
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

Query MeSH keywords list

01 Sex [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
PRL [NCBI] 7.3707e-06
LIPE [NCBI] 6.95811e-06
LNPEP [NCBI] 3.40474e-06
CLCN5 [NCBI] 3.33369e-06
TNFRSF1B [NCBI] 2.61062e-06
ADM [NCBI] 2.33111e-06
SRY [NCBI] 2.32038e-06
KCNQ1 [NCBI] 2.3099e-06
NOS1 [NCBI] 2.22514e-06
TG [NCBI] 1.94072e-06
HFE [NCBI] 1.77293e-06
LPL [NCBI] 1.54974e-06
TH [NCBI] 1.40049e-06
AR [NCBI] 1.39897e-06
PTH [NCBI] 1.21431e-06
EGF [NCBI] 8.58596e-07


OMIM Link Information
torus palatinus and torus mandibularis [NCBI] 0.000799687
immunoglobulin m, level of [NCBI] 0.000761393
MENOQ1 [NCBI] 0.000729587
DFN2 [NCBI] 0.000702392
achoo syndrome [NCBI] 0.000702392
spatial visualization, aptitude for [NCBI] 0.000657571
alport syndrome, autosomal dominant [NCBI] 0.000512875
hashimoto thyroiditis [NCBI] 0.00049552
migraine with or without aura, susceptibility to, 1 [NCBI] 0.000479684
IDDM [NCBI] 0.000199799
anus, imperforate [NCBI] 0.000160831
optic atrophy--spastic paraplegia syndrome [NCBI] 0.000160831
emphysema, hereditary pulmonary [NCBI] 0.000160831
earlobe attachment: attached vs unattached [NCBI] 0.000122587
muscular dystrophy, hemizygous lethal type [NCBI] 0.000122587
retinitis pigmentosa, late-adult onset [NCBI] 0.000122587
corticosterone methyloxidase type i deficiency [NCBI] 0.000106702
proteinuria, low molecular weight, with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis [NCBI] 0.000100488
LGMD1A [NCBI] 9.37587e-05
ED2 [NCBI] 9.02761e-05
JLNS1 [NCBI] 8.87399e-05
methionine adenosyltransferase deficiency [NCBI] 8.87399e-05
periodontitis, aggressive, 1 [NCBI] 8.47372e-05
OFD1 [NCBI] 8.35644e-05
AIED [NCBI] 8.24572e-05
deafness, conductive, with stapes fixation [NCBI] 7.94649e-05
PDS [NCBI] 6.84211e-05
XPA [NCBI] 6.59454e-05
VWS [NCBI] 6.14042e-05
hypertension, essential [NCBI] 5.68368e-05
CMH [NCBI] 4.85036e-05
UCK2 [NCBI] 4.38824e-05
LNPEP [NCBI] 3.81656e-05
MJD [NCBI] 3.31167e-05
PRL [NCBI] 3.18915e-05
KCNJ2 [NCBI] 3.16313e-05
CLCN5 [NCBI] 3.10514e-05
ALPP [NCBI] 3.10514e-05
CYP11B2 [NCBI] 2.87842e-05
RS1 [NCBI] 2.7442e-05
RP2 [NCBI] 2.58701e-05
OPRM1 [NCBI] 2.20976e-05
ESR1 [NCBI] 2.08499e-05
HEMB [NCBI] 1.83184e-05
ADM [NCBI] 1.60139e-05
RP [NCBI] 1.58965e-05
RA [NCBI] 8.91519e-06
TG [NCBI] 8.41951e-06
G6PD [NCBI] 7.53365e-06
MDD [NCBI] 6.03162e-06
LPL [NCBI] 5.16402e-06
AR [NCBI] 3.95395e-06
TH [NCBI] 2.69215e-06
PTH [NCBI] 1.61447e-06
EGF [NCBI] 3.92295e-09

Database Center for Life Science