e-05
glutathione synthetase deficiency [NCBI] 3.68207e-05
LGMD2H [NCBI] 3.68207e-05
lipoid proteinosis of urbach and wiethe [NCBI] 3.68207e-05
SMA2 [NCBI] 3.65335e-05
ALPL [NCBI] 3.6291e-05
CAT [NCBI] 3.61078e-05
alport syndrome, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 3.59784e-05
DYSF [NCBI] 3.57615e-05
wilson disease [NCBI] 3.56513e-05
APOE [NCBI] 3.56311e-05
MPO [NCBI] 3.55832e-05
CRLF1 [NCBI] 3.53262e-05
MKKS [NCBI] 3.53262e-05
LEPRE1 [NCBI] 3.53262e-05
PTF1A [NCBI] 3.53262e-05
CASQ2 [NCBI] 3.53262e-05
TSD [NCBI] 3.5161e-05
gaucher disease, type i [NCBI] 3.50587e-05
behcet syndrome [NCBI] 3.48353e-05
RCDP1 [NCBI] 3.47635e-05
OPTB1 [NCBI] 3.47635e-05
OKS [NCBI] 3.47635e-05
NBS1 [NCBI] 3.47522e-05
aspartylglucosaminuria [NCBI] 3.42706e-05
restless legs syndrome, susceptibility to, 1 [NCBI] 3.41512e-05
multiple pterygium syndrome, escobar variant [NCBI] 3.39629e-05
DSMA1 [NCBI] 3.39629e-05
MLPH [NCBI] 3.39469e-05
BBS4 [NCBI] 3.39469e-05
SLC19A2 [NCBI] 3.39469e-05
TUB [NCBI] 3.39469e-05
LMAN1 [NCBI] 3.39469e-05
AVPR2 [NCBI] 3.38032e-05
MRX1 [NCBI] 3.36893e-05
FANCA [NCBI] 3.33492e-05
PPSH [NCBI] 3.30864e-05
FANCC [NCBI] 3.29079e-05
RS1 [NCBI] 3.29079e-05
PDE6B [NCBI] 3.29079e-05
INSIG2 [NCBI] 3.27172e-05
SGCB [NCBI] 3.27172e-05
MDM1 [NCBI] 3.27172e-05
AAAS [NCBI] 3.27172e-05
transcobalamin ii deficiency [NCBI] 3.24787e-05
DFNB67 [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
homocarnosinosis [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
DFNB21 [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
pulmonary hypertension, familial persistent, of the newborn [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
dyskeratosis congenita, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
progeroid short stature with pigmented nevi [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
limb defects, distal transverse, with mental retardation and spasticity [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
HOMG4 [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
toenail dystrophy, isolated [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
muscular dystrophy, congenital, with severe central nervous system atrophy and absence of large myelinated fibers [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
glomerulocystic kidney disease with hyperuricemia and isosthenuria [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
LBSL [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
SERKAL [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
epidermolysis bullosa, pretibial [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
axenfeld-rieger anomaly with partially absent eye muscles, distinctive face, hydrocephaly, and skeletal abnormalities [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
DFNA36 [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
retinohepatoendocrinologic syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
cerebrofrontofacial syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
pterygium syndrome, multiple, x-linked [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
muscular dystrophy, hemizygous lethal type [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
al-gazali syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
ABSD [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
tricuspid atresia [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
spherocytosis, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
spondylocostal dysostosis with anal atresia and urogenital anomalies [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
ARTS [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
MCOPCB3 [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
pelvis-shoulder dysplasia [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
coloboma of macula with type b brachydactyly [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
isovaleric acid, inability to smell [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
sertoli cell-only syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
brunner syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
micromelic bone dysplasia with cloverleaf skull [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
DFNB16 [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
diabetes mellitus, permanent neonatal, with cerebellar agenesis [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
sodium-potassium-atpase activity of red cell [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
majeed syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
SMC [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
mental retardation, x-linked, snyder-robinson type [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
deafness, sensorineural, and male infertility [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
neuropathy, hereditary sensory, with spastic paraplegia, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
zunich neuroectodermal syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
aprosencephaly syndrome [NCBI] 3.23981e-05
metachromatic leukodystrophy [NCBI] 3.20398e-05
pantothenate kinase 3 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
otopetrin 3 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
AASS [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
otopetrin 1 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
otopetrin 2 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
TMC2 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
SLC19A3 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
OR1F1 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
x123 gene [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
thrombocytosis, familial x-linked [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
ZFAND5 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
ADAMTS10 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
pantothenate kinase 1 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
PSMD7 [NCBI] 3.17416e-05
MBP [NCBI] 3.17336e-05
RFX5 [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
MCPH1 [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
ASPM [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
BFSP2 [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
FMN [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
PITX3 [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
CNGB1 [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
MERTK [NCBI] 3.16084e-05
COL1A2 [NCBI] 3.13943e-05
SCZD9 [NCBI] 3.13863e-05
GCCD1 [NCBI] 3.13863e-05
LGMD2I [NCBI] 3.13863e-05
sitosterolemia [NCBI] 3.13863e-05
diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic, autosomal [NCBI] 3.13863e-05
tetralogy of fallot [NCBI] 3.13863e-05
osteogenesis imperfecta, type iia [NCBI] 3.08874e-05
MPZ [NCBI] 3.07083e-05
COL6A2 [NCBI] 3.05991e-05
CRYGC [NCBI] 3.05991e-05
RPGRIP1 [NCBI] 3.05991e-05
ATP2A1 [NCBI] 3.05991e-05
SGCD [NCBI] 3.05991e-05
tyrosinemia, type i [NCBI] 3.01258e-05
hypophosphatasia, infantile [NCBI] 2.99837e-05
DKC [NCBI] 2.99837e-05
MFS [NCBI] 2.98987e-05
DGS [NCBI] 2.97566e-05
MCOLN1 [NCBI] 2.96734e-05
IKBKAP [NCBI] 2.96734e-05
alsin [NCBI] 2.96734e-05
hypophosphatasia, adult type [NCBI] 2.90489e-05
propionic acidemia [NCBI] 2.90489e-05
myotonia congenita, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 2.90489e-05
omenn syndrome [NCBI] 2.90489e-05
CHNG1 [NCBI] 2.90489e-05
LMNA [NCBI] 2.89936e-05
3-@hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coa lyase deficiency [NCBI] 2.88187e-05
EPM2A [NCBI] 2.88187e-05
