
MeSH keywords -> Related genes, diseases (OMIM)

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01 Strabismus [NCBI]


Gene Link Information
NYS2 [NCBI] 0.000329245
PHOX2A [NCBI] 3.9076e-05
PAX7 [NCBI] 2.18016e-05
MYOD1 [NCBI] 1.89463e-05
FGFR3 [NCBI] 1.44428e-05
CHN1 [NCBI] 1.36821e-05
PMM1 [NCBI] 1.33946e-05
VANGL1 [NCBI] 1.31484e-05
VANGL2 [NCBI] 1.31484e-05
VAMP7 [NCBI] 1.25702e-05
GJA3 [NCBI] 1.21385e-05
FRMD7 [NCBI] 1.20157e-05
OPA3 [NCBI] 1.20157e-05
NIPBL [NCBI] 1.14212e-05
KIF21A [NCBI] 1.14212e-05
ACAN [NCBI] 1.06839e-05
MYOG [NCBI] 9.3765e-06
OPA1 [NCBI] 8.76388e-06
TIMP2 [NCBI] 8.59495e-06
TIMP1 [NCBI] 7.98023e-06
TWIST1 [NCBI] 7.93593e-06
MS [NCBI] 7.68417e-06
FGFR2 [NCBI] 7.5818e-06
BMP4 [NCBI] 7.30383e-06
MMP2 [NCBI] 6.1584e-06


OMIM Link Information
strabismus, susceptibility to [NCBI] 0.00828009
HFH [NCBI] 0.00179967
duane retraction syndrome 2 [NCBI] 0.00114372
ocular motor apraxia [NCBI] 0.00109535
CFEOM3 [NCBI] 0.00109535
NYS4 [NCBI] 0.000679776
astigmatism [NCBI] 0.000598023
persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, autosomal recessive [NCBI] 0.000545114
chorioretinal atrophy, progressive bifocal [NCBI] 0.000545114
distichiasis [NCBI] 0.000505903
acromelic frontonasal dysostosis [NCBI] 0.00047476
NYS2 [NCBI] 0.00047476
NNO1 [NCBI] 0.00047476
oculocerebral syndrome with hypopigmentation [NCBI] 0.000426926
HYPX [NCBI] 0.000407736
MCOPS1 [NCBI] 0.000375513
DURS1 [NCBI] 0.000316825
marden-walker syndrome [NCBI] 0.00029877
CFEOM1 [NCBI] 0.000241929
ATD1 [NCBI] 0.000196839
radial ray hypoplasia with choanal atresia [NCBI] 0.000120847
speech development, delayed, with facial asymmetry, strabismus, and transverse earlobe crease [NCBI] 0.000120847
ectodermal dysplasia, sensorineural hearing loss, and distinctive facial features [NCBI] 0.000120847
marcus gunn phenomenon [NCBI] 0.000120847
ptosis, strabismus, and ectopic pupils [NCBI] 0.000120847
ARIX [NCBI] 0.000100528
aniridia, partial, with unilateral renal agenesis and psychomotor retardation [NCBI] 9.83832e-05
mental retardation syndrome, mietens-weber type [NCBI] 9.83832e-05
PWS [NCBI] 9.34107e-05
deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase deficiency [NCBI] 8.99103e-05
carnevale syndrome [NCBI] 8.99103e-05
optic nerve hypoplasia, bilateral [NCBI] 8.44113e-05
CFEOM2 [NCBI] 8.44113e-05
SMS [NCBI] 8.21238e-05
aplasia cutis congenita with epibulbar dermoids [NCBI] 7.70698e-05
donnai-barrow syndrome [NCBI] 7.43647e-05
IP [NCBI] 7.40192e-05
AN1 [NCBI] 7.20503e-05
NYS1 [NCBI] 7.00279e-05
EVR2 [NCBI] 7.00279e-05
RS1 [NCBI] 6.80811e-05
HRD [NCBI] 6.66178e-05
KCS [NCBI] 6.66178e-05
SYM1 [NCBI] 6.25693e-05
BDC [NCBI] 6.14197e-05
marshall syndrome [NCBI] 6.03475e-05
myasthenic syndrome, congenital, associated with episodic apnea [NCBI] 5.9343e-05
papillorenal syndrome [NCBI] 5.83982e-05
SCCMS [NCBI] 5.83982e-05
CSNB1A [NCBI] 5.36741e-05
EVR1 [NCBI] 5.23684e-05
gaucher disease, type iii [NCBI] 4.95121e-05
MG [NCBI] 4.76912e-05
DA2A [NCBI] 4.75515e-05
apert syndrome [NCBI] 4.66565e-05
FIH [NCBI] 4.66565e-05
AN2 [NCBI] 4.15234e-05
CSA [NCBI] 4.09124e-05
sotos syndrome [NCBI] 4.00394e-05
WS1 [NCBI] 3.86876e-05
RSTS [NCBI] 3.84311e-05
VRNI [NCBI] 3.67431e-05
OCP [NCBI] 3.54434e-05
NS1 [NCBI] 3.12957e-05
KSS [NCBI] 2.45563e-05
HPS [NCBI] 2.44596e-05
BCNS [NCBI] 2.29152e-05
DGS [NCBI] 2.20041e-05
WBS [NCBI] 2.0711e-05
SLOS [NCBI] 1.92121e-05
ALD [NCBI] 1.04676e-05

Database Center for Life Science