
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Fanconi Syndrome [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
FRTS [NCBI] 0.000499621
SLC2A2 [NCBI] 7.85221e-05
CLCN5 [NCBI] 7.73031e-05
CTNS [NCBI] 4.4606e-05
OCRL [NCBI] 4.3797e-05
CUBN [NCBI] 3.12523e-05
ABCC2 [NCBI] 1.51397e-05
AMBP [NCBI] 1.36191e-05
TREH [NCBI] 1.32065e-05
CLCN4 [NCBI] 1.24271e-05
IGK@ [NCBI] 1.24271e-05
HPD [NCBI] 1.18935e-05
FANCI [NCBI] 1.18935e-05
CA3 [NCBI] 1.16784e-05
LRP2 [NCBI] 1.01668e-05
SLC7A7 [NCBI] 9.93253e-06
PTH [NCBI] 9.45721e-06
ABCC4 [NCBI] 9.32446e-06
RAB7A [NCBI] 8.45933e-06
CLCN1 [NCBI] 7.71972e-06
RAG2 [NCBI] 6.85921e-06
FAH [NCBI] 6.79999e-06
FGF23 [NCBI] 5.7322e-06
SCGB1A1 [NCBI] 5.68353e-06
RAD51 [NCBI] 5.53447e-06
HLA-A [NCBI] 5.21147e-06
SLC2A1 [NCBI] 4.91843e-06
UMOD [NCBI] 4.89217e-06
CFTR [NCBI] 1.80207e-06


OMIM Link Information
fanconi renotubular syndrome [NCBI] 0.0103964
FBS [NCBI] 0.00117331
SLC2A2 [NCBI] 0.000798492
CTNS [NCBI] 0.00035814
dent disease 1 [NCBI] 0.000250375
CLCN5 [NCBI] 0.000237928
renal dysplasia, retinal pigmentary dystrophy, cerebellar ataxia, and skeletal dysplasia [NCBI] 0.00019536
proteinuria, low molecular weight, with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis [NCBI] 0.000162313
mitochondrial complex iv deficiency [NCBI] 0.000124918
FA [NCBI] 0.000118331
renal tubular acidosis iii [NCBI] 0.000102276
cystinosis, late-onset juvenile or adolescent nephropathic type [NCBI] 8.42118e-05
bartter syndrome, antenatal, type 1 [NCBI] 8.0955e-05
gracile syndrome [NCBI] 7.0493e-05
TINU [NCBI] 7.0493e-05
alport syndrome, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 6.90246e-05
TREH [NCBI] 6.48763e-05
bartter syndrome, antenatal, type 2 [NCBI] 6.42127e-05
pearson marrow-pancreas syndrome [NCBI] 6.32061e-05
cirrhosis, familial [NCBI] 6.22593e-05
VPS33B [NCBI] 6.15005e-05
PCK2 [NCBI] 5.89909e-05
BCS1L [NCBI] 5.39062e-05
cystinuria [NCBI] 4.96293e-05
DKC [NCBI] 4.92209e-05
LRP2 [NCBI] 4.67012e-05
CTNS [NCBI] 4.60816e-05
HBG1 [NCBI] 3.93759e-05
fructose intolerance, hereditary [NCBI] 3.79639e-05
UGB [NCBI] 3.65011e-05
LS [NCBI] 3.58133e-05
glycogen storage disease i [NCBI] 3.35878e-05
HNF1A [NCBI] 3.34214e-05
tyrosinemia, type i [NCBI] 3.23306e-05
KSS [NCBI] 2.81465e-05
PTH [NCBI] 1.70099e-05
RP [NCBI] 7.76687e-06
AVP [NCBI] 3.42565e-06

Database Center for Life Science