KRT10 [NCBI] 2.88187e-05
KSS [NCBI] 2.80581e-05
PDC [NCBI] 2.80251e-05
PKHD1 [NCBI] 2.80251e-05
oncogene dj1 [NCBI] 2.80251e-05
POMT1 [NCBI] 2.80251e-05
maxillonasal dysplasia, binder type [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
nephrolithiasis, calcium oxalate [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
progeroid syndrome, neonatal [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
AUTS4 [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
PHP [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
NYS2 [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
MEAX [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
cluster headache, familial [NCBI] 2.79836e-05
RLBP1 [NCBI] 2.74635e-05
TH [NCBI] 2.74342e-05
PANK2 [NCBI] 2.72848e-05
LRAT [NCBI] 2.72848e-05
RAPSN [NCBI] 2.72848e-05
CPS1 [NCBI] 2.72848e-05
lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency [NCBI] 2.69176e-05
ehlers-danlos syndrome, type vi [NCBI] 2.69176e-05
PARK6 [NCBI] 2.69176e-05
NBIA1 [NCBI] 2.69176e-05
DLL3 [NCBI] 2.65913e-05
carboxypeptidase n deficiency [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
glutathione synthetase deficiency of erythrocytes, hemolytic anemia due to [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy vi [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
MLASA [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
TBDN [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
gonadal agenesis [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
FANCI [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
papilloma of choroid plexus [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
charcot-marie-tooth disease, axonal, with vocal cord paresis, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
pseudohermaphroditism, incomplete male, type i [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
immunodeficiency with hyper-igm, type 2 [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
fanconi anemia, complementation group j [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
cryohydrocytosis, stomatin-deficient, with mental retardation, seizures, cataracts, and massive hepatosplenomegaly [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
TS [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
acth deficiency [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
hydroxyprolinemia [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
hyperlysinemia [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
segawa syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
SPG7 [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
immunodeficiency with hyper-igm, type 3 [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
laurence-moon syndrome [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
BJS [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
rheumatic fever-related antigen [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
FIDD [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
ACG1B [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
corneal dystrophy and perceptive deafness [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
pelizaeus-merzbacher-like disease, autosomal recessive, 1 [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
corpus callosum, partial agenesis of, x-linked [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
raph blood group system [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
nevo syndrome [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
branchial arch syndrome, x-linked [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
HHF3 [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
clubfoot [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
ASAT [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
leber congenital amaurosis, type iii [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
nuchal bleb, familial [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
ectopia lentis [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
simpson-golabi-behmel syndrome, type 2 [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
LGMD2K [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
MCOP2 [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
PURE&apos [NCBI] 2.62281e-05
GLUD1 [NCBI] 2.59391e-05
SDS [NCBI] 2.58605e-05
bullous erythroderma ichthyosiformis congenita of brocq [NCBI] 2.56254e-05
CFH [NCBI] 2.54727e-05
SMAX1 [NCBI] 2.54707e-05
GUCY2D [NCBI] 2.53239e-05
PCCB [NCBI] 2.53239e-05
ACH [NCBI] 2.5285e-05
EV [NCBI] 2.5285e-05
PMP22 [NCBI] 2.49956e-05
MKKS [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
DYT3 [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
alkaptonuria [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
hydatidiform mole [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
PHA [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
diarrhea 1, secretory chloride, congenital [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
neuropathy, congenital hypomyelinating [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
dopamine beta-hydroxylase deficiency, congenital [NCBI] 2.49655e-05
DBT [NCBI] 2.47417e-05
NEB [NCBI] 2.47417e-05
von willebrand disease [NCBI] 2.43349e-05
NRL [NCBI] 2.41894e-05
CUBN [NCBI] 2.41894e-05
PEX7 [NCBI] 2.41894e-05
GPR54 [NCBI] 2.41894e-05
AHO [NCBI] 2.35371e-05
FER1L3 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
WNT10A [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
NDUFV3 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
MORC1 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
FAM126A [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
PPP1R3C [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
PIGM [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
SERF1A [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
HIRIP5 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
GABRG1 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
PANK4 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
MPP4 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
DOK7 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
NOX3 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
TMIE [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
PRCD [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
OTOA [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
BBS7 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
ZNF79 [NCBI] 2.35227e-05
campomelic dysplasia [NCBI] 2.34478e-05
hyperimmunoglobulin e recurrent infection syndrome, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 2.3171e-05
properdin deficiency, x-linked [NCBI] 2.3171e-05
weaver syndrome [NCBI] 2.3171e-05
pituitary dwarfism i [NCBI] 2.3171e-05
ATR [NCBI] 2.31636e-05
GJB3 [NCBI] 2.31636e-05
CYP1B1 [NCBI] 2.31636e-05
bare lymphocyte syndrome, type ii [NCBI] 2.28654e-05
CRYAA [NCBI] 2.26856e-05
RHO [NCBI] 2.24055e-05
CLN3 [NCBI] 2.23162e-05
CMTX1 [NCBI] 2.23162e-05
MIP [NCBI] 2.22283e-05
FKRP [NCBI] 2.22283e-05
ALD [NCBI] 2.19566e-05
phenylketonuria [NCBI] 2.18908e-05
schindler disease, type i [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
RP7 [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
witkop syndrome [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
carpenter syndrome [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
MKS3 [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
cystinosis, adult nonnephropathic [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
