
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Quadriplegia [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
NEWENTRY [NCBI] 0.000142355
GER [NCBI] 6.36862e-05
AVP [NCBI] 1.85543e-05
SLC2A4 [NCBI] 1.5786e-05
MS [NCBI] 1.53694e-05
MRAP [NCBI] 1.33087e-05
PDHA1 [NCBI] 1.10294e-05
SLC16A2 [NCBI] 1.06534e-05
ALS2 [NCBI] 1.02989e-05
MBP [NCBI] 1.02033e-05
KCNQ2 [NCBI] 9.2162e-06
SCN4A [NCBI] 8.71406e-06
GJA1 [NCBI] 8.64304e-06
PAFAH1B1 [NCBI] 8.59164e-06
PSEN1 [NCBI] 6.98619e-06
UCP3 [NCBI] 6.65835e-06
TFPI [NCBI] 6.21314e-06
CYP3A4 [NCBI] 6.14382e-06
SOD1 [NCBI] 4.51257e-06
TNF [NCBI] 1.36174e-06


OMIM Link Information
cerebellar hypoplasia, mental retardation, and quadrupedal locomotion [NCBI] 0.000991404
oculocerebral syndrome with hypopigmentation [NCBI] 0.000817902
MCOPS1 [NCBI] 0.000765046
mucopolysaccharidosis type vi [NCBI] 0.000136083
neurologic disease, infantile multisystem, with osseous fragility [NCBI] 0.000129339
spastic quadriplegia, retinitis pigmentosa, and mental retardation [NCBI] 0.000129339
AVP [NCBI] 0.000118757
SLS [NCBI] 0.000107618
paine syndrome [NCBI] 9.83952e-05
schizencephaly [NCBI] 9.83952e-05
MRAP [NCBI] 9.02832e-05
branchial myoclonus with spastic paraparesis and cerebellar ataxia [NCBI] 8.88018e-05
APBD [NCBI] 8.05159e-05
microcephaly with spastic quadriplegia [NCBI] 8.05159e-05
LIS1 [NCBI] 7.84898e-05
cerebral palsy, spastic, symmetric, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 7.84898e-05
ACCPN [NCBI] 7.22548e-05
3-@methylglutaconic aciduria, type i [NCBI] 7.22548e-05
AHDS [NCBI] 6.68256e-05
alexander disease [NCBI] 6.50819e-05
AGS1 [NCBI] 6.42765e-05
EBN1 [NCBI] 6.42765e-05
AUH [NCBI] 6.17519e-05
alzheimer disease 3 [NCBI] 5.89784e-05
SLC16A2 [NCBI] 5.44865e-05
KCNQ2 [NCBI] 5.37769e-05
pyruvate decarboxylase deficiency [NCBI] 5.22052e-05
PAFAH1B1 [NCBI] 5.03403e-05
costello syndrome [NCBI] 4.89054e-05
CMT1B [NCBI] 4.80374e-05
PDHA1 [NCBI] 4.54718e-05
AMC [NCBI] 4.49809e-05
HRAS [NCBI] 4.20159e-05
RA [NCBI] 4.17321e-05
FRDA [NCBI] 3.66346e-05
GUSB [NCBI] 3.55467e-05
PMD [NCBI] 3.4636e-05
MBP [NCBI] 3.02885e-05
NPPA [NCBI] 1.39787e-05
SLE [NCBI] 3.66577e-06
TNF [NCBI] 2.39873e-07

Database Center for Life Science