
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

Query MeSH keywords list

01 Wrist [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
MS [NCBI] 0.000228906
NEWENTRY [NCBI] 0.000136981
SHOX [NCBI] 1.50943e-05
GDAP1 [NCBI] 7.79269e-06
KRT1 [NCBI] 7.29492e-06
COL1A1 [NCBI] 6.04253e-06
PRNP [NCBI] 5.67605e-06
ADIPOQ [NCBI] 5.61265e-06
PPARG [NCBI] 5.19521e-06
NOG [NCBI] 4.79311e-06
ESR1 [NCBI] 4.60454e-06
VDR [NCBI] 4.29301e-06


OMIM Link Information
osteolysis, hereditary, of carpal bones with nephropathy [NCBI] 0.00201127
synostosis, carpal, with dysplastic elbow joints and brachydactyly [NCBI] 0.00123667
bone size quantitative trait locus 1 [NCBI] 0.0011195
collagenosis, familial reactive perforating [NCBI] 0.000987008
LWD [NCBI] 0.000891838
DBQD [NCBI] 0.000820071
RA [NCBI] 0.000674251
DA2A [NCBI] 0.000313703
genu valgum, st. helena familial [NCBI] 0.000153522
S PEAK SYNDROME [NCBI] 0.000153522
ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis with tylosis [NCBI] 0.000138729
pneumothorax, primary spontaneous [NCBI] 0.000122005
langer mesomelic dysplasia [NCBI] 0.000116331
trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome [NCBI] 0.000111618
SHOX [NCBI] 9.93179e-05
hand-foot-uterus syndrome [NCBI] 9.81379e-05
EDM1 [NCBI] 9.55898e-05
SYM1 [NCBI] 9.11068e-05
hypophosphatemic rickets, x-linked dominant [NCBI] 6.5975e-05
apnea, obstructive sleep [NCBI] 6.32481e-05
HOS [NCBI] 5.59589e-05
MYH8 [NCBI] 5.37697e-05
CDLS1 [NCBI] 4.79757e-05
NOG [NCBI] 4.39233e-05
COL1A1 [NCBI] 3.79502e-05
CCL22 [NCBI] 3.49753e-05
VDR [NCBI] 1.84588e-05
SLE [NCBI] 1.40771e-05
PWS [NCBI] 6.20203e-06
PD [NCBI] 5.09823e-06
AD [NCBI] 1.32432e-06

Database Center for Life Science