severe combined immunodeficiency, autosomal recessive, t cell-negative, b cell-positive, nk cell-positive [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
iris coloboma with ptosis, hypertelorism, and mental retardation [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
LCA2 [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
cystinosis, late-onset juvenile or adolescent nephropathic type [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
desmosterolosis [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
NAIC [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
porencephaly, familial [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
DFNA13 [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
NN [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
ED3 [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
RP15 [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
APBD [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
weyers acrofacial dysostosis [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
spondylocarpotarsal synostosis syndrome [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
epidermolysis bullosa pruriginosa [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
ramon syndrome [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
eunuchoidism, familial hypogonadotropic [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
3-@methylglutaconic aciduria, type iii [NCBI] 2.18037e-05
PMS2 [NCBI] 2.17901e-05
MTM1 [NCBI] 2.17901e-05
pta deficiency [NCBI] 2.17901e-05
TTDP [NCBI] 2.15157e-05
VWM [NCBI] 2.15157e-05
osteogenesis imperfecta, type iv [NCBI] 2.15157e-05
ESCS [NCBI] 2.15157e-05
CRYAB [NCBI] 2.13695e-05
MVK [NCBI] 2.13695e-05
GJA8 [NCBI] 2.09653e-05
TIMP3 [NCBI] 2.09653e-05
IFNGR1 [NCBI] 2.09653e-05
severe combined immunodeficiency, autosomal recessive, t cell-negative, b cell-negative, nk cell-negative, due to adenosine deaminase deficiency [NCBI] 2.07043e-05
KRT14 [NCBI] 2.05763e-05
factor v deficiency [NCBI] 2.05636e-05
MTIF2 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
SYT11 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
CC2D1A [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
PPM1B [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
LHFPL5 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
SMARCAL1 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
ZNF200 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
acidic cluster protein, 33-kd [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
SUCLA2 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
OTOG [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
CCT4 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
parathyroid hormone-responsive b1 gene [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
MKS1 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
SAMD9 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
CACNA2D4 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
ATP6V0E1 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
CNO [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
GABRG3 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
LBX2 [NCBI] 2.04384e-05
VHL [NCBI] 2.03606e-05
hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, familial, 1 [NCBI] 2.02393e-05
aHUS [NCBI] 2.02021e-05
PDS [NCBI] 2.02021e-05
mucolipidosis ii [NCBI] 2.02021e-05
TTN [NCBI] 2.02014e-05
polycystic kidneys [NCBI] 2.00915e-05
canavan disease [NCBI] 1.99848e-05
masa syndrome [NCBI] 1.99848e-05
severe combined immunodeficiency, autosomal recessive, t cell-negative, b cell-negative, nk cell-positive [NCBI] 1.99848e-05
ADHD [NCBI] 1.99244e-05
ALPS [NCBI] 1.99244e-05
COL4A5 [NCBI] 1.98398e-05
FTL [NCBI] 1.94906e-05
neuraminidase deficiency with beta-galactosidase deficiency [NCBI] 1.94906e-05
MEFV [NCBI] 1.94906e-05
ACADM [NCBI] 1.94687e-05
DMD [NCBI] 1.92442e-05
CPI [NCBI] 1.91517e-05
GBA [NCBI] 1.9141e-05
DBA [NCBI] 1.90582e-05
giant platelet syndrome [NCBI] 1.90582e-05
DNMT3B [NCBI] 1.88265e-05
CGL2 [NCBI] 1.85653e-05
EDMD2 [NCBI] 1.85653e-05
hyperoxaluria, primary, type i [NCBI] 1.85653e-05
osteogenesis imperfecta, type iii [NCBI] 1.85653e-05
DND1 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
LIPH [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
RGS9BP [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
BBS2 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
EFEMP2 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
RAB23 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
SFRS7 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
CTDP1 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
MPDU1 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
SMPD3 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
L3MBTL [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
ALOXE3 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
SOX18 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
ANGPTL2 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
OXCT1 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
TRIOBP [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
TCAP [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
FAT [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
ARFGEF2 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
MEP1A [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
ST5 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
SLC12A6 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
SETMAR [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
RPL12 [NCBI] 1.84455e-05
neural tube defects, x-linked [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
LIS2 [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
paget disease, juvenile [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
OCA1B [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
serpentine fibula-polycystic kidney syndrome [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
BDE [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
CGL1 [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
MONA [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
elejalde disease [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
hyalinosis, infantile systemic [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
boomerang dysplasia [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
ectodermal dysplasia, hypohidrotic, with immune deficiency [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
l-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
patterned dystrophy of retinal pigment epithelium [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
intestinal pseudoobstruction, neuronal, chronic idiopathic, x-linked [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
peters anomaly [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
fibular aplasia or hypoplasia, femoral bowing and poly-, syn-, and oligodactyly [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
severe combined immunodeficiency, autosomal recessive, t cell-negative, b cell-positive, nk cell-negative [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
RCDP2 [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
hairy ears, y-linked [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
fumarase deficiency [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
tyrosinemia, type iii [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
myopathy, centronuclear, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 1.84073e-05
CDAN2 [NCBI] 1.82526e-05
krabbe disease [NCBI] 1.82006e-05
PRPH2 [NCBI] 1.79062e-05
NDP [NCBI] 1.79062e-05
PTHR1 [NCBI] 1.79062e-05
ornithine aminotransferase deficiency [NCBI] 1.76175e-05
AR [NCBI] 1.73824e-05
HGPS [NCBI] 1.73814e-05
MBS [NCBI] 1.73803e-05
IGAN1 [NCBI] 1.73803e-05
IGER [NCBI] 1.73646e-05
CDLS1 [NCBI] 1.73521e-05
sialuria, finnish type [NCBI] 1.72464e-05
PPT1 [NCBI] 1.70644e-05
NR0B1 [NCBI] 1.70644e-05
C4B [NCBI] 1.70644e-05
PDE6A [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
ESRRG [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
FANCF [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
MALL [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
SPTBN4 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
PMP2 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
GCM2 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
TGM5 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
ETFA [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
ABCA12 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
COQ2 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
PUS1 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
EVC [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
ABAT [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
TTDN1 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
TJP2 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
FOXE3 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
RDH12 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
NYX [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
SARDH [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
OSTM1 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
FXYD2 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
CATSPER2 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
CCT [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
CRYGS [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
DPAGT1 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
SSPN [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
frank-ter haar syndrome [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
CABP4 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
EDARADD [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
PIP5K1B [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
PLA2G6 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
CUL7 [NCBI] 1.6971e-05
WT1 [NCBI] 1.69313e-05
CGF [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
renal hamartomas, nephroblastomatosis, and fetal gigantism [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
neutropenia, chronic familial [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
ANON1 [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
MCOPS1 [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
strabismus, susceptibility to [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
robinow syndrome, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
osteolysis, hereditary, of carpal bones with nephropathy [NCBI] 1.68241e-05
fucosidosis [NCBI] 1.67993e-05
fabry disease [NCBI] 1.60971e-05
EKV [NCBI] 1.60186e-05
CSNB1A [NCBI] 1.60186e-05
MADD [NCBI] 1.60186e-05
USH2A [NCBI] 1.60186e-05
niemann-pick disease, type a [NCBI] 1.60186e-05
ST3GAL5 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
ABCB7 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
DHCR24 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
GNB5 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
MYL3 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
NPHP3 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
NTF5 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
AOX1 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
GJC2 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
SMS [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
GRK1 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
GRIK2 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
MPV17 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
HSD17B3 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
ADAMTS1 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
HAX1 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
TBX19 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
RFXANK [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
SAI1 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
RSPO4 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
FUCA2 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
CRYBB3 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
ATP6V1B1 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
ALOX12B [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
CDC25B [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
CBX2 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
SEC23A [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
AGPAT2 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
SBDS [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
PHF9 [NCBI] 1.58018e-05
hypospadias, autosomal [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
charcot-marie-tooth disease, dominant intermediate b [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
vater association [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
HNSCC [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
F5F8D [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
palmoplantar hyperkeratosis with squamous cell carcinoma of skin and sex reversal [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
HHRH [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
ichthyosis, bullous type [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
pierson syndrome [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
FSGS1 [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
pneumothorax, primary spontaneous [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
LGMD2J [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
cerebral palsy, spastic, symmetric, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
cardiomyopathy, dilated, with woolly hair and keratoderma [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
amme complex [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
CPVT [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
STL2 [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
drug metabolism, poor, cyp2c19-related [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
floating-harbor syndrome [NCBI] 1.56904e-05
ATRX [NCBI] 1.53461e-05
VLDLR [NCBI] 1.53461e-05
glycogen storage disease v [NCBI] 1.48739e-05
RMD [NCBI] 1.48739e-05
glycogen storage disease ib [NCBI] 1.48739e-05
CLCN3 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
PMX1 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
NPR3 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
CRYBA4 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
CTNNA2 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
PLCE1 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
HLA-F [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
UCHL3 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
SYNE1 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
CPN1 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
ESPN [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
P2RY14 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
CNGA1 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
FBLN5 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
HSF4 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
PRSS12 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
SEMA4A [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
FANCB [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
ST14 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
HMGCS2 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
IL1R1 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
UNC5C [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
NPHP4 [NCBI] 1.48343e-05
HPRT1 [NCBI] 1.47726e-05
EIG [NCBI] 1.47404e-05
HCRT [NCBI] 1.46959e-05
NTRK1 [NCBI] 1.46959e-05
WAS [NCBI] 1.46959e-05
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism [NCBI] 1.41518e-05
LAMB2 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
LPIN2 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
ANGPTL3 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
DNASE2 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
ROM1 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
CRYBB1 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
NT5C3 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
SLC25A13 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
CNGA3 [NCBI] 1.40102e-05
AGT [NCBI] 1.38949e-05
FXN [NCBI] 1.38949e-05
FLNA [NCBI] 1.38949e-05
SEDC [NCBI] 1.38052e-05
OCRL [NCBI] 1.38052e-05
hyperekplexia, hereditary [NCBI] 1.38052e-05
gaucher disease, type iii [NCBI] 1.38052e-05
spinal muscular atrophy, proximal, adult, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
PARK7 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
HPS2 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
de sanctis-cacchione syndrome [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
deafness, aminoglycoside-induced [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
kuru, susceptibility to [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
MCOPS2 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
ACHM3 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
GS1 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
AITD3 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
citrullinemia, type ii, neonatal-onset [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
IBM3 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
colorectal adenomatous polyposis, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
AIH2 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
ear wax, wet/dry [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
MDC1C [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal dominant, 3 [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
creatine deficiency syndrome, x-linked [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
ehlers-danlos syndrome, type vii, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
epiphyseal dysplasia, multiple, with early-onset diabetes mellitus [NCBI] 1.34562e-05
LBR [NCBI] 1.33376e-05
SLC2A8 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
CHX10 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
NRG2 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
BCKDHB [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
ARSE [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
FHL1 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
BSCL2 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
ABCG8 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
LAMC2 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
ANTXR2 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
DR1 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
MTRR [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
UNC119 [NCBI] 1.32933e-05
RPGR [NCBI] 1.29846e-05
AT [NCBI] 1.28091e-05
osteoarthritis [NCBI] 1.28062e-05
CEBPE [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
GSTT1 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
RP1 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
AGC1 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
MORF4 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
GUCA1A [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
SETX [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
EDAR [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
CLDN16 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
flaujeac factor deficiency [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
WNT4 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
KLK4 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
DSG4 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
GBE1 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
FOXN1 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
CNGB3 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
LARGE [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
ATP8B1 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
EYA4 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
TACSTD2 [NCBI] 1.26596e-05
aneurysm, intracranial berry, 1 [NCBI] 1.26203e-05
cortisol 11-beta-ketoreductase deficiency [NCBI] 1.23189e-05
SLC17A5 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
NPHP1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
LIM2 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
STXBP1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
PLEC1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
KERA [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
CYP27A1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
PRMT1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
ATP2B2 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
GSS [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
BIN1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
AMN [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
CCNB1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
NR2E3 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
RGS9 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
MDH1 [NCBI] 1.20924e-05
APRT [NCBI] 1.19016e-05
BIRC1 [NCBI] 1.18514e-05
PLSJ [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica, pasini type [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
hypoalphalipoproteinemia, primary [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
GS2 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal dominant, 2 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
vitamin k-dependent clotting factors, combined deficiency of, 1 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
HPP [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
HMN2A [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
caffey disease [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
INAD1 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
DFNA3 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
NPHP3 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
ACG2 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
LRS1 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
reifenstein syndrome [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
PDP [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
HHF6 [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
3-@methylglutaconic aciduria, type i [NCBI] 1.15831e-05
FTCD [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
ARG1 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
MLC1 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
SAG [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
TFAP2B [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
IGHMBP2 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
ZIC3 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
SOST [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
SCN8A [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
IL12RB1 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
ITPR1 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
CXORF5 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
EIF2AK3 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
RAD50 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
DGUOK [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
CCNA2 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
SLC7A9 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
KCNQ4 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
C10ORF2 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
MEIS1 [NCBI] 1.15795e-05
protein c deficiency, congenital thrombotic disease due to [NCBI] 1.14086e-05
thrombasthenia of glanzmann and naegeli [NCBI] 1.13197e-05
CDC25A [NCBI] 1.11119e-05
CNTFR [NCBI] 1.11119e-05
NDRG1 [NCBI] 1.11119e-05
CLCN7 [NCBI] 1.11119e-05
PTPN6 [NCBI] 1.11119e-05
COL6A3 [NCBI] 1.11119e-05
SOX3 [NCBI] 1.11119e-05
myoclonic epilepsy of lafora [NCBI] 1.09963e-05
G6PD [NCBI] 1.09667e-05
AMC [NCBI] 1.07605e-05
HHF2 [NCBI] 1.07605e-05
HCRTR2 [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
PXMP3 [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
MAT1A [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
prekallikrein deficiency [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
NAGA [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
XG [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
ABCB4 [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
TRAPPC2 [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
EIF2B5 [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
GOT1 [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
HLCS [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
PRPS1 [NCBI] 1.06825e-05
FUT1 [NCBI] 1.02859e-05
DNAH11 [NCBI] 1.02859e-05
AGXT [NCBI] 1.02859e-05
TECTA [NCBI] 1.02859e-05
HSPG2 [NCBI] 1.02859e-05
RYR1 [NCBI] 1.0208e-05
OPMD [NCBI] 1.01794e-05
apert syndrome [NCBI] 1.01761e-05
17-@beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase iii deficiency [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
CDG2A [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
renal tubular acidosis, distal, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
corneal dystrophy, gelatinous drop-like [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
BRIC1 [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness, and renal disease [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
CTLN2 [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
CLN8 [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
glycogen storage disease ic [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
SCN3 [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
hypouricemia, renal [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
CMT4D [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
LGMD2E [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
USH1D [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
gm1-gangliosidosis, type ii [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
SXI1 [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
gaucher disease, perinatal lethal [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
SPG17 [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
NYS1 [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 9.99023e-06
AP3B1 [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
PFC [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
APOA2 [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
CTNS [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
RAB27A [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
CRB1 [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
GALE [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
TNFRSF11A [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
INVS [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
CCKAR [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
ME2 [NCBI] 9.91774e-06
CCD [NCBI] 9.82785e-06
BSG [NCBI] 9.61227e-06
CDC25C [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
LAMA2 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
GABRB3 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
COL18A1 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
NPHS1 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
PLA2G2A [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
LYST [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
BEST1 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
CD99 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
RCC1 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
KEAP1 [NCBI] 9.57439e-06
MTHFR [NCBI] 9.49847e-06
STL1 [NCBI] 9.40709e-06
SLC45A2 [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
CRX [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
SMAD3 [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
GABRG2 [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
SLC16A2 [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
SCNN1A [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
IL7R [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
RAD51 [NCBI] 9.25295e-06
IGES [NCBI] 9.11427e-06
UCHL1 [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
CD40 [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
LTF [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
TSHB [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
NEFL [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
ADSL [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
ITGB4 [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
ALDOA [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
SPG7 [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
GLDC [NCBI] 8.95098e-06
TNFRSF11B [NCBI] 8.88787e-06
LRP2 [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
PQBP1 [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
LMX1B [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
PTPN22 [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
FLT4 [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
SLC6A8 [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
MUTYH [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
FOXL2 [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
IRDN [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
HADHA [NCBI] 8.66644e-06
metachromatic leukodystrophy due to saposin b deficiency [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
ASMD [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
galactokinase deficiency [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
ehlers-danlos syndrome, type ii [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
Ii [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
DFNA12 [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
WSS [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
SPG6 [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
3-@methylcrotonyl-coa carboxylase 1 deficiency [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
BOS1 [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
IFD [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
brody myopathy [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
HTX1 [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
GINGF [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
WS3 [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
coloboma, ocular [NCBI] 8.62122e-06
CACNA1S [NCBI] 8.39757e-06
RAG2 [NCBI] 8.39757e-06
DHCR7 [NCBI] 8.39757e-06
IBD1 [NCBI] 8.39556e-06
homocystinuria [NCBI] 8.25408e-06
CGD [NCBI] 8.2213e-06
TNXB [NCBI] 8.14289e-06
CLN3 [NCBI] 8.14289e-06
CLCN5 [NCBI] 8.14289e-06
DSP [NCBI] 8.14289e-06
ANXA1 [NCBI] 8.14289e-06
IGAD1 [NCBI] 8.03306e-06
SGBS1 [NCBI] 8.00922e-06
DJS [NCBI] 8.00922e-06
AFP [NCBI] 7.9209e-06
DKC1 [NCBI] 7.90109e-06
AMPD1 [NCBI] 7.90109e-06
complement component 8 deficiency, type i [NCBI] 7.90109e-06
WRN [NCBI] 7.82457e-06
DMD [NCBI] 7.80291e-06
GH1 [NCBI] 7.70496e-06
ALS1 [NCBI] 7.7039e-06
asthma, susceptibility to [NCBI] 7.7039e-06
MRE11A [NCBI] 7.67107e-06
NR3C2 [NCBI] 7.67107e-06
WFS1 [NCBI] 7.67107e-06
CA1 [NCBI] 7.67107e-06
MS [NCBI] 7.66239e-06
MSX1 [NCBI] 7.45184e-06
SLC25A20 [NCBI] 7.45184e-06
EDA [NCBI] 7.45184e-06
MRXS13 [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
carbamoyl phosphate synthetase i deficiency, hyperammonemia due to [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
gaucher disease, type ii [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
mitochondrial dna depletion syndrome, myopathic form [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
PMDS [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
apolipoprotein c-ii deficiency [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
plasminogen deficiency, type i [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
hyperlipoproteinemia, type ii [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
SMDP1 [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
MCDC1 [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
IHPS1 [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
congenital cataracts, facial dysmorphism, and neuropathy [NCBI] 7.43518e-06
mitochondrial complex iv deficiency [NCBI] 7.37436e-06
glycogen storage disease ii [NCBI] 7.36462e-06
GUSB [NCBI] 7.27908e-06
LDLR [NCBI] 7.24885e-06
LQT1 [NCBI] 7.11836e-06
MYOC [NCBI] 7.11615e-06
DRPLA [NCBI] 7.06533e-06
PGP [NCBI] 7.04237e-06
LDHB [NCBI] 7.04237e-06
KCNA1 [NCBI] 7.04237e-06
PAX2 [NCBI] 7.04237e-06
ELA2 [NCBI] 7.04237e-06
DAG1 [NCBI] 7.04237e-06
TSG101 [NCBI] 6.8507e-06
SLC22A5 [NCBI] 6.8507e-06
CTSK [NCBI] 6.8507e-06
GSTM1 [NCBI] 6.8507e-06
CD4 [NCBI] 6.8507e-06
EYA1 [NCBI] 6.8507e-06
immunodeficiency-centromeric instability-facial anomalies syndrome [NCBI] 6.77869e-06
FBN1 [NCBI] 6.72604e-06
SLC17A7 [NCBI] 6.66691e-06
AICDA [NCBI] 6.66691e-06
contractural arachnodactyly, congenital [NCBI] 6.66691e-06
MUT [NCBI] 6.66691e-06
CD8A [NCBI] 6.66691e-06
IP [NCBI] 6.59304e-06
LFNG [NCBI] 6.49044e-06
ARSB [NCBI] 6.49044e-06
ARX [NCBI] 6.49044e-06
COL1A1 [NCBI] 6.43054e-06
erythrocytosis, familial, 1 [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
CMT2A1 [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
argininosuccinic aciduria [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
OPD1 [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
galactose epimerase deficiency [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
USH3 [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
MCDS [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
RENS1 [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
crouzon syndrome [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
cutis laxa, autosomal recessive, type ii [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
WS2A [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
AEZ [NCBI] 6.40151e-06
velocardiofacial syndrome [NCBI] 6.37459e-06
GSTP1 [NCBI] 6.32082e-06
ADK [NCBI] 6.32082e-06
CDPX2 [NCBI] 6.21988e-06
XLP1 [NCBI] 6.21988e-06
drug metabolism, poor, cyp2d6-related [NCBI] 6.21988e-06
meningioma, familial [NCBI] 6.21988e-06
holoprosencephaly [NCBI] 6.19057e-06
CSTB [NCBI] 6.1576e-06
EDN3 [NCBI] 6.1576e-06
CAV3 [NCBI] 6.1576e-06
CYP11B2 [NCBI] 6.1576e-06
DPYD [NCBI] 6.1576e-06
ATM [NCBI] 6.14873e-06
GJB1 [NCBI] 6.08031e-06
ERCC2 [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
glycogen storage disease ixa [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
CAPN3 [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
CDKN1B [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
ALDH3A2 [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
COL6A1 [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
IL1A [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
GCH1 [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
MTRNR1 [NCBI] 6.00038e-06
IL12B [NCBI] 5.8488e-06
RECQL3 [NCBI] 5.8488e-06
CMH [NCBI] 5.82836e-06
SHH [NCBI] 5.82276e-06
CYBB [NCBI] 5.70252e-06
SAA1 [NCBI] 5.70252e-06
GRPR [NCBI] 5.70252e-06
ERCC5 [NCBI] 5.56124e-06
PEPD [NCBI] 5.56124e-06
SPG4 [NCBI] 5.56124e-06
IKBKG [NCBI] 5.56124e-06
complement component 2 deficiency [NCBI] 5.56124e-06
PRKDC [NCBI] 5.56124e-06
coenzyme q10 deficiency [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
WGN1 [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
SGD [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
LGMD1B [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
mucolipidosis iiia [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
JME [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
trichodentoosseous syndrome [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism/dementia complex 1 [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
pineal hyperplasia, insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, and somatic abnormalities [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
STGD3 [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
alpers diffuse degeneration of cerebral gray matter with hepatic cirrhosis [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
HSCR2 [NCBI] 5.49669e-06
OA1 [NCBI] 5.42469e-06
BRCA2 [NCBI] 5.25811e-06
neuraminidase deficiency [NCBI] 5.20444e-06
LFS1 [NCBI] 5.20444e-06
ATS [NCBI] 5.20444e-06
lactase persistence [NCBI] 5.20444e-06
CDG1A [NCBI] 5.20444e-06
INSR [NCBI] 5.19965e-06
APOC2 [NCBI] 5.16475e-06
XPA [NCBI] 5.16475e-06
GK [NCBI] 5.16475e-06
RAG1 [NCBI] 5.16475e-06
OMP [NCBI] 5.14183e-06
DDC [NCBI] 5.14183e-06
RECQL2 [NCBI] 5.04092e-06
ACP5 [NCBI] 4.94817e-06
PKLR [NCBI] 4.9209e-06
GAMT [NCBI] 4.9209e-06
AGTR1 [NCBI] 4.9209e-06
APS1 [NCBI] 4.81022e-06
SMN2 [NCBI] 4.80451e-06
ATP7B [NCBI] 4.80451e-06
APOB [NCBI] 4.79358e-06
LPL [NCBI] 4.75438e-06
homocystinuria due to deficiency of n(5,10)-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase activity [NCBI] 4.74407e-06
SCZD4 [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
CDG2C [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
HPE3 [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
esophageal cancer [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
leprosy, susceptibility to [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
PALS [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
waardenburg-shah syndrome [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial dna deletions, autosomal dominant, 1 [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
CFTD [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
JH [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
ichthyosis congenita, harlequin fetus type [NCBI] 4.70226e-06
protoporphyria, erythropoietic [NCBI] 4.69157e-06
mucopolysaccharidosis type iva [NCBI] 4.58193e-06
AMH [NCBI] 4.58011e-06
STAT1 [NCBI] 4.54516e-06
SOD1 [NCBI] 4.54415e-06
twinning, dizygotic [NCBI] 4.51396e-06
C4A [NCBI] 4.27133e-06
KAL1 [NCBI] 4.27133e-06
porphyria cutanea tarda [NCBI] 4.17347e-06
RELN [NCBI] 4.17347e-06
ZLS [NCBI] 4.08252e-06
BULN1 [NCBI] 4.08252e-06
ABCA1 [NCBI] 4.07825e-06
TNFRSF6 [NCBI] 4.07825e-06
L1CAM [NCBI] 4.07825e-06
factor x deficiency [NCBI] 4.07825e-06
TTP [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
pitt syndrome [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
PFIC1 [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
CMDD [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
GCE [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
VED [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
infantile sialic acid storage disorder [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
diabetes insipidus, neurohypophyseal type [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
IPEX [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
HSAN2 [NCBI] 4.00347e-06
TLR4 [NCBI] 3.99167e-06
ADAM17 [NCBI] 3.98555e-06
PMD [NCBI] 3.93534e-06
FGF23 [NCBI] 3.89529e-06
GNRH1 [NCBI] 3.86873e-06
NP [NCBI] 3.80736e-06
HS [NCBI] 3.72167e-06
PSAP [NCBI] 3.63814e-06
CYP1A1 [NCBI] 3.55053e-06
menkes disease [NCBI] 3.53596e-06
CDSP [NCBI] 3.53283e-06
ITGB2 [NCBI] 3.47725e-06
CHS [NCBI] 3.42579e-06
CHM [NCBI] 3.42539e-06
hurler syndrome [NCBI] 3.42539e-06
refsum disease [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
RSMD1 [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
ICP [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
infantile spasm syndrome, x-linked [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
DHRD [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
acromegaly [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
SPCH1 [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
GACI [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
hyperlipoproteinemia, type i [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
CORD2 [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
AHDS [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
crigler-najjar syndrome [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
CIPA [NCBI] 3.38834e-06
C3 [NCBI] 3.32408e-06
F2 [NCBI] 3.25024e-06
REN [NCBI] 3.25024e-06
IGF2 [NCBI] 3.17813e-06
ED1 [NCBI] 3.16523e-06
TG [NCBI] 3.08339e-06
HSCR1 [NCBI] 3.05583e-06
SLC11A1 [NCBI] 3.03889e-06
HEMB [NCBI] 3.00405e-06
MTND4 [NCBI] 2.97166e-06
PKD2 [NCBI] 2.97166e-06
WT1 [NCBI] 2.97166e-06
XPA [NCBI] 2.85305e-06
glycogen storage disease iv [NCBI] 2.84702e-06
MNS [NCBI] 2.84702e-06
ABS [NCBI] 2.84702e-06
SHEP2 [NCBI] 2.84702e-06
GABEB [NCBI] 2.84702e-06
SLC6A3 [NCBI] 2.77933e-06
IRS1 [NCBI] 2.77893e-06
ACE [NCBI] 2.75956e-06
JAK3 [NCBI] 2.71752e-06
FOXP3 [NCBI] 2.71752e-06
ELN [NCBI] 2.71752e-06
WAS [NCBI] 2.67255e-06
CLS [NCBI] 2.66705e-06
SCA7 [NCBI] 2.66705e-06
CDC2 [NCBI] 2.59869e-06
ZS [NCBI] 2.56085e-06
ABL [NCBI] 2.54784e-06
CCR5 [NCBI] 2.42987e-06
ABCD1 [NCBI] 2.42987e-06
maple syrup urine disease [NCBI] 2.42961e-06
OCP [NCBI] 2.42961e-06
AN2 [NCBI] 2.42961e-06
HRPT1 [NCBI] 2.37128e-06
KAL2 [NCBI] 2.37128e-06
MC4R [NCBI] 2.3232e-06
NR0B2 [NCBI] 2.27154e-06
TPO [NCBI] 2.22128e-06
IL3 [NCBI] 2.22094e-06
HNPP [NCBI] 2.20035e-06
APOA1 [NCBI] 2.07532e-06
HPS [NCBI] 2.03428e-06
epidermolysis bullosa letalis [NCBI] 1.95423e-06
PLOSL [NCBI] 1.95423e-06
KTCN1 [NCBI] 1.95423e-06
MEN2B [NCBI] 1.95423e-06
IDUA [NCBI] 1.93839e-06
coffin-siris syndrome [NCBI] 1.91031e-06
MTR [NCBI] 1.89457e-06
NPS [NCBI] 1.76779e-06
CSA [NCBI] 1.76779e-06
COMT [NCBI] 1.75847e-06
ASS [NCBI] 1.72783e-06
FA [NCBI] 1.65051e-06
gm1-gangliosidosis, type i [NCBI] 1.58997e-06
CCAL2 [NCBI] 1.58997e-06
RIEG1 [NCBI] 1.58997e-06
histidinemia [NCBI] 1.58997e-06
TRPS1 [NCBI] 1.58997e-06
SCA17 [NCBI] 1.58997e-06
BRCA1 [NCBI] 1.57197e-06
LWD [NCBI] 1.56524e-06
HLA-A [NCBI] 1.53718e-06
LNS [NCBI] 1.53452e-06
HEXA [NCBI] 1.50125e-06
COL2A1 [NCBI] 1.46601e-06
GCK [NCBI] 1.39756e-06
sotos syndrome [NCBI] 1.37237e-06
SCIDX1 [NCBI] 1.37237e-06
mucopolysaccharidosis type vi [NCBI] 1.27348e-06
MDC1A [NCBI] 1.27348e-06
long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coa dehydrogenase deficiency [NCBI] 1.27348e-06
deafness, conductive, with stapes fixation [NCBI] 1.27348e-06
mannosidosis, alpha b, lysosomal [NCBI] 1.27348e-06
ehlers-danlos syndrome, type i [NCBI] 1.27348e-06
dandy-walker-like malformation with atrioventricular septal defect [NCBI] 1.19067e-06
DM2 [NCBI] 1.18963e-06
LAD [NCBI] 1.18963e-06
MHS1 [NCBI] 1.14021e-06
SRY [NCBI] 1.12039e-06
NSF [NCBI] 1.12039e-06
LS [NCBI] 1.01279e-06
MC1R [NCBI] 1.01186e-06
MSD [NCBI] 1.00041e-06
bartter syndrome, type 3 [NCBI] 1.00041e-06
DRD [NCBI] 1.00041e-06
TGD [NCBI] 1.00041e-06
methylmalonic aciduria due to methylmalonyl-coa mutase deficiency [NCBI] 1.00041e-06
PSNP1 [NCBI] 1.00041e-06
PG [NCBI] 9.86014e-07
NF1 [NCBI] 9.47341e-07
IDDM [NCBI] 9.40751e-07
TNFSF11 [NCBI] 8.64062e-07
hashimoto thyroiditis [NCBI] 8.43183e-07
ADA [NCBI] 8.39228e-07
INS [NCBI] 8.22353e-07
NS1 [NCBI] 7.77426e-07
CRMO [NCBI] 7.66979e-07
hyperglycerolemia [NCBI] 7.66979e-07
EFE [NCBI] 7.66979e-07
STAR [NCBI] 7.35817e-07
pyruvate kinase deficiency of red cells [NCBI] 7.07088e-07
PSORS1 [NCBI] 6.70075e-07
MAPT [NCBI] 6.15972e-07
ESD [NCBI] 5.80126e-07
POAG [NCBI] 5.69934e-07
CFNS [NCBI] 5.69889e-07
citrullinemia, classic [NCBI] 5.69889e-07
PDB [NCBI] 5.69889e-07
ODDD [NCBI] 5.69889e-07
FDH [NCBI] 5.69889e-07
thiourea tasting [NCBI] 5.69889e-07
ehlers-danlos syndrome, type iv, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 5.69889e-07
MITF [NCBI] 5.62747e-07
CFTR [NCBI] 5.06886e-07
GPI [NCBI] 4.72456e-07
growth hormone insensitivity syndrome [NCBI] 4.45636e-07
TNC [NCBI] 4.36049e-07
NPC1 [NCBI] 4.35897e-07
SLS [NCBI] 4.35897e-07
diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic, x-linked [NCBI] 4.06226e-07
hepatocellular carcinoma [NCBI] 4.06226e-07
PI [NCBI] 4.01565e-07
osteogenesis imperfecta, type i [NCBI] 3.91612e-07
scott syndrome [NCBI] 3.63001e-07
IBGC1 [NCBI] 3.63001e-07
FEB1 [NCBI] 3.63001e-07
OD [NCBI] 3.63001e-07
IDDM4 [NCBI] 3.63001e-07
BPES [NCBI] 3.38497e-07
CP [NCBI] 3.37708e-07
myoclonic epilepsy of unverricht and lundborg [NCBI] 3.3487e-07
TP53 [NCBI] 3.13266e-07
PON1 [NCBI] 2.9434e-07
GHR [NCBI] 2.68894e-07
CDK2 [NCBI] 2.61771e-07
MECP2 [NCBI] 2.51179e-07
alopecia, androgenetic [NCBI] 2.44337e-07
LCAT [NCBI] 2.28676e-07
VASP [NCBI] 2.21508e-07
hypercholesterolemia, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 2.19937e-07
PSACH [NCBI] 1.82868e-07
neural tube defects [NCBI] 1.6918e-07
BOR1 [NCBI] 1.6918e-07
POF1 [NCBI] 1.6918e-07
GJA1 [NCBI] 1.6376e-07
CASR [NCBI] 1.60751e-07
MDLS [NCBI] 1.56922e-07
ALB [NCBI] 1.51438e-07
FMF [NCBI] 1.46729e-07
SDC2 [NCBI] 9.66886e-08
RP1 [NCBI] 9.14684e-08
pyruvate decarboxylase deficiency [NCBI] 9.14684e-08
sandhoff disease [NCBI] 9.13909e-08
SCZD [NCBI] 9.12978e-08
hemophilia a [NCBI] 8.72635e-08
AVSD [NCBI] 8.54638e-08
hypertension, essential [NCBI] 8.54638e-08
PCD [NCBI] 8.28589e-08
autism [NCBI] 6.61902e-08
DNMT1 [NCBI] 5.74749e-08
microcephaly, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 4.82691e-08
poland syndrome [NCBI] 4.82691e-08
PLG [NCBI] 4.52278e-08
CMD1A [NCBI] 4.27121e-08
myoclonic dystonia [NCBI] 4.27121e-08
SPG4 [NCBI] 4.27121e-08
RP3 [NCBI] 3.84545e-08
HHC1 [NCBI] 3.84545e-08
MAG [NCBI] 3.26285e-08
CMT1A [NCBI] 2.38239e-08
IHH [NCBI] 2.24062e-08
glycogen storage disease vii [NCBI] 1.19066e-08
PGL1 [NCBI] 1.19066e-08
FPLD2 [NCBI] 8.49123e-09
PRNP [NCBI] 3.8824e-09
COMP [NCBI] 2.11373e-09
SCA1 [NCBI] 1.74502e-09
LPI [NCBI] 1.82459e-10
human immunodeficiency virus type 1, susceptibility to [NCBI] 9.11891e-11

Database Center for Life